Ivan K. Android Software Engineer/Team Lead



- Android Software Engineer with 7 years of experience in native android development
- 3+ years of team-leading experience
- Upper-Intermediate English
- Available ASAP


Android developer/ Team Lead, Gaming platform

2020 - 2022

Project Description: The gaming platform that involves the user in the gameplay to get real prizes.



  • Support existing and implementing new features
  • Making architecture decisions
  • Developing a lot of custom view components
  • Code review

Project Team Size: 22 team members

Tools & Technologies: Kotlin, Android SDK, Koin, Architecture Components, Room, Google APIs, REST, Retrofit2, Glide, ViewBinding, In-app payments, custom view.


Mobile tech lead, Medical application

2021 - 2022

Project Description: Application for doctors to create medical referrals


  • Team/Tech leading

Project Team Size: 8 team members

Tools & Technologies: Kotlin, Android SDK, Koin, Architecture Components, Room, Google APIs, REST, Retrofit2, Glide, ViewBinding.


Mobile tech lead, Bile-Bile

2021 - 2022

Project Description: An application for conductors that allows you to scan tickets and make a decision to board or refuse to board a passenger.


  • Team/Tech leading

Project Team Size: 8 team members

Tools & Technologies: Kotlin, Android SDK, Koin, Architecture Components, Room, Google APIs, REST, Retrofit2, Glide, ViewBinding.


Android developer / Team Lead, Messaging application

2019 - 2021

Project Description: Messaging app with multiple side services integration


  • Support existing and implementing new features
  • Code review

Project Team Size: 5 team members

Tools & Technologies: Kotlin, Android SDK, Architecture Components, Room, Google APIs, REST, Retrofit2, Glide, Hilt, ViewBinding, In-app payments


Android developer / Team Lead, Social network/Dating App

2018 - 2019

Project Description: Full development cycle, 3rd party APIs accounts management


  • Full android developing cycle
  • Code review
  • Leading team of android developers

Project Team Size: 12-15 team members

Tools & Technologies: Kotlin, Android SDK, ORMLite, Google APIs, REST, Retrofit2, Glide, Dagger2, SocketIO, DataBinding, Stripe, In-app payments, File Templates for Android Studio, RxJava2, Navigation, Architecture Components.


Android developer, Social network application


Project Description: Social network with offline sync between devices optimized for slow connection and Android Go devices.

Project Team Size: 8 members

Tools & Technologies: Java, Kotlin, Android SDK, MVP, Room, Google APIs, REST, Retrofit2, Glide, Dagger2, LruCache, RxJava2, BT stack.


Android developer, Advanced workout timer


Project Description: Advanced workout timer with multiple templates support, downloadable templates, interface customization, nested loops support, social networks sharing, saving results, media player, etc.

Responsibilities: Full development cycle.

Project Team Size: 2 members

Tools & Technologies: Kotlin, Android SDK, MVVM, Room, Facebook API, Glide, Koin, RxJava2, Navigation, Architecture Components


Android developer, Messenger


Project Description: Messenger with translator integrated into chat + translation library

Responsibilities: Support existing and implement new features.

Project Team Size: 8 members

Tools & Technologies: Java, Android SDK, Realm, Google Maps, Retrofit2, Glide, In-app payments, OkHttp


Android developer, School science projects management application


Project Description: Management application for a school science project with the ability to upload media, making a review of the project and management system with different user roles.

Team Size: 2 members

Tools & Technologies: Java, Android SDK, Realm, Google Maps, Dropbox, GDrive, Retrofit, Picasso, OkHttp


Master’s Degree, ZNTU, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Computer Science