Kaiser M JavaScript (Angular) Engineer

Full Stack Web


• 4 years of experience
• JavaScript, Typescript, C#
• Fluent English


Project 1

February 2021 - present


Application for virtual events.


Front-End Developer

Main project tasks:

  • Managed the part related to the management of the tickets and registration creation, adding possible speakers to the events, permissions of what users can see or interact with.

Project team size:

6 people


Javascript, Angular, Node.js



July 2020 - April 2021


Company based in Peru with 10+ years of experience in B2B financial operations.


Full-Stack Developer

Main project tasks:

  • Reduced the amount of bugs by 80% in the application by implementing TDD and DRY methodology, which in turn made the development of new functionality faster.
  • Lead the front-end development of a system that connects banks and companies in order to finance their debts more easily. 
  • Increased the company’s revenue by 30% by developing an application from architectural planning to production. 
  • Developed both the back end and front end
  • Code review

Project team size:

6 people


Javascript, Angular, MongoDB, Node.js


UniApp 1

June 2018 -  July 2020


This platform allows its customers to create a flow of a chatbot, intents and discuss them.


Full-Stack Developer

Main project tasks:

  • Migrated a batch to azure functions allowing a Colombian university to keep the daily information of their thousands of students up to date.
  • Reduced by 60% the time needed to hire new employees by developing an application that automatically handles existing and new legal contracts.
  • Increased by 20% the company’s revenue by creating an authorization application that allowed management of user roles on multiple internal and external projects
  • Developed the main functionality

Project team size:

6 people


Javascript, C#, Azure Cloud Services, Azure Storage, Angular 



June 2018 -  July 2020


Applications for a Colombian University called EAFIT: an internal application for personal management. Managed the process for the university professors to apply for government research funds, from the creation of the necessary documents to the review and approval/rejection of the process.


Full-Stack Developer

Main project tasks:

  • Developed the main functionality
  • Code review
  • Refactoring

Project team size:

6 people


Javascript, C#, Azure Cloud Services, Azure Storage, Angular 


Project 2

December 2017 -  May 2018


Startup with a web application to evaluate ROI on clients marketing investing.


Front-End Developer

Main project tasks:

  • Implemented graphic filtering of different data sets by use of chart js allowing users to obtain easier to read the analysis of their marketing strategy and increasing their ROI.
  • Reduced the number of bugs in code by half by establishing coding standards which made the application more stable.
  • Greatly improved UX for most clients by adding responsiveness to the application.

Project team size:

7 people


Javascript, Angular, MongoDB



Universidad Metropolitana
Caracas Venezuela
Systems Engineering, 2021