Atilla B. Senior Data Scientist

AI and Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Visualization


- 6 years of experience
- Senior Data Scientist with specialization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision
- Advanced English.


Lead Data Scientist

Jul 2022 - Present

Diabetic Retinopathy

Description: Medical project for classification and segmentation the fundus images for
diabetic retinopathy signs.

  • Initialized AWS Sagemaker infrastructure for continuous training pipeline of classification neural network;
  • Reduced data preprocessing step time from 10 minutes to 4;
  • Deployed custom JupyterLab server on the machine with datasets, that speed up access to the data twice and ease the process of data transformation with remote jupyter notebooks;
  • Implemented image classification pipeline that employs EfficientNet architecture.
  • Developed fully automated labeling infrastructure to manage image segmentation tasks for a team of 5 data annotators;
  • Introduced image segmentation data-encoding method that reduced 60% of data transferring across API.

Technologies: AWS (Sagemaker, EC2), Tensorflow, OpenCV, Pandas, JupyterLab, Docker, Postman

Optical drone navigation

Description: At this stage the main task of the project is to create a solution, which will perform autonomous navigation of UAVs, using CV. This complex project consists of visual navigation, object detection, identification, tracking and UAV steering tasks.

  • Research and analysis of different deep learning based techniques for the task of Single Object Tracking (SOT/VOT).
  • Development of object tracking module based on solutions with neural networks;
  • Development of object detection and identification modules;
  • Creation and implementation of UAV steering algorithms.

Technologies: Python, PyTorch, Tensorflow, OpenCV, OpenMMLab, Docker

Spermatozoa tracking


  • Writing commercial proposal;
  • Doing preliminary research on what is possible to do and approximate methods.

Technologies: Python; Scikit-learn; OpenCV; Scikit-image; TensorFlow; AWS (Sagemaker, EC2, S3, Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, RDS, EKS); methods: morphological operations, image binarization, classification, neural networks.

Hacking the Human Body

Description: Train a segmentation model on tissue samples obtained with certain methodology which would perform well on tissue samples obtained with a different methodology

  • Researching existing methods;
  • training a neural networks for the task.

Technologies: Python; PyTorch; TensorFlow; AWS (Sagemaker, EC2, S3, Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, RDS, EKS); methods: neural networks (transformers, unet).

Room Flooring Design

Description: Develop a system which would replace the floor in an image with a given floor

  • Design the pipeline of the system;
  • develop a floor detection neural network;
  • set the tasks and supervise the main team working on the project.

Technologies: AWS; Python; PyTorch; OpenCV; AWS (Sagemaker, EC2, S3, Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, RDS, EKS); methods: projective transformation, neural networks.

Market state detection

Description: Based on historical prices of an asset (crypto or forex) determine the current general market state

  • Design definition of market states;
  • design algorithms for market state detection;
  • deploy the system to work with live streams of data.

Technologies: SQL; Python; Numpy; Plotly, binance; Psycopg2; Scikit-learn; AWS (Sagemaker, EC2, S3, Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, RDS, EKS); methods: linear regression.

Machine Learning Researcher

Jun 2019 - Jun 2022

  • Researching and implementing computer vision techniques for eye-tracking, emotion recognition and attention measuring;
  • implementing various statistical tests.

Technologies: Python; OpenCV; SQL; TensorFlow; PyMC3.

Machine Learning Engineer

June 2021 - June 2022

  • Designing and implementing statistical testing for Reaction Time Testing;
  • designing and implementing MaxDiff Analysis;
  • improving a webcam based eye-tracking system;
  • processing of eye-tracking results (smoothing, denoising, fixation and saccade detection).

Technologies: Python; OpenCV; SQL; TensorFlow; pymc3.

Machine Learning Engineer

June 2019 - June 2021

  • Adapting eye-tracking system for mobile devices
  • Developing an Emotion Detection system;
  • developing an Attention Measuring system;
  • data filtering of emotion and attention results (smoothing, outlier detection).

Technologies: Python; OpenCV; SQL; TensorFlow;

Research at Ulm University

March 2018 - November 2019

  •  Implementing Heath–Jarrow–Morton framework for simulating/predicting interest rate curves;
  •  implementing mortality rate prediction in an AM/EM setup.

Technologies: R; Monte Carlo simulations; Stochastic Processes; Statistics.

Lecturer at University

Sep 2020 - Present

  • Teaching Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision.


Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Ph.D., Machine Learning, Mathematics Ulm University, Master's degree in Actuarial Science


  • Deep Learning Specialization - Coursera
  • Machine Learning - Coursera
  • Finding structure in data - Coursera
  • Training on labeled data - Coursera
  • Math and Python for Data Analysis - Coursera
  • Introduction to Deep Learning (with Honors) - Coursera
  • TensorFlow in Practice Specialization - Coursera
  • AI for Medicine Specialization - Coursera