
NFT Marketplaces Developer with Mocha Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a NFT Marketplaces developer with Mocha with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Mocha used?

Java-Jitters' Delight: Test Brew with Mocha

  • Where scripts and sips collide, testers enlist Mocha to taste-test their code, ensuring it's as smooth as a barista's best espresso.

Debug Disco: Boogie Down with Bug Squashing

  • Party like it's 1999 lines of code—Mocha gets developers grooving through unit tests to catch pesky critters and code boogie-monsters.

Continuous Jam: Rocking the Integration Stage

  • On the continuous integration concert circuit, Mocha's the opening act, setting the stage for a seamless, rockstar deployment.

TDD Fiesta: Cha-Cha-Check with Assertive Rhythms

  • Don your sombrero, Mocha marries Test-Driven Development in a vibrant dance, leading steps with assertions that spin functionalities flawlessly.

Mocha Alternatives




Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. It works with projects using: Babel, TypeScript, Node, React, Angular, Vue, and more.


// Example using Jest to test a sum function
const sum = require('./sum');

test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
expect(sum(1, 2)).toBe(3);

  • Fast and safe parallel test execution


  • Snapshot testing


  • Built-in code coverage reports


  • Global setup/teardown can be complex


  • Limited browser testing abilities


  • Configuration can be complex for newcomers



Behavior-Driven JavaScript testing framework that doesn't rely on any other JavaScript frameworks. It doesn't require a DOM and has a clean, obvious syntax.


// Example using Jasmine to test a multiply function
describe('multiply by', function() {
it('multiplies by 2', function() {
var result = multiply(2, 3);

  • Rich matchers set


  • Runs on any JS-enabled platform


  • Asynchronous support is straightforward


  • Older and more verbose API


  • Manual mocking can be tedious


  • Can be slow for large test suites



Minimalistic test runner for Node.js with a concise API, detailed error output, and process isolation that makes tests run fast.


// AVA example testing an add function
import test from 'ava';
import add from './add';

test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', t => {, 2), 3);

  • Parallel test execution out of the box


  • Isolated environment for each test file


  • Concise and simple syntax


  • Doesn't support method spies natively


  • Smaller community


  • Minimalistic might mean feature lacking


Quick Facts about Mocha

The Inception of Mocha: A Test of Time


Back in the ancient era of 2011, when smartphones were still not smart enough to make coffee, a clever developer named TJ Holowaychuk decided to stir the JavaScript world. Mocha was born to take the pain out of testing, introducing a new level of flexibility and the famous BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) flavor. It quickly caffeinated the testing scene and became a staple for JavaScript developers.

Chai, Not Just a Tea When Paired with Mocha


Although Mocha sprouted up solo, it wasn't long before developers realized it's best served with a Chai. No, not the spiced milk tea variety – Chai is an assertion library that blends perfectly with Mocha, making the testing recipe even more delicious. This powerful duo has been energizing bug-squashing sessions since Chai's inception in 2011, making a developer's life a “chai”-ful experience.

The Ever-Evolving Mocha Latte


Like a fine wine or George Clooney, Mocha only gets better with age. Its versions have progressed, sprinkling new features and fixes with every release. From introducing the use of arrow functions in version 3.2.0 to the parallel test execution in v8.0.0, Mocha continues to evolve, maintaining its spot as the go-to choice for many devs needing a strong cup of test framework to wake up their code.

describe('Coffee', function() {
describe('#brew()', function() {
it('should brew coffee without milk', function() {
let coffee = new Coffee();
assert.equal(coffee.brew(), 'black');


What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Mocha developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior0-2 years$50,000 - $70,000

  • Fixing simple bugs in the Mocha test suite

  • Writing basic unit tests

  • Learning the codebase and testing frameworks

  • Assisting middle and senior developers with test preparation

Middle2-5 years$70,000 - $95,000

  • Independently writing complex unit and integration tests

  • Debugging and improving existing Mocha tests

  • Documenting test cases and ensuring code quality

  • Contributing to test strategy and methodology improvements

Senior5-8 years$95,000 - $120,000

  • Leading Mocha test suite design and architecture

  • Mentoring junior and middle developers on testing best practices

  • Optimizing test suite for performance and reliability

  • Working on continuous integration and deployment strategies

Expert/Team Lead8+ years$120,000 - $150,000+

  • Setting the direction for testing and quality assurance across multiple projects

  • Collaborating with stakeholders on test coverage and acceptance criteria

  • Supervising the test team and managing test schedules

  • Ensuring the alignment of test automation strategies with business objectives


Top 10 Mocha Related Tech

  1. JavaScript: The Caffeine in CoffeeScript

    Just like coffee needs caffeine, Mocha craves for JavaScript. This dynamic language is to Mocha what water is to a fish; utterly indispensable. After all, Mocha—a test framework for Node.js—delights in running through JavaScript landscapes, executing tests with the grace of an Olympic gymnast.


  1. Chai: Mocha's Best Bud

    Picture this: Mocha without Chai is like cookies minus the milk. Sure, they're okay on their own, but together? Magnifique! Chai is an assertion library that gives your test scripts the superpowers of expect, should, and assert, transforming your bland "Yep, that looks fine" into a sassy "That's exactly what I anticipated!".


  1. Node.js: Mocha's Playground

    In the grand theatre of server-side scripts, Node.js is the stage where Mocha gets to shine. It's like Mocha's own Disneyland, where it can unleash its potential, scribbling tests everywhere from backend applications to Christmas lists (oops, got carried away there!).


  1. Express.js: Mocha's Express Train to the Backend

    All aboard the express train to Backendville! Choo! Choo! Here comes Express.js, the minimalist web framework for Node.js that Mocha simply adores. With express, Mocha swiftly dispatches HTTP requests, ensuring the backend logic is tighter than a kangaroo's pouch.


  1. Sinon.js: The Great Pretender

    Enter Sinon.js, the crafty shapeshifter of the coding realm that's got Mocha's back. It spins up fake servers, mocks, and spies with the finesse of a master forger, enabling Mocha to believe it's testing with real dependencies when it's all smoke and mirrors!


  1. Istanbul.js: Mocha's Personal Insurance Agent

    While Istanbul.js doesn't sell life insurance, it offers something just as vital—code coverage. Imagine Mocha donning a detective hat, using Istanbul to snoop around your codebase, ensuring no line of code can escape its testing tentacles. It's the buddy that whispers, "I got you covered!"


  1. Cross-env: Mocha's Passport for Environment Variables

    This handly little package is like a passport for Mocha, letting it hop between development, testing, and production environments with the smoothness of a seasoned traveler, ensuring your tests are worldly-wise and environment agnostic.


  1. Nock: The Gatekeeper of the HTTP Realm

    Imagine trying to test HTTP requests and having no control over the responses; enter Nock, the zealous gatekeeper that grants Mocha the power to mock HTTP requests. With Nock in its arsenal, Mocha becomes the puppet-master of APIs in the test suites.


  1. Supertest: Mocha's Magic Wand for HTTP Assertions

    If Mocha had a magic wand to test HTTP services, it would be Supertest. It takes the drudgery of HTTP assertions and turns them into a fairy-tale-like dance of checks and balances, ensuring every endpoint lives happily ever after (or gets duly fixed).


  1. Webpack/Babel: Last but not least, the Dynamic Duo

    Once upon a time in a not-so-faraway dev land, JavaScript's limitations made Mocha frown. Then came Webpack and Babel, the dynamic duo that transmogrifies next-generation JS into something even Internet Explorer could stomach. These two ensure that Mocha’s test scripts are ready for any browser quest they might face!


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