Yaroslav R. Unity 3D Developer



Middle Unity 3D Developer


Configurator for creating garage-type models

Unity 3D Developer
Jul 2021 - Present

Responsibilities / Accomplishments:
● writing logic for the generation of garage elements (walls, roof);
● integration with the backend and implementation of different flows for different environments;
● implementation of new features;
● interface layout;
● participant in featured solution meetings.

● C#, .Net;
● Unity;
● IDE - Visual Studio, Rider, Monodevelop;
● Ubuntu, Windows;
● Git;
● Figma.


Simulator for educational laparoscopic simulations
Unity 3D Developer
Oct 2020 - Jun 2021

Responsibilities / Accomplishments:
● fixes of the interaction of surgery tools with soft bodies;
● implementation of feedback from the simulator to the hardware device;
● setting up the interaction of a third-party device in Unity.

● C#, .Net;

● Unity;
● IDE - Visual Studio, Rider, Monodevelop;
● Ubuntu, Windows;
● Git;
● Figma.


The Virtual Fitting Room
Unity 3D Developer
Nov 2019 - Sep 2020
Capable of generating 3D scans of many garment types and an app that uses the phone camera to generate full-body 3D scans and take the measurements.

Responsibilities / Accomplishments:
● soft bodies research;
● control object mesh form with custom Body Joints;
● soft Body interaction with different bodies.

● C#, .Net;
● Unity;
● IDE - Visual Studio, Rider, Monodevelop;
● Ubuntu, Windows;
● Git;
● Figma.



Vinnytsia National Technical University / Bachelor’s Degree



The Ultimate Design Patterns: Creational Design Patterns - Code With Mosh
The Ultimate Design Patterns: Structural Design Patterns - Code With Mosh
The Ultimate Design Patterns: Behavioral Design Patterns - Code With Mosh
C# Intermediate: Classes, Interfaces and OOP - Udemy