Kateryna Manual QA Engineer

Manual QA / Tester


- Bug’s life cycle, roles and activities in the project team, positive/negative tests, smoke-testing, GUI, cross-browser (Internet Explorer; Mozilla Firefox; Safari; Opera; Google Chrome; Edge; Yandex Browser), compatibility, black-box, grey-box, functional, non-functional, regression testing. Experience in manual mobile application testing on IOS and Android operating systems.
- UI automation testing using SeleniumIDE.
- Performance testing (load and stress) using JMeter.
- Creation of test plans, test cases, test suite, checklists, bug reports.
- Knowledge of Test Design technics.
- Understanding of SDLC, methodologies and the difference between types of testing.
- English Intermediate.
- Available Full-time.
- Ready to start next week.
- No scheduled vacations within the next 3 months.


QA Engineer, Management Reporting System

September 2019 – present

Description: System for capturing the sorts of data needed to run the business.Web application provides solutions for people to create and gather various reports. This application is also responsible for the distribution of reports to the stakeholders.


  • Testing web-based and desktop applications;
  • Test planning
  • Writing test documentation: test cases, bug reports, check lists;
  • Perform testing: GUI testing, smoke testing, functional and non-functional testing.
  • Load testing using jMeter.
  • Analysis of test results.
  • Run autotests in Jenkins.

Programming languages, tools and technologies: Jira; MS SQL; jMeter; Jenkins; Postman.

QA Engineer, Automated Information System for Monitoring and Management of the Construction Industry.

May 2019 – August 2019

Description:  A system designed to form a single information resource on the state of the construction industry and to automate control and supervision activities. The users of the system are employees of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, the State Construction Supervision Inspectorate, and local authorities.


  • Testing web-based and desktop applications;
  • Test planning;
  • Writing test documentation: test cases, bug reports, check lists;
  • Perform testing: GUI testing, smoke testing, functional and non-functional testing.
  • Analysis of test results.

Programming languages, tools and technologies: Jira; MS SQL.

QA Engineer, Free-floating Car Sharing.

March 2019 – May 2019

Description: Mobile application for free-floating car sharing provides the opportunity for people to book cars in their local area using mobile phone without the need to visit a car hire station.


  • Design and update the test documentation (test cases, bug reports, check lists);
  • Perform testing: GUI testing, smoke testing, functional testing;
  • Providing mobile application testing;
  • Checking for design mismatches on IOS/Android.

Programming languages, tools and technologies: Jira; SQL; MS Office; Pixel Ruler; Chrome Developer Tools; Postman.

QA Engineer, Calories Control.

February 2019 – April 2019

Description: Calories Controlis a caloriecounting app.System allows you to monitor progress in nutrition, plan meals, save workouts.


  • Testing web-based and mobile application testing;
  • Design and update the test documentation (test cases, bug reports, check lists);
  • Perform testing: GUI testing, smoke testing, functional and non-functional testing.

Programming languages, tools and technologies: Jira; TestLink.

QA Engineer, Hotel Rent System.

November 2018 – February 2019

Description: Software application used to securely online hotels reservations.System allows to get information about available hotels using mobile devices or web application.


  • Writing test documentation: test cases, bug reports, checklists;
  • Perform test planning;
  • Regression, Functional, Smoke manual testing;
  • Interacting with customers (via video calls and messaging);
  • Checking for design mismatches using Zeplin.

Programming languages, tools and technologies: TFS; SQL; MS Office; Postman; Google Sheets; Chrome Developer Tool.

QA Engineer, BDLS.

July 2017– February 2018

Description: BD LOGISTICS SOLUTIONS –is a software application which main objective is to assign resources to jobs and to dispatch system.


  • Functional and regression web-based testing;
  • Mobile application testing;
  • Design and update the test documentation (test cases, bug reports);
  • Analyze errors in the system logs.

Programming languages, tools and technologies: Redmine; TestRail.

QA Engineer CRM.

December 2016 – July 2017

Description: Sales and customer management system which includes programs for collecting customer data, managing transactions, monitoring managers, analytics and forecasting.


  • Testing web-based and desktop applications;
  • Writing test documentation (test plan, test cases, bug reports);
  • Test planning;
  • Interacting with customers (via video calls and messaging);
  • Analysis of test results.

QA Engineer, Bendigo.

April 2016 – December 2016

Description: This web application intended for systematization of information about current and new students of colleges. It contains dynamic questionnaire for students and their parents which allows choosing study subjects for a semester. There is the opportunity to print reports and send the invitation letters.


  • Testing web-based application: smoke, GUI, cross-browser, black-box, manual functional and regression testing.
  • Performance (load/stress) testing of web-based application using jMeter.
  • Writing test documentation.
  • Performing mobile application testing on IOS and Android device.

Programming languages, tools and technologies: MS SQL; TestRail; TFS;  HTML and CSS.


O.M. V. N. Karazin National University, Faculty of Computer Science.

2012 – 2016

Diploma: Bachelor’s degree.

O.M. V. N. Karazin National University, Faculty of Computer Science

2016 – 2018

Diploma: Master’s degree.