Sergey Software Engineer

Front-End Web (5.0 yr.)


Software Engineer with 5+ years of extensive experience in front-end development, offering a strong foundation in software engineering and programming principles across multiple platforms. Expertise in JavaScript and TypeScript with a complete command of Angular and related technologies like RxJS, NGRX, and Angular Material. Holds a track record of leading small teams and successfully managing full software development lifecycle for various projects. Demonstrated ability to optimize application performance, manage CI/CD pipelines, and integrate analytic tools to enhance user experience. Technical acumen accentuated by hands-on experience with industry-standard tools such as Git, Jira, and Azure DevOps. Known for excellent problem-solving skills and ability to handle complex development tasks, bringing value to any team through a diligent work ethic, collaborative approach, and forward-thinking mindset.

Work Experience

Front-end lead developer, Credit Rating Restoration Application

Duration: 05-2023 to 11-2023

  • Developed an application for improving users' credit ratings by analyzing credit history and suggesting actionable steps
  • Designed for the US market aiming to aid people in securing loans

Responsibilities: Developed the registration and authorization process, implemented automatic user verification and credit history retrieval, provided credit rating recovery reports, implemented a dashboard, set up notifications, configured CI/CD services, implemented Gitflow, and integrated analytic tools for user behavior tracking.
Technologies: Angular, RxJS, Angular Material, Billsby, Equifax, Everflow, Mixpanel, Segment, Porter

Front-end developer, Inventory Report Creator for Stores

Duration: 05-2022 to 05-2023
Summary: Built a web application for generating inventory reports for stores, with RFID data integration, performance optimization for big data, and theming customization for different brands.
Responsibilities: Re-architected the application for flexibility, led a small team, upgraded Angular, refactored code, optimized performance, integrated RFID data, implemented theming and branding, and worked on customer requirements.
Technologies: Angular, RxJS, Angular Material, Jira, NgRx, Chart.js, Ngx-Bootstrap

Front-end developer, Business-Customer Communication via Chat-bots

Duration: 09-2021 to 04-2022
Summary: Created a web application facilitating business-customer communication through customizable chat-bots in popular messengers with advanced user management and analytics.
Responsibilities: Designed architecture, managed a small team, created a responsive design, added management features, ensured secure chat operations, and implemented analytics tools.
Technologies: Angular, RxJS, Angular Material, Jira, Socket, Firebase

Front-end developer, Travel Planning Application

Duration: 04-2021 to 09-2021
Summary: Developed a travel planning application that allows for ticket search, route building, and trip planning with an integrated booking wizard and multi-language support.
Responsibilities: Developed front-end interfaces, integrated payment systems, enhanced performance, created adaptive designs, added animations, and executed comprehensive testing.
Technologies: Angular, RxJS, Angular Material, Storybook, Figma, Bootstrap, Google Maps, GraphQL

Front-end developer, Solar Panel Sales Application

Duration: 08-2020 to 04-2021
Summary: Built a web application for purchasing solar panels with features including cost calculation, virtual bill signing, and order management through an administrative panel.
Responsibilities: Developed a unified front-end, analyzed business logic, integrated payment system, developed features like cost calculator and step-by-step checkout, optimized application performance, and created administrative tools.
Technologies: Angular, RxJS, Angular Material, Bootstrap, FilePond, ngX Rocket, Figma, Chart.js

Front-end developer, release engineer, Job Search and Hiring Mobile Applications

Duration: 10-2019 to 07-2020
Summary: Developed cross-platform mobile applications for job searching and employee hiring with features like chat, document scanning, and recognizing, as well as timesheets for scheduling.
Responsibilities: Implemented login and chat features, built mobile applications, published apps in stores, optimized UX/UI, and worked on search and scheduling functionality.
Technologies: Angular, Ionic, Capacitor, Cordova, RxJS, NGRX, Auth0, Twilio, Branch IO, Microblink, Bitrise, Azure DevOps

Front-end developer, Bank Stress Testing Web Application

Duration: 12-2018 to 10-2019
Summary: Participated in the development of a web application for stress testing banks with features including user authorization, wizard for test creation, and report building and editing.
Responsibilities: Developed new functionality, maintained and optimized existing codebase, and worked with the backend for data transactions.
Technologies: Angular, RxJS, Angular Material, Bootstrap

Front-end developer, Auto House Sales Platform

Duration: 05-2018 to 11-2018
Summary: Contributed to the development of an online auto house sales platform, enabling automobile dealers to register and sell their vehicles with advanced filtering options.
Responsibilities: Focused on page layout, adaptability, code optimization, and backend data integration.
Technologies: Angular, RxJS, Bootstrap, SASS, Material