Hardik Thakkar Senior PHP Developer

Front-End Web, Front-End Web


- Proficient in PHP, with knowledge of PHP 7+ and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts.
- Experienced in the Laravel framework, with the ability to build scalable web applications, handle routing, and implement middleware.
- Familiar with the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and practical experience with Laravel's Eloquent ORM for database interaction.
- Skilled in working with Laravel's Blade templating engine to create reusable templates and layouts.
- Capable of designing and developing RESTful APIs using Laravel's built-in functionality or packages like Dingo API, Laravel Passport, or Laravel API Resources.
- Experienced in integrating Laravel applications with databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB.
- Knowledgeable in Composer, the PHP package manager used in Laravel projects, and able to manage dependencies and create custom packages.
- Proficient in deploying Laravel applications to production environments, including familiarity with server configurations, web servers, and deployment tools.
- Skilled in integrating third-party APIs into Laravel applications, such as payment gateways, social media APIs, or cloud service APIs.
- Experience with WebSocket, WebRTC, and Google APIs, specifically in the development of real-time web applications, audio calling, and video calling.
- Ability to work independently or as part of a team, with strong problem-solving skills and the ability to quickly learn and adapt to new technologies.

Work Experience

PHP Developer, FindPrices

Summary: FindPrices - our carefully sculpted algorithm orders the results in our shopping results so that we find you the most relevant result and give you an array of price choices so you can try to drill down on who is selling cheapest.
Responsibilities: PHP Developer
Technologies: PHP, MySql, React

PHP Developer, TrouveTonAlternance

  • TrouveTonAlternance
  • com aims to make the connection between candidates and recruiters more relevant thanks to our intelligent affinity matching algorithm
Responsibilities: PHP Developer
Technologies: PHP, MYSQL

PHP Developer, Prize Reactor

  • A free prize draw site with many prizes to choose from
  • You can enter competitions to win the latest gadgets, cash, gift cards & more
Responsibilities: PHP Developer
Technologies: PHP, MySql

PHP Developer, SafariBookings

  • SafariBookings is the largest online marketplace for African safari tours
  • Easily compare offers from top rated tour operators
Responsibilities: PHP Developer
Technologies: Laravel, MySQL