Mikhail T. Quality Assurance Engineer

Data QA


- Highly-motivated and pro-active QA engineer with 4+ years of experience in web testing.
- Upper-Intermediate English.
- Available ASAP


Quality Assurance engineer, LIGADATA

Description: Project for modeling Big Data flows. Team of 10 ppl in scrum environment.
Responsibilities: Full responsibility for testing process. Started testing process from scratch. Process including automation project and manual activities. For the manual part, it included both high-level work on writing various documentation about processes and approaches, and low-level work - writing and executing test cases. For the automation part written e2e tests using both UI and API hooks.

Quality Assurance engineer, Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting - Twinfield

Description: Accounting project. (web + mob). Huge international NL company with 10+
international teams in SAFe environment. UI architects team that delivers generic solutions for
functional teams.
Responsibilities: Was fully responsible for team test processes. Tasks included design refinements, manual testing, adapting automation frameworks for functional teams due to generic changes, elaborating test processes between different teams with a common area of responsibility, presentation of achieved team goals within the company.
Technologies: Front: Angular(old), React,  Back: .NET, DB: MSSql, E2E: Protractor, Extra: AzureDevOps, Octopus deploy, Zephyr, Abstract, Figm

Quality Assurance engineer, Infozahyst

Description: Intelligence service project. (web + desktop). A big project that allows to convert and analyze raw data into representative structured reports.
Responsibilities: Was fully responsible for the manual testing process including requirements management and release management process elaboration. Created E2E automation framework from scratch.
Technologies: Front.: Angular, Vue. Back.: NodeJS, .NET. DB.: PG, GraphQL. E2E.: TestCafe
Extra: GitLab, Zeppelin, Figma, Postman

Quality Assurance engineer, Preply

JULY 2017 - MARCH 2018
Description: Educational platform (web).
Manual: Creating and executing test cases, reporting bugs, running different design test


Lviv Polytechnic National University
Institute of Computer Technology, Automation and Metrology Information Technology Security