Vladyslav M. Senior DevOps Engineer



- A highly skilled DevOps specialist with 15+ years of experience and with a track record of successfully designed CI/CD architectures.
- 5+ years experience with AWS;
- 5+ years experience with Kubernetes;
- 7+ years experience with Docker;
- Deep skills with Terraform;
- Good understanding of work with databases;
- Experience with migration;
- Good knowledge of working with Prometheus and Grafana monitoring;
- Experience of more than 6 years working with Jenkins;
- Achieved great improvement in deployment efficiency via script automation and use of the latest deployment
frameworks for client projects;
- English: Upper-Intermediate;


DevOps Engineer, Reputation management site & reputation defender Backend.

2 years
Description: Executive team is comprised of experienced, forward-thinking industry leaders who are passionate about helping businesses take control of their online reputation.
Responsibilities: Build and deploy projects through Debian packages. Making Jenkins builds. A lot of bash scripting. AWS autoscaling. Making ansible roles and playbooks for the backend environments hosted on AWS.
Technologies: AWS, Jenkins, Deb packaging, Autoscaling, WordPress, Redis, MongoDB, Java, Nagios.

DevOps Engineer, Mestergruppen data hub.

3 month
Description: A big data collector and analyzer solution for a group of companies.
Responsibilities: Making Kubernetes cluster by kops in AWS. Creating helm charts for all microservices. Tuning resource requests for proper HPA. Testing auto-scaling on high loading.
Technologies: AWS, Kubernetes, Helm charts, ELK, Autoscaling, Grafana.

DevOps Engineer, SaaS member management system.

3 years
Description: Cloud-based SaaS member management system tailored specifically for the needs of communities and associations, be it a health association, a political party, or a business organization: GDPR-compliant web portal, invoicing, courses management.
Responsibilities: AWS EBS deployment in multi-container solution stack on the production environment, docker images and orchestration in Rancher on the development environment, Jenkins builds. Migration project to the Kubernetes cluster. Making custom helm charts for microservices and bitbucket pipelines.
Technologies: Node.js, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm charts, Bitbucket pipelines, AWS.

DevOps Engineer, Sidebench - Impact.

3 month
Description: An entertainment startup whose mission is to cultivate and empower creative storytellers from around the world by taking an innovative and collaborative approach to content creation.
Responsibilities: Making Kubernetes cluster and CI/CD pipeline for automated releasing.
Technologies: Node.js, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm charts, CircleCi, AWS AKS.

DevOps Engineer, Software solution for the courses management process

4 years
Description: Quality Norway is a leading Norwegian course and conference provider. Their goal is to make sure that Norwegian professionals have carried out sufficient training so that the use of work equipment becomes safe and efficient. Software solution to make the course ordering and management process super-convenient for both clients and employees.
Responsibilities: Making Docker containers. Orchestration by docker-compose on bare metal servers for production staging and QA environments. Making Jenkins pipeline builds. Organize monitoring by Zabbix with slack integration.
Technologies: Node.js, Docker, Docker-compose, Jenkins pipelines, Encrypted volumes.

DevOps Engineer, Recruitment solution.

1.5 years
Description: Internal web solution for the recruitment agency that aims to support day to day
operations of sales managers, recruiters, and contract managers including customer management, consultants management, matching procedures, and contract management procedures.
Responsibilities: Making Kubernetes cluster on bare metal servers for Dev/QA environments. Making Kubernetes cluster on hetzner cloud with Terraform, ansible and RKE. Development of Helm charts. Prometheus and Grafana monitoring.
Technologies: Node.js, Hetzner cloud, Terraform, Ansible, Kubernetes, Helm charts, Bitbucket


Specialist, Economic Cybernetics, Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank
of Ukraine