
User Interface and Experience Designer (UI/UX) Developer with UI/UX Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a User Interface and Experience Designer (UI/UX) with UI/UX with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Trending User Interface and Experience Designer (UI/UX) tech & tools in 2024

Where is UI/UX used?

Swipe Right, Get Hired

  • Job hunting mimics dating apps! Innovative platforms now use swiping interfaces for job matches, making the quest for employment a bit like looking for love.

‘Grammin’ at the Grocery Store

  • Supermarkets get a facelift with apps that guide you through aisles like a GPS—you’ll never get lost on your quest for quinoa again!

Keepin’ It Real in Virtual Spaces

  • Real estate apps now offer 3D tours so lifelike you can almost smell the freshly baked virtual cookies in the kitchen of your potential new home.

Fitness Gamified

  • Escape zombies or conquer virtual mountains! Fitness apps now make you sweat in style, turning workouts into epic quests for glory (and calories burned).

UI/UX Alternatives

Voice User Interface (VUI)

VUI allows users to interact with systems through voice or speech commands. Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant are prime examples.

// Example: Alexa Skill Set Welcome Message
"welcomeMessage": "Welcome to our service, you can say hello!"

  • Hands-free operation enhances accessibility.

  • Can be more intuitive for non-technical users.

  • Natural language can streamline complex tasks.

  • May struggle with voice recognition accuracy.

  • Dependent on natural language processing technology.

  • Context understanding still underdeveloped.

Command Line Interface (CLI)

CLI is a text-based user interface that enables users to operate software by typing commands into a console or terminal.

// Example: List directory contents in CLI
$ ls

  • Highly efficient for experienced users.

  • Fewer system resources required than GUI.

  • Scripting automates repetitive tasks.

  • Steep learning curve for beginners.

  • Not visually intuitive; lacks graphical elements.

  • Errors can be costly if commands are mistyped.

Gesture-Based Interface

Enables interaction with devices through bodily motions. Used in VR, gaming (e.g., Nintendo Switch), and smart TVs.

// Pseudocode: Gesture recognition for a swipe right
if gesture == swipeRight:

  • Makes interaction more engaging and fun.

  • Allows for new types of input not possible with traditional interfaces.

  • Ideal for AR/VR and gaming environments.

  • Requires specific hardware or sensors.

  • May not be precise for detailed tasks.

  • User fatigue with extensive use.

Quick Facts about UI/UX

The Inception of UX with Dr. Norman's Principles

Believe it or not, the term 'User Experience' (UX) was born in the breezy corridors of Apple Computer in the early '90s, and we have cognitive scientist Don Norman to thank for that. When this fellow waltzed into Apple, he was on a mission to make human-computer interactions as smooth as a jazz tune. He garbed the title 'User Experience Architect', basically declaring, "Make it snazzy for humans!" Bam! UX was no longer a futuristic buzzword but a like, legit philosophy.

Responsive Design Revolution

Flashback to 2010: you're chilling, probably listening to some Ke$ha (It's Tik Tok on the clock!), and suddenly, Ethan Marcotte drops a web design MOAB. He's like, "Let's stop making ten zillion different sites for every device! How about one site that's like a chill chameleon and adapts to your gizmo's screen?" Thus, responsive design was born, and sizing nightmares went the way of the floppy disk.

Flat Design: Rise of the Minimalist Empire

Picture this: it's 2010-ish, and UI designers are on a Marie Kondo kick, decluttering screens faster than a hot app downloads. They're tossing out skeuomorphism – that's designer talk for UI elements that look so real you want to pick 'em up – and they're bringing in flat design. It's all about simple, 2D elements, bold colors, and saying 'no' to flashy 3D effects. Microsoft's Metro UI was like, "Look ma, no shadows!" and sparked a minimalist rebellion that even Apple couldn't resist.

