Andriy L. Senior Ruby on Rails Software Engineer

Back-End Web


- 7+ years of experience as a software developer.
- Has experience working on 3 long-term projects with Ruby on Rails for over 3.5 years. In addition, started a career as a PHP developer and worked on 4 long-term and many short-term projects.
- Has experience communicating with different teams and taking part in planning, feature creation, refactoring, testing, and deployment.
- Upper-Intermediate English
- Available ASAP

Senior Ruby on Rail Engineer, The CRM for employees' workflow management

06.2021 - 07.2022

Description: The startup allows managing data about employees of the international company including positions, personal information, and schedules. There is a calculation system for weekends, vacations, sick leaves, and day-offs. The project also provides the ability to make reports. Besides, it calculates the working time of employees by data from their office cards.

Responsibilities: I was the sole Back-end developer, so I created the project from scratch and developed API. Besides, I worked with external API, server administration, and set up CI/CD. In addition, I added documentation using Swagger.

Project Team Size: 20

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Docker, Bitbucket, Facebook API, Google Calendar API, Git.



Senior Ruby on Rail Engineer, The cargo deliveries management system

08.2019 - 06.2021

Description: The huge system helps the drivers to find new clients for cargo delivery. It stores data about coordinates, drivers, cars, and clients. There are 6 different versions with features for various countries and many development servers for testing.

Responsibilities: The project consisted of a huge legacy, so most of my Responsibilities were about support. The biggest feature was about routes on Google maps. I worked with Google maps plugins and JavaScript, making changes to the Front-end part. Also, I was responsible for server administration and deployment.

Project Team Size: 20

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Docker, Bitbucket, Google API, Facebook API, Git, HTML, CSS.



Middle Ruby on Rail Engineer, The web service for tour agents

12.2018 – 08.2019

Description: The main idea of the service is to help tour agents to find tourists. Users can create a tender, then tour agents take a part in this tender and message the users.

Responsibilities: I was a solo developer who created this project from scratch. I made a SQL database structure and planned an architecture. Most of the Responsibilities were concentrated on developing API. Also, I worked with a design using HTML and CSS and created TDD unit tests using Rspec. I was involved in communication with management, clients, planning, estimations, and demos.

Project Team Size: 2

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, MySQL, JS\jQuery, HTML, CSS, Git, Rspec.



Senior PHP Engineer, PHP projects

07.2017 – 08.2018

The web application for searching for sports coaches

Description: The product allows to choose a suitable coach for different types of sports and sort by city, club, price, and other criteria.

Responsibilities: I participated in creating a new version of the project from the old one. That means planning database structure, creating a sorting engine, and developing an admin panel using Yii2.

Project Team Size: 3

Technologies: PHP, PostgreSQL, Laravel, Yii2, JavaScript, Solr, Docker, Sockets, Mosquitto, HTML, CSS, Git, Apidoc.



Senior PHP developer, The system for dropshipping

01.2016 – 07.2017

Description: The system allows managing data about selling gadgets, including clients, orders, delivery, calls, online marketing, and web statistics. Admins can control how an order moves through a system and check the stats.

Responsibilities: I developed a project using a previous version as a base, built a database and architecture, added new features, and worked with queue brokers such as Mosquitto and Redis MQ. Also, I took a part in code reviews and meets according to Scrum.

Project Team Size: 8

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, Angular, Laravel, Mosquitto, Sockets, Ci/CD, Gitlab.



Middle PHP Engineer, The CRM for online marketing of tickets

10.2014 – 01.2016

Description: The CRM manages data about tickets for events, allows to control orders, build stats and work with QR codes.

Responsibilities: I refactored a legacy and added new features, was responsible for server administration and worked with Sockets and remote API services. I participated in Scrum meetings.

Project Team Size: 5

Technologies: PHP, PostgreSQL, Angular, Laravel, Sockets, Ci/CD, Gitlab, Apache, Nginx.