Alexandr A Golang / Ruby on Rails developer

Back-End Web


-10+ years of experience in the IT industry as a Golang / Ruby on Rails developer
- 4 years of a Golang professional experience
- Upper-Intermediate English
- Available ASAP

Worked with high loaded applications. Built customizable web applications. Built REST api's - good backend background in ruby on rails utilizing most of the popular gems.Iintegration with third party services.Worked with most frontend frameworks such as Bootstrap, Zurb, worked with multiple databases like (Relationals) MySql, Postgresql, (Document Oriented) MongoDB. Used Agile methodologies.


Xiatech(Life style sports)

August 2021 – March 2022
Description: Integration with internal third party services for LSS ecosystem
Technologies: Golang, AWS lambda, Couchbase, BQ, git, github, jira
Role: Back-end developer
Responsibilities: Developing and maintaining backend based on serverless arhitecture, writing
unit tests for old legacy code


September 2019 – August 2021
Description: Betting platform based on microservices architecture
Technologies: Golang, MongoDB, Postgresql, kafka, docker, grafana, git, github, jira
Role: Back-end developer
Responsibilities: Developing and maintaining backend of different microservices used in the
project, assisinting frontend developers to integrate the backend api, planning and discussing
architecture of the project components

Online identity project ( - Freelance, Ruby on Rails / Golang developer
May 2019 - August 2019
Description: Working on a online identity project, which verify your identity by submitting your id
Technologies: Ruby on Rails 5.1.4, stripe, mangopay, RubyMine, Terminal, Postgresql, Git, Gitlab, Jira
Role: Back-end developer
Responsibilities: Development and maintaining of backend and frontend, integration with
third party services, setup deployment scripts

Analytics project -  AaHa inc, Go(golang) developer
March 2018 - April 2019
Description: Project based on micro services architecture which collects analytics form high
loaded web sites and allow users to create reports based on this data
Technologies: Golang, Elasticsearch, Redis, Kafka, Goland, Terminal, MongoDB, Git, Gitlab, Docker
Role: Back-end developer
Responsibilities: Developing server side, writing documentation and tests, assisting frontend
devs on integration

API for virtual reality project - Freelance, Ruby on Rails developer
July 2017 - March 2018
Description: Developing api for a project which has the goal to allow users to have conversations, share experiences, navigate through city, enter buildings and other things related to this behavior.
Technologies: Ruby 2.3.1, Ruby on Rails 5.1.4, google geokit, RubyMine, Terminal, Postgresql, Git, Teamwork
Role: Back-end developer
Responsibilities: Developing server side (take care of setup project, database structure, ruby on
rails project structure, deployment scripts, documentation for api, meetings with pm and
frontend team to define requirements for api structure and responses format)

ERP app for internal use in home decoration company
July 2017 - March 2018
Description: The goal of the project was to create an ERP app to automate the business of the home decoration company, including creating orders, assigning them to employes, creating templates for different decorations and a lot of other related things
Technologies: Ruby 2.3.1, Ruby on Rails 5.1.4, Bootstrap, JQuery, CoffeeScript, RubyMine, Terminal, Postgresql, Git, Asana
Role: full stack developer
Responsibilities: Developing server side (developing new features, improvements for old features), developing client side based on custom bootstrap theme


November 2016 - June 2017: 7 Hills Development, Ruby on Rails developer

Internal services for US based telephone company
November 2016 - June 2017
Description: Developing internal services based on microservices architecture which are
integrated with other internal api’s
Technologies: Ruby 2.2.0, Ruby on Rails 5.0.1, freeswitch, Bootstrap, JQuery, CoffeeScript, RubyMine, Terminal, Mysql, Git, TFS
Role: full stack developer
Responsibilities: Developing server side Integrating with third party tools, writing unit and
integration tests, developing client side

October 2013 - November 2016: SfAppWorks, Ruby on Rails

Sportme mobile app
October 2013 - November 2016
Description: Ios app which provides a training plan for people who are preparing for running
races like marathon, half marathon, etc.
Technologies: Ruby 2.2.0, Ruby on Rails 4.2.1, mongoid, SublimeText2, RubyMine, Terminal, MongoDB, Git, Pivotal Tracker, Bitbucket
Role: backend developer
Responsibilities: Developing server side (api) Integration with IOS app, working with QA team,
translation code from php to ruby

Description: analytics app Analytic app for a project called LifeReimagined, the scope of the
main project was to help retired people to find new activities in form of quest. The analytic app aggregates the data about users, their progress on quests and other stuff from the main app
Technologies: Ruby 2.0.0, Ruby on Rails 3.2.14, JQuery, HTML, SublimeText2, Terminal, MongoDB, Git, JIRA, Bitbucket
Role: backend developer
Responsibilities: Developing server side Migration of some PHP code to Ruby, integration with
client side, fixes and developing new features Integrating third party services like crunchbase

Description: Redesign for TOA website, most of the backend code stays the same, just
some small changes which are required by new frontend
Technologies: Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby on Rails 3.2.14, JQuery, SublimeText2, Terminal, MongoDB, Git, Trello, Bitbucket
Role: backend developer
Responsibilities: Developing server side Integration with client side, fixes and developing new

Tech center (
Description: Developed a full customizable web site(some sort of advanced cms) and a
booking system which allow users to book rooms in company buildings, export and import
data from third party services like salesforce and angelist
Technologies: Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby on Rails 3.2.14, Zurb Foundation, JQuery, CoffeeScript, CKeditor, Nokigiri, capistrano, paperclip, twitter, salesforce, angelist, SublimeText2, Terminal, Mysql, Git, Salesforce, Pivotal Tracker
Role: backend developer
Responsibilities: Developing server side Integration with client side

February 2013 - September 2013: Arobs Transilvania Software, Ruby
on Rails developer

Warner Music (intern project)
April 2013 - September 2013
Description: The backend side was developed in java and provided to us via api, we consume api and did some angular frontend for internal users
Technologies: Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby on Rails 3.2.3, Twitter bootstrap, JQuery, AngularJs, REST, JSON, SublimeText2, Terminal, Git, JIRA
Role: backend developer
Responsibilities: Developing client side Integration with server side


PayPerSocial (
February 2013 - April 2013
Description: Scope of the project was to make advertising on FB and Twitter (before they provide this functionality on their own), only FB part was implemented before project was stopped
Technologies: Ruby 1.8.7, Ruby on Rails 3.0.9, Twitter bootstrap, JQuery, Koala, SublimeText2, Terminal, Git, PostgreSql, facebook, TeamBox
Role: backend developer
Responsibilities: Developing server side, integration with facebook and twitter
October 2012 - January 2013
Description: Web app for real estate company, allows users to find apartments, houses and other buildings for rent or sale in Moscow region
Technologies: Ruby 1.9.3, Ruby on Rails 3.1, Twitter bootstrap, JQuery, SublimeText2, Terminal, Git, Mysql, Redmine
Role: full stack developer
Responsibilities: Fixes and new features (backend & frontend)

A5 (intern project for pharmacy chain)
October 2012 - January 2013
Description: Internal project for A5 pharmacy chain. Scope of the project was to automate all
of the pharmacy business, including sales, reports, cash machines integration, 1C integration.
Technologies: Ruby 1.9.2, Ruby on Rails 3.0.7, cash machine drivers, delayed_job, kaminari, airbrake, capistrano, SublimeText2, Terminal, Git, Mysql, Pivotal Tracker
Role: full stack developer
Responsibilities: Fixes and new features (backend & frontend), 1C integration