Stanislav Z. Senior Magento Engineer

Back-End Web, Adobe Commerce (ex Magento)


- Magento 2 backend developer with 4 years experience.
- Upper-intermediate English.
- Available ASAP.


  • E-commerce systems development
  • Informational sites development
  • Corporate portals development


Magento 2 based project for Business, Consulting Agency

Description: Magento 2 based project for Business Consulting Agency

  • Custom module development
  • Customizing and extending Magento 2 Products
  • Extending and integrating third-party modules
  • Integrating blog with custom functionality
    We used blog articles as part of product description
  • Integration third-party extensions

Technologies: PHP 7.3, jQuery, Knockout JS, MariaDB 10.3, Magento 2 EE

Magento 2 based project for Manufacturer of instrument monitoring sensors

Description: Magento 2 based project for Manufacturer of instrument monitoring sensors

  • Custom module development
    Module for SEO customization, module for customization catalog, module for blog customization and others
  • Customizing and extending Magento 2 Products
    Adding custom image labels for slider on catalog list, adding custom attributes
  • Extending and integrating third-party modules
    Extending Magefan Blog to add new post types, bind posts by href-langs, extending mageworks seo - needed custom sitemap
  • Integrating blog with custom functionality
    We used blog articles as storage for product documentation and product wiki.
  • Improving custom search extension
    Added elasticSearch from Smile and added new indexers andtemplates

Technologies: PHP 7.3, jQuery, Knockout JS, MariaDB 10.3, Magento 2 Commerce Cloud


Description: Magento 2 Extensions Marketplace

  • Managing payment gateway connection
  • Extending payment method module to match customer business requirements
  • Extending Magento Order Flow to match business requirements
    Added events to convertate sales model data to xml/pdf for father export, added custom collector for recounting custom product price on currency conversion, custom order statuses, added logic for choosing payment systems accounts depending from current customer quote conditions
  • Customizing and extending Magento Catalog Products
    Adding custom attributes, added sync with third-party catalog system, extended third-party custom options module
  • Customizing and extending Magento Customer
    Added logic for customer automatically creation on checkout, added last used currency save
  • Integrating third-party extensions for exporting sales documents
  • Migrating code base from M1 to M2
  • Migrating custom entities database from M1 to M2

Technologies: PHP 7.3 - 7.4, jQuery, Knockout JS, MariaDB 10.3, Magento 2 CE

Magento 2 Sales Coupon Marketplace

Description: Magento 2 Sales Coupon Marketplace

  • Theme development
  • Integration module using REST API
    Creation API for confirmation usage of coupons. Creation REST API for coupons for integration with mobile apps.
  • Customizing and extending Magento 2 native functionality, including Products, Order, Invoices
    Creation custom product type for easier designs configuration, pricing. Adding Order statuses, splitting orders for every product in cart. Adding extension attributes to products/quote items/order items.
  • Implementing custom order processing flow
  • Custom module development
    Module for custom payment for crypto currency, module for coupons product, module for splitting orders and others.
  • Managing payment gateway connection, extending payment method module to match customer business requirements
  • Adding crypto currency as main currency

Technologies: PHP 7.1- 7.2, jQuery, Knockout JS, MariaDB 10.2, Magento 2.2.6 CE

Magento 2 based project for Plumbing, Marketplace B2B

Description: Magento 2 based project for Plumbing Marketplace B2B

  • Support and bugfixes on different parts of magento.
    Added events to convert sales model data to xml/pdf for father export, added event to send data for order in third party integrations, small fixes on frontend.
  • Integrating third-party extensions for exporting sales documents.

Technologies: PHP 7.3, jQuery, Knockout JS, MariaDB 10.3, Magento 2 CE, OrderGroove

Magento 2 based project for Сosmetics, Marketplace

Description: Magento 2 based project for Сosmetics Marketplace

  • Improving integration for third party subscription service.
    Added new data to payloads, added new entities in magento side.
  • Creating new logic for order cancelation flow
    Added cart price rule based on customer choices while cancelation.
  • Work on site analytics and integrations with marketing platforms
    Expanding GTM payloads for setting more info about customer and order. Worked on integration for marketing platform to share analytics data with platform. Worked on events for different customer actions and mailing.
  • Support and bugfixes
  • Worked on module for local delivery service

Technologies: PHP 7.4, jQuery, Knockout JS, MariaDB 10.3, Magento 2 CE & Magento 2 EE


Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University (Specialist's degree in chemistry)
2008 - 2013