Andrii Front-End Engineer

Front-End Web


- 1,5 year of commercial experience, skilled in frontend development. Gained string skills in React, Redux
- Intermediate English
- Available ASAP


Frontend Developer, Loyalty Program App, Bitcom Systems

August 2022 – present
Description: Development of the loyalty program web app for the manufacturer of petfood and farm feeding distributors network.
Responsibilities: Implementing front-end part according to designs, bug-fixing
Technologies: Next.js, Typescript, Hasura, PostgreSQL

Frontend Developer, State Postal Service Website, Bitcom Systems

December 2021 – July 2022
Description: Implementation of new CMS, updating the website with new UX/UI, improving website performance
Responsibilities: Implementing the frontend part of the application, testing, bug-fixing.
Technologies: React, Next.js, Strapi, Tailwind, Chakra

Frontend Developer, Staffing Service, Bitcom Systems

June 2021 – November 2021
Description: Development of the web app serving as a staffing tool.
Responsibilities: Implementing the frontend part of the application. 
Technologies: React, Google API, Material UI


Master in Industrial and Civil Engineering (2017), Lviv Polytechnics University