Fabio Senior Software Engineer

Back-End Web


- Dedication, seriousness, creativity to solve complex problems, experience in embedded and web software development.
- Experience in software development mainly in Linux environment for both embedded and backend development. Experience in automotive industry and industrial automation, energy, wireless, ecommerce and others areas.
- Upper-Intermediate English


Tech Company, Brazil

December, 2022 – June, 2023
Description: As a Senior Software Engineer, worked on internal or client projects in automotive industry. Developed a C# project creating a desktop software to manage CAN protocol data from an external hardware. In this project I was responsible for coding, design of architecture and documentation on Cofluence. Beside this project I’ve completed CAN protocol, UDS, Functional Safety, Posix and ASpice trainings provided by the company.


January, 2022 – November, 2022
Description: Act as hardware Product Owner and then as a consultant. Helped the company finding the best technologies that fits the client needs and translating them to tasks to the development team. After some monthes, concluding the projects I managed, we decided to change my role to consultant, still participating on meetings and helping on development or bring new technologies to solve client needs.

Splice Indústria, comércio e serviços ltda.

October, 2020 – November, 2022
Description: Back again to Splice part-time now, I helped the company in the development of new products and adding new features of current products. It helped the company to closing deals and creating new business opportunities. The products were Linux based using Golang, C, C++ and Python as core language and MariaDB as database, it depends on the environment and required features. As well as the operation system that were always Linux, that some created by buildroot, others Debian based and others none of these. My job was from developing the scripts to manage services, containers, network and peripherals, to develop high level features like implementing business rules, GPS integration or implementing new network protocols like gRPC and SNMP. There were 2 main products developed, one using Golang (RPC, gob, Gorilla Mux, sqlx, json, CGO and others), WebSocket, Docker, docker-compose, AngularJS, Javascript, MariaDB, Makefile, SystemV, Systemd, gpg and others technologies. The other project I was responsible most in Golang development, but it used the following stack: Golang (gRPC, CGO, json), Python (Flask), C++, OpenCV, React, nginx, Docker, Makefile, CMake and others.

Research FAPESP.

March, 2021 – December, 2021
Description: I worked as research in a project involving radars for objects and people detection. I am responsible for tests with those radarsto define the limits where those can be used. As a result, I generated data to create algorithms for object classifiers that can be a product in the future. In addition, I created an embedded web page in HTML, C, Python and Golang as backend to configure and show graphics and data to better visualization. There were 3 different projects using the following stacks. First one: C, Golang (CGO and builtin packages), HTML and JavaScript. The second: Python, embedded C. The third: Python with external libraries.

Pedido Pago.

August, 2019 – February, 2021
Description: I worked as backend developer of an ecommerce platform. The platform works with microservices that must be a trusted system. I am responsible for designing and coding some microservices in Golang language using gRPC as the communication bridge between microservices, designing the database (MariaDB) and how the information will be displayed for others microservices and frontend. The company recently launched a new version of ecommerce platform that I contributed. The software developed used S3, EC2 and RDS AWS services and Docker to deploy the backend. I managed some parts of these services as required. Worked only in backend, but the stack was: Golang (Echo, sqlx, gRPC, protobuf, testify, AWS apis, payment apis, and others), MariaDB (one database per microservice), Docker, AWS, Github Actions, CI/CD, Heroku, React.

Splice Indústria, comércio e serviços ltda.

July, 2017 – March, 2020
Description: I worked as software developer in Linux embedded system developing the main company product that was a complex system that handled with some types of encryptions, trusted system, messages queues, hardware protocols and server- client communications. The system had a high-level interface too with a frontend (AngularJS), backend (Golang) and a database (MariaDB) to store logs and system data in addition to Service Oriented Architecture. The software had to deal with 1M+ images per day and 700K+ traffic information deciding if each vehicle made a scheduled traffic infraction. There are some released version of software that passed in some metrological tests and now are working in the streets. I worked since the first version of the product.
Technologies used in this project was: Golang (RPC, gob, Gorilla Mux, sqlx, json,
CGO and others), WebSocket, AngularJS, Javascript, MariaDB, Makefile, SystemV, gpg and others technologies


BS in Electrical Engineering, University of Campinas, Unicamp (Campinas, Brazil)
March, 2006 – January, 2012


April, 2015: PROFIsafe Certified Designer, TÜV SÜD (Karlsruhe, Germany)