Monika P. UX Researcher

User Interface and Experience Designer (UI/UX) (12.0 yr.), Data Analyst (DA) (12.0 yr.)


- A wide profile Qualitative Researcher with strong academic background, over 12 years’ experience in the field of marketing research and a big passion for UX and Human Centered Design.
- In 2021 I have undertaken a UX Design bootcamp in order to deepen my UX knowledge.
- Recently, after a few years in Finland I moved back to Poland, therefore I am determined to further my career as a UX Researcher in this country.
- Expertise: usability testing, IDI’s, diads, triads, mini groups and FGI’s, ethnography: in-home visits, observations, diary studies, artifact analysis, discussion forums, workshops, surveys, AB tests, mouse-, click- and eyetracking sessions.
- Advanced English

Work Experience

UX Researcher, Helsinki, Finland

Duration: May 2021 to May 2022
Summary: Creation and ownership of user insight research process for the company

  • being a HumanCenteredDesign approach advocate – providing actionable insights regarding users/customers by delivering reports, findings presentations and organizing online workshops to develop customer understanding and empathy among product teams and design
  • close collaboration with different stakeholders across the product teams (especially UX Design and Marketing teams) – gathering subjects/issues which demand better understanding, identifying research needs and proposing research methods and techniques accordingly
  • responsible for holistic research conduction of both iterative and ad hoc/on demand projects: preparation of interview scenarios, sample recruitment criteria, online UX tests moderation / observation, gathering data/analysis and preparation of recommendations for product teams responsible for the topic (UI or process adjustments) cooperation with external stakeholders responsible for outsourced research and marketing projects.

Senior Researcher,  Sopot, Poland

Duration: March 2019 to May 2020
Summary: Participation in and leading/managing qualitative research projects

  • preparing proposals for research projects
  • fieldwork qualitative analysis and reporting
  • project results presentation
  • relations with clients/stakeholders and constructing recommendations

Freelance Researcher

Duration: September 2014 to October 2018
Summary: Mainly in collaboration with PBS Department of Market Research – participation in and leading/managing qualitative research projects.

Junior Researcher in Market Research Department

Duration: February 2011 to August 2014
Summary: Participation in and managing qualitative research projects

Intern in the Department of Qualitative Research

Duration: September 2010 to February 2011
Summary: Fieldwork - moderating qualitative interviews, transcriptions

CATI interviewer

Duration: May - September 2010
Summary: Conducting telephone interviews as part of ongoing research projects.


  • UX DESIGNER bootcamp
    Infoshare Academy
  • Sociology - Research procedures and data analysis
    University of Gdansk - Dep. of Social Sciences
  • Sociology - Social Communication and Journalism
    School of Management in Gdansk (WSZ)