Evgeniy G. Telegram ChatBot Developer / Python Engineer

Back-End Web, Telegram Bots and Mini-Apps


- Python Software Engineer with more than 4+ years of experience in software development
- Proven ability to design and build telegram chatbots from scratch, implementing functionalities like search algorithms (CV parsing), voice recording, and payment processing integrations (Stripe, Liqpay).
- Has experience integrating GPT with telegram bots
- Expertise in database management (PostgreSQL, SQL Alchemy) and data security.
- Implemented continuous integration and deployment practices (Jenkins, Docker) for streamlined deployments.
- Excellent knowledge of common software engineering practices, like OOP principles, modern design patterns, test-driven development, continuous integration, and continuous deployment


Python developer, E-commerce (Online Bookstore)

May 2023 – March 2024

Description: Developed an innovative online bookstore platform that offers an extensive collection of books with efficient genre-based filtering and purchasing options. The platform is designed to enhance the user experience by simplifying the book selection and buying process.


  • E-commerce Website Development: Played a key role in building the online bookstore using Django, ensuring a user-friendly interface and smooth navigation.
  • Genre-Based Filtering System: Implemented an advanced filtering system, allowing users to find books by their preferred genres effortlessly.
  • AI Consultant Implementation: I spearheaded the integration of an AI consultant using OpenAI API, which provided instant and relevant responses to customer inquiries.
  • Backend Development: Utilized Django REST Framework for robust backend development, ensuring efficient data handling and API responses.
  • Database Management: Managed and maintained the PostgreSQL database, ensuring data integrity and optimal performance.
  • Task Automation: Employed Celery for asynchronous task management, enhancing the website's efficiency and user experience.

Key Achievements:

  • AI Consultant Efficiency: Successfully enhanced customer service and engagement through the AI consultant, significantly reducing response time and improving user satisfaction.
  • Scalable E-commerce Solution: Contributed to developing a scalable and efficient online bookstore platform that effectively caters to a growing user base.

Technologies: Django REST Framework (DRF), PostgreSQL, Celery, OpenAI API


Telegram Bot

September 2022 – May 2023

Description: Developed an advanced Telegram bot to streamline the process of searching through employee CVs for specific skills and experience.


  • Development from scratch
  • Design architecture
  • Bugs fixing 


  • CV Upload Interface: Enabled secure upload of CVs, allowing employees to categorize themselves by departments and skill sets. 
  • Advanced Search Functionality: Provided managers with a powerful search feature to locate candidates with specific skills like Python, DevOps, JavaScript, or AWS. 
  • Employee Engagement Metrics: Incorporated analytics to display the number of interactions per employee profile based on the search results.


  • Efficient Talent Discovery: The bot made it easier and quicker for managers to find the right talent within the organization.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Equipped managers with insights on employee engagement metrics, aiding in informed decision-making.

Technologies: Python, AIOGRAM, PostgreSQL, SQL Alchemy


Telegram Bot 

March 2022 – August 2022

Description: Bot for selling courses and educational materials


  • Development of new functionality, 
  • Implementation of a referral system, 
  • Introduction of payment processing, 
  • Normalization of the database, 
  • Integration with CRM system 

Technologies: Aiogram, Stripe, Pipedrive, Pydantic, SQLalchemy, PostgreSQL


Telegram Bot 

August 2021 – February 2022

Description: Developed a sophisticated Telegram bot to streamline the process of collecting and grading spoken English homework assignments.


  • Development from scratch
  • Design architecture
  • Bugs fixing 


  • Voice Recording Submission: Provided an intuitive interface for students to record and submit voice messages.
  • Randomized Topic Assignment: Implemented a system randomly assigning topics to students after the voice message submission.
  • Teacher Interface: Created a specialized interface for teachers to sort and grade voice submissions by department.
  • Real-time Updates: Integrated real-time notifications, informing teachers about new submissions for quicker grading.


  • Automated Workflow: The bot successfully automated the entire workflow, reducing the time needed for both assignment submission and grading.
  • User Segmentation: Implemented multiple roles (students, teachers) with their respective functionalities, optimizing the usability for different user types.

Technologies: Python, Aiogram, SQL Alchemy ORM, PostgreSQL


Telegram Bot 

February 2021 – July 2021

Description: This is a telegram-bot for one of the local social media which was created to get feedback and questions from users, give the possibility to subscribe for news and make a paid subscription for additional benefits


  • development and testing telegram bot;
  • integration and testing payment system in bot;
  • deployment on cloud 

Technologies: aiogram, GINO (ORM), PostgreSQL, Redis, Liqpay (Payment system by Privatbank), AWS EC2


Python developer, Stock Monitoring, and Investment Analysis Platform. 

September 2020 – January 2021

Description: Developed a specialized platform focused on monitoring stock prices and potential profits in Turkey and the USA. This platform featured a comprehensive flow capable of displaying stock growth, historical price charts, and expert opinions for top investment choices.


  • Stock Monitoring Logic: Implemented the core logic for tracking and displaying stock price movements and growth over extended periods.
  • Portfolio Management: Created a user-centric flow for managing personal investment portfolios, allowing users to visualize their investment growth.
  • Data Analysis and Processing: Utilized Pandas for robust data analysis and processing to offer insightful investment information.
  • Calculation of the Top 5 Stocks: integrated expert opinions and market data to calculate and present the top 5 promising stocks for investment.
  • System Integration and Automation: Employed Jenkins, Docker, and Celery for continuous integration, deployment, and task automation.
  • API Integration: Integrated with EOD Price API to fetch real-time stock market data.
  • Backend Development: Focused on backend development using Django and DRF to ensure smooth, efficient, and secure data handling.

Technologies: Django, Pandas, PostgreSQL, Jenkins, Docker, Docker Compose, Celery, Django REST Framework (DRF), End-of-the-Day (EOD) Price API, Python, CI/CD, Bash


Python developer, Contrack Automation

March 2020 - August 2020

Description: Designed and implemented a contract generation automation system to streamline employee contract creation, parsing, and management.


  • Led the development of the project from the ground up, ensuring robust performance and reliability.
  • Architected the backend framework, facilitating easy integration with other systems and scalability.
  • Continuously identified and resolved bugs, improving system stability and user experience


  • Template-based Contract Creation: Developed a dynamic system that utilizes templates to generate various contracts, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.
  • Data Parsing: Engineered a robust parsing module to extract and process employee data, ensuring seamless contract customization.
  • Contract Variations: Implemented an adaptable framework to handle multiple contract types, including extensions, primary contracts, and terminations.
  • Scheduled Tasks: Integrated Celery for asynchronous task management, allowing for scheduled contract generation and database updates.


  • Process Optimization: The system significantly improved the contract creation workflow, reducing manual effort and processing time.
  • Scalable Solution: Successfully established a scalable contract management system capable of handling an expanding array of contract types and conditions.

Technologies: Python, Django, Django REST Framework (DRF), Celery, PostgreSQL, Pandas, Docker, CI/CD, Bash


Python developer, SQL Learning Platform

July 2019 – February 2020

Description: This project's main responsibility is to automate available processes for multi-platform audio content and entertainment organization.

Responsibilities: Covering codebase with tests, API automation testing, parsing site

Technologies: Python, Selenium, PyTest


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,

Bachelor of computer engineering