Elnur Mammadov DevOps Engineer
DevOps (4.0 yr.), Blockchain and Cryptography (4.0 yr.), Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) (4.0 yr.)
Accomplished DevOps Engineer with a strong foundation in both the energy and technology sectors, bringing over a decade of engineering experience. Exceptional proficiency in Amazon AWS Services, containerization, and orchestration with certifications such as AWS Solution Architect, Certified Kubernetes Administrator, and HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate. Demonstrated capability in creating robust DevOps solutions, notably with Terraform, and managing CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins and Bitbucket. Proven track record with a MSc in Advanced Mechanical Engineering and significant achievements in creating testing environments, implementing SSO solutions, and leading complex projects in the DeFi space.
Work Experience
Senior DevOps Engineer, New Testing Environment
Duration: 2021 - PresentSummary: Developed a new testing environment that allows customer testing by mirroring the production environment through infrastructure as code.
Responsibilities: Created new VPC with subnets, orchestrated Docker image composition and uploads to ECR repos, configured ECS cluster with task definitions, set up custom MongoDB database, implemented Autoscaling groups and network/application load balancers, established blue & green target groups with necessary IAM permissions, managed S3 buckets, and implemented SQS queues.
Technologies: Terraform, Docker, ECR, ECS, MongoDB, IAM, S3, SQS, Autoscaling, Load Balancers
Senior DevOps Engineer, Apache Airflow (MWAA) with AWS Cognito login
Duration: 2021 - PresentSummary: Enabled AWS MWAA Environment for Apache Airflow to support Cognito login by developing a serverless infrastructure and client access management.
Responsibilities: Created MWAA Environment using Terraform, implemented Lambda functions for periodic CodeArtifact token updates and client access management via roles, and facilitated SSO login process.
Technologies: AWS MWAA, AWS Cognito, Terraform, Lambda, SSO, CodeArtifact
Senior DevOps Engineer, S3 browser app with Cognito/SSO login
Duration: 2021 - PresentSummary: Developed a user-friendly S3 browser application integrated with Cognito/SSO login, improving customer interaction with S3 buckets for data read/write operations.
Responsibilities: Designed a Javascript-based application using AWS Amplify for customer S3 access with SSO authentication, set up Lambda function to manage python wheel package uploads and updates to CodeArtifact and MWAA environment.
Technologies: Javascript, AWS Amplify, Cognito, SSO, S3, Lambda, CodeArtifact
Senior DevOps Engineer, New Azure AD and Cognito Federation
Duration: 2021 - PresentSummary: Implemented new Azure AD and Cognito Federation setup to facilitate SSO for customer access to existing applications.
Responsibilities: Coordinated with customer for SSO setup using their metadata, created SAML IdP, app clients, and established role-based access with Cognito groups.
Technologies: Azure AD, AWS Cognito, SAML, SSO
Senior DevOps Engineer, Certificate Management
Duration: 2021 - PresentSummary: Handled certificate management tasks ensuring secure and trusted connections between users and services.
Responsibilities: Created certificates in AWS ACM and with OpenSSL, managed certificate renewals, updated expired certificates, and maintained certificate fingerprints. Transitioned hard-coded certificates from application code to AWS Secrets Manager.
Technologies: AWS ACM, OpenSSL, Secrets Manager
Senior DevOps Engineer, Jupyterhub cluster on Kubernetes
Duration: 2021 - PresentSummary: Deployed a Jupyterhub cluster on Kubernetes enabling role-based access for custom Docker images.
Responsibilities: Utilised Helm charts for Jupyterhub cluster creation, customized Jupyterhub for launching specific Docker images, and configured role-based access controls.
Technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, EKS
Senior DevOps Engineer, AWS SES email
Duration: 2021 - PresentSummary: Set up AWS SES for sending emails from custom domains adhering to email security standards.
Responsibilities: Established SES identities supporting custom domains using SPF and DKIM email authentication techniques.
Technologies: AWS SES, SPF, DKIM
Senior DevOps Engineer, Jenkins and Bitbucket Pipelines
Duration: 2021 - PresentSummary: Managed Jenkins and Bitbucket pipelines for automated building, testing, and deploying of multiple Python and NodeJs applications.
Responsibilities: Created and managed the CI/CD pipelines, wrote Shell and Python scripts for automation, and assisted in maintenance and troubleshooting. Provided coaching to other team members.
Technologies: Jenkins, Bitbucket Pipelines, Python, NodeJs, Shell Script
DevOps Engineer (co-founder), Infrastructure Provisioning and Maintenance
Duration: 2021 - PresentSummary: Provisioned and maintained highly available IT infrastructure for a Layer 1 decentralized finance platform, successfully attracting over $3M in stakes.
Responsibilities: Deployed and secured a staking node using Docker in AWS, set up monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana, orchestrated alert management with PagerDuty, and developed a WordPress website using AWS services.
Technologies: Docker, AWS, Prometheus, Grafana, PagerDuty, WordPress, Route53, Cloudfront
DevOps Engineer, Java-based App CI/CD Pipeline
Duration: 2020 - 2021Summary: Built a complete CI/CD pipeline for a Java-based microservice application, ensuring automated testing and deployment.
Responsibilities: Configured Jenkins server on AWS for pipeline creation, built Docker images and managed them with ECR, utilized Docker Compose and Kubernetes YAML files, and executed deployment to a web server.
Technologies: Java, Maven, Jenkins, ECR, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Route53
DevOps Engineer, Phonebook Microservices Web App
Duration: 2020 - 2021Summary: Developed a phonebook microservices web app integrating a MySQL database with a CI/CD pipeline for automated deployment.
Responsibilities: Orchestrated Jenkins deployment using Docker Swarm on EC2, built Ansible playbooks for configuring Swarm workers, and managed the interaction between frontend, backend, and database services.
Technologies: MySQL, Docker, Jenkins, Ansible, EC2, ECR
DevOps Engineer (part-time), EKS Cluster Provisioning
Duration: 02/2020 - 05/2020Summary: Provisioned an EKS cluster using Terraform to facilitate the use of Helm for application management within Kubernetes.
Responsibilities: Installed Nginx ingress and Cluster autoscaler with Helm, configured deployments and services within the cluster.
Technologies: AWS, Terraform, EKS, Helm, Nginx
- MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
2010 - 2011 - BSc Naval Architecture
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
2002 - 2006
- AWS Certified Solution Architect
Not Provided - Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
ID: LF-243q6o7988
Not Provided - HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate
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