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert UI/UX developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior0-2$40,000 - $60,000

  • Assist with basic design tasks

  • Learn from senior developers

  • Implement small-scale UI fixes

  • Attend skill development workshops

Middle2-5$60,000 - $85,000

  • Design complete UI components

  • Create user flows and wireframes

  • Conduct usability testing

  • Participate in client meetings

Senior5-10$85,000 - $120,000

  • Lead design projects

  • Formulate UI/UX strategies

  • Mentor junior developers

  • Manage stakeholder expectations

Expert/Team Lead10+$120,000+

  • Oversee entire design department

  • Set long-term design goals

  • Coordinate with other teams

  • Drive innovation and best practices

Top 10 UI/UX Related Tech


    Imagine a world without bones and skin – that's a website without HTML and CSS, folks! HTML serves as the skeleton, giving structure to web pages, while CSS comes in like a fashion diva, dolling everything up with styles. You can't spell "basic" without these two when it comes to UI/UX, because they are the bedrock upon which web dreams are built.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    body { background-color: powderblue; }
    h1 { color: blue; }
    p { color: red; }

    <h1>This is a heading</h1>
    <p>This is a paragraph.</p>


  2. JavaScript

    JavaScript is like that little dash of paprika on deviled eggs – it adds the spice and everything nice to websites. It breathes life into static HTML/CSS, making things interactive, dynamic, and as fun as a puppy chasing its tail. If you've clicked it, toggled it, or got frustrated when a form didn't submit, thank JavaScript and its quirks for that memorable experience.

    <button onclick="alert('Hello World!')"> Click Me! </button>

  3. Adobe XD

    Adobe XD stands like a hipster at the crossroads of design and functionality, helping UI/UX magicians create prototypes that feel real enough to touch, but alas, it's still just pixels. It's like playing dress-up for screens – ranging from the teeny mobile ones to, the 'I-can-see-my-reflection' desktop displays.

  4. Figma

    Figma is the cool, collaborative kid on the block that lets teams tango together on design projects. It's like having a collective brain – sharing, commenting, and accidentally moving your colleague's vector for the 100th time. Think of it as a digital playground where everyone's invited to slide, swing, and seesaw on the UI/UX design.

  5. Sketch

    Sketch is the OG of vector-based design tools for Mac users. It's like owning a Swiss Army knife but for drawing rectangles, circles, and making them look like a million bucks with the flick of a wrist. Dust off your Macbook, and get ready to turn those coffee shop doodles into pixel-perfect icons.

  6. Axure RP

    Axure RP is like the Gandalf of prototyping tools – wise and full of tricks. It lets you create rich prototypes with dynamic content that can almost pass for the real thing. Want to simulate a database without a database? Axure says, "You shall not pass... without being impressed!"

  7. Bootstrap

    Like the stretchy jeans of the web world, Bootstrap makes your sites look good on any device. This nifty framework comes packed with pre-made components that are as easy to use as Lego blocks – stack 'em up to build responsive designs faster than a caffeine-fueled coder on a deadline.

    <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
    This is a Bootstrap alert—check it out!

  8. React

    React comes from the cool nerds at Facebook and is all about building snappy, reactive user interfaces. It's like working with a bunch of self-sufficient LEGO sets – each 'component' knows its job and doesn't meddle with others. Keeping things modular, sharable, and as organized as a Marie Kondo bookshelf.

    <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
    <p>This was rendered with React.</p>

  9. Vue.js

    Smaller than React, but equally ambitious, Vue.js is the hip indie-developer of JavaScript frameworks. It lets you cook up impressive UIs as seamlessly as making a smoothie – throw your ingredients (data & components) in, blend, and voila! Easy to pick up, and it makes building delightful interfaces a piece of cake.

  10. Balsamiq

    Balsamiq is like your digital napkin sketch – it’s all about getting those high-level ideas down without fussing over the details. When you need to convey your grand visions of user flows but your drawing skills are akin to a distracted toddler, Balsamiq swoops in to save the day (and your reputation).

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