Andrew Senior Python Engineer

Full Stack Web (6.0 yr.), Back-End Web (6.0 yr.)


Highly experienced Software Engineer with a solid background in Computer Science and Software Engineering, boasting 6 years in the field with a focus on the Fin-tech, Healthcare, and Agriculture domains. Demonstrates proven expertise with key technologies, including Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and has a strong grasp on both frontend and backend development (React, Django, FastAPI). Accomplished in cloud services Azure and GCP, with a track record of optimizing performance (e.g., AWS RDS tuning resulted in a 20% response time improvement). Mastery in DevOps practices, evidenced by efficient Kubernetes deployments that enhanced speed and reliability by 10%. Hands-on experience with several databases and has successfully integrated and migrated large codebases to TypeScript, reducing runtime errors by 30%. This advanced skill set places the candidate in a prime position to tackle complex software engineering challenges and contribute effectively to a tech team.

Work Experience

Software Engineer, BANK APPLICATION

Duration: 10.2021 - till now
Summary: Integration with VISA API for a BANK APPLICATION, enabling actions with card transactions and cash back features.
Responsibilities: Design microservices architecture and database; Full-stack development; TypeScript codebase integration; SSR environment setup with Next.js; Dynamic React component implementation; Asynchronous task handling with Celery; API performance optimization; AWS RDS replication and sharding; S3 statistics storage; AWS Lambda for DynamoDB stream processing; AWS Lambda triggers configuration; AWS EKS deployment automation; AWS Lambda for SNS notification processing; AWS Cognito events handling; Jenkins server setup; SQL performance analysis and optimization; mentoring; code reviews.
Technologies: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Django, Django Rest Framework, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, Pydantic, ElasticSearch, Celery, VISA API, React, React Testing Library, Redux, HTML/CSS, Material UI, Webpack, axios, Next.js, AWS (S3, SES, EKS, ECR, Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, SNS, SQS, Cognito, CloudWatch, IAM), Redis, Kafka, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Jenkins, Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes(k8s), GitLab, AWS CDK, Bash


Duration: 01.2020 - 09.2021
Summary: Backend development for a SMART HEALTHCARE SYSTEM (IoT) that provides patient monitoring and medical staff notifications, including a helping robot for patient transportation.
Responsibilities: Backend development; AWS S3 event configuration for SNS publishing; DynamoDB global multi-model NoSQL database management; AWS RDS relational database operations and scaling; RDS automatic backups and monitoring; IAM role definitions; RabbitMQ configuration for service communication; Database query optimization; Kubernetes on AWS EKS operation and scaling; Automated workflows with Gitlab CI/CD; Unit and integration tests writing.
Technologies: Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, FastAPI, AWS(S3, Lambda, API Gateway, CloudFormation, RDS, SES, EKS, ECR, IAM, DynamoDB, Cognito), SQLAlchemy, Alembic, Pydantic, RabbitMQ, Docker, Docker Compose, Celery, PostgreSQL, Redis, Gitlab, Gitlab CI/CD, Kubernetes(k8s), Bash


Duration: 01.2018 - 12.2019
Summary: Full-stack engineering for a SWINE FARM DATA ANALYTICS PLATFORM, a SaaS solution for data aggregation and insight visualization for pig farms.
Responsibilities: Database management; Full-stack development; Transitioning from Django admin to React; Render optimization; REST API implementation; Serverless application part development with Google Cloud Functions; Google Cloud Storage for document management and image storing; Notification service with GCP Pub/Sub; CI/CD monitoring and troubleshooting assistance; Unit tests writing.
Technologies: Python, Javascript, Typescript, Django, Django Rest Framework, Django Templates, Flask, Flask-RESTPlus, React, Redux, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, axios, Webpack, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, Marshmallow, GCP(BigTable, Cloud SQL, Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions, Compute Engine, Pub/Sub), Kafka, PostgreSQL, Pytest, Docker, Docker Compose, Jenkins, Bitbucket, Bash


  • Computer Science and Software Engineering