David W. Python/Go Developer

Back-End Web


- 6+ years of experience as a Python Developer
- 3+ years of experience as a Go Developer
- Upper-Intermediate English
- Available ASAP


CTO, Abigail Farms Ltd.

- Trufrut is an internal tool used by the company to manage stock and sales.
- I worked on the backend with MongoDB, golang, and heroku for deployment. We had a git lab code repo.
- I set up continuous deployment with gitlab-ci. I also made API documentation with a postman.
- I worked on the front end with react Js, and material ui
- I used axios for api calls
- I worked on features that allow users to login, signup, manage other users, manage orders. There are different users with different roles.

CTO, Dewstech

- I developed a blockchain application from scratch (quicoin), using golang technology
- I implemented features that allow multiple quicoin servers to discover themselves through one or two IP addresses
- I implemented features that prevented transactions to be processed multiple times
- I built a key-value store from scratch with golang, writing to binary files and storing information safely.
- I implemented file locking features and concurrency to allow multiple writes at a time to the database and maintain data integrity.

Solutions Architect / Game engineer, Vhenn

2019 - 2021
- I worked with a small team to develop a mobile game with unity. We used Trello for management and unity. I worked on the asset shop, binary save system for state objects, and some of the runner gameplay. (Stack -Unity)
- I worked on a safe file encryption system that allowed only the game program to edit the high score data file
- I worked on a feature that allows random 3D floor designs to be instantiated
- I worked on features that allow new boxes in the game to move at a certain range, and give players more difficulty
- I implemented a feature that tracks the progress of players and increases their difficulty
- I implemented a feature that allows players to buy new coins, and use these coins to buy new players in the game

Solutions Architect, POH

- I manage a team of 7 engineers, interact with clients for business requirements, develop a project roadmap.

Technologies: Typescript, Postgres, NestJs, Redis, React, AWS

Solutions Architect, Xerde, Lagos Nigeria

Responsibilities: I managed a team of 10 engineers, interface with designers, brand
managers, and the CEO, to develop a business and tech strategy. I helped develop a microservice architecture for the fintech company.
Technologies: Python, Django, Postgres, Redis, Docker, AWS, Nginx

Software engineer, Andela, USA

Responsibilities: I worked on internal software for the company, I worked mostly with the backend team on an asset management system.
Technologies: Python, Flask, Redis, Postgres, Docker, Jenkins, AWS

Wheeler Ship, USA —Machine learning engineer

Responsibilities: I developed and deployed ML models, and data pipelines for the retail company, I made use of ML to predict demand for their products.
Technologies: Python, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Pytorch


National open university, Nigeria — BSC

I studied computer science at the National open university of Nigeria

Skyward — Highschool

I finished high school at Skyward mega school in Ibadan Nigeria