Oleksandr T. Full-Stack Software Engineer (Java/Angular)

Back-End Web, Full Stack Web


- Full-Stack Developer with experience in various projects, including military weapon maintenance, truck analytics, app store launch, social benefits management, ISP monitoring, and router web interface.
- Over 6 years of experience and a solid background in object-oriented analysis and design, comprehensive knowledge of system development life cycle, physical and logical data modeling, performance tuning, and enterprise-level system development.
- Led a team responsible for data migration to the cloud, enabling server-to-cloud data synchronization and strengthening software security.
- Upper-Intermediate English


Senior Full-Stack Developer, Project Management Platform

September 2022 - Now

Description: AI-driven hub that automatically organizes files, documents, tasks, links, meetings, conversations, people, and many more. A single place where all the team's and personal information is automatically organized, synced, and interconnected.

Technologies and Tools: Kotlin, Java 8, Spring (Boot, Data), Angular 8, RESTful API, Hibernate, SQL, PostgreSQL, JUnit, Mockito, Docker, Kubernetes, Microservice architecture


Senior Full-Stack Developer, Smart Weapon Maintenance System

June 2022 - August 2022

Description: Compact military and law enforcement sensors deliver comprehensive weapon status reports through a dashboard. The advanced AI-driven algorithm built into the system gathers and analyzes complete weapon usage data in real time, providing immediate alerts to the fighter about their weapon state and ammunition consumption 

During the project, I led the team responsible for data migration from local servers to the cloud. Also, we created an app enabling server-to-cloud data synchronization that increased the number of operators who can use the system simultaneously and strengthened software security with data decentralization.

Team size: 10 Developers

Technologies and Tools: JavaScript, Angular 7, Java 8, Java 17, Spring Boot, RabbitMQ, MySQL


Senior Java Developer, Truck Analytic System

August 2021 - May 2022 

Description: The system is designed to connect, collect and process analytical data from more than 1 million vehicles. The project aims to provide competitive offers, shorten time-to-market and provide an arena for new service innovations. Our team was primarily responsible for new trucks’ integration into the current system. We also integrated different APIs from telecommunication providers, created a new internal UI, provided support, and much more.

Team size: 15 Developers

Technologies: Java 8, Influx, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Reactor, Maven, Docker, Sonarqube, AWS, OAuth, MongoDB, Liqbase, Kafka, Linux


Senior Full-Stack Developer, App Store Launch Platform

March 2020 - July 2021

Description: It is a platform that helps customers launch their own application store quickly. The user is given two ways to tackle it: the OpenChannel API or a fully hosted app store.

Team size: 12 Developers


  • support multi-tenancy for authentication
  • proxy requests from the client to Openchennel API, and inject authentication in it
  • allow customers to customize templates of market sites by simple settings

Technologies: Java 11, Typescript, Webflux, Spring Boot, Spring Security, RBAC, Reactor, Gradle, Docker, Sonarqube, AWS ELB, ELK, ECS, EC2, SNS, SQS, CloudWatch, oAuth, OIDC, Angular 9, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Redis, MongoDB, Linux


Senior Full-Stack Developer, Social Benefits Management System

February 2019 - January 2020

Description: This is a new cloud platform for the assignment, recalculation, and payout of such social benefits as pensions, allowances, etc. The software offers an intelligent, omnichannel user experience that allows us to meet evolving customer expectations.

Team size: 20 Developers

Technologies:  Java 14, JavaScript, Angular 7, Kafka, Spring Boot, Linux, oAuth, OIDC, Feign, Sonarqube, Ibm Mq, JAXB, Gradle, Docker, PostgreSQL, JUnit, Spring Data, Jenkins


Full-Stack Developer, ISP Monitoring Tool

December 2016 - February 2019

Description: Software and hardware system that supports a full range of technologies and measurement metrics integrated into a single system of all SLA parameters monitoring and enables the conflict settlement between providers and consumers of communications services based on modern approaches to service quality management.

Team size: 32 Developers

Technologies:  Java 7, Java 8, Servlet, JMS, Hbase, Jboss, JasperReports, ElasticSearch, RBAC, JSF (richFaces), Linux, Angular 2+, Angular Material, Gradle, JUnit, Jenkins, AWS ELB, ELK, ECS, EC2, SNS, SQS, CloudWatch


Full-Stack Developer, Router Web Interface

March 2017 - December 2017

Description: User-friendly solution for routing setup, user traffic, and Internet access management, as well as measuring quality characteristics of IP connections, network services, and information services.

Team size: 8 Developers

Technologies:  Java 7, Spring Boot, Servlet, HBase, PostgreSQL, Linux, Docker, Spring Data, Angular 2+, Angular Material