Vladislav Team Lead / Software Engineer

Back-End Web (7.0 yr.), Full Stack Web (7.0 yr.)


-Software Engineer with 7 years in the tech industry, with a robust computer science and software engineering background.
- Strong knowledge of Vanilla PHP and JavaScript and front-end and back-end development skills.
-Expertise spans prominent domains such as eCommercee& retail, Marketplace, Blockchain, Entertainment, Game dev, Social Network, Healthcare, Analytics, Education
-Incorporated advanced technologies like Web3.js and Elasticsearch into projects, demonstrating a balance of front-end and back-end skills.
-Capabilities extend beyond app architecture, database design, and optimization with MySQL and other databases.
-Proven track record of leveraging Docker and Nginx for DevOps, underpinned by a solid grasp of Git. -Has effectively fulfilled the role of Team Lead, showcasing skills in mentorship, code review, and workflow optimization.

Work Experience


Duration: 03.2023 – 12.2023
Summary: Developed a Learning Platform web application with TALL Stack solution, featuring testing functionality, training materials creation, and a range of interactive elements for educational purposes.
Responsibilities: Building workflows within the team to ensure maximum team performance during development; Leading the team of 8 developers; Customer interactions, tasks clarification; Managing the full cycle process of the development; Create database schema and design application architecture; Providing technical support for other developers; Onboarding and mentoring of new employees; Performance monitoring and improvement; Dockerization and writing docker-compose files; Сonducting a code review for the team to ensure the code's quality and verify the assigned tasks' correctness.

Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, NativePHP, Alpine.js, Filament, MySQL, Livewire, Blade, Tailwind CSS, HTML/CSS, Docker / Docker Compose AWS (S3, SES, SQS, EC2, RDS) Git / BitBucket


Duration: 10.2021 – 03.2023
Summary: Development of sales funnels for keto diet application, user tracking systems, and email events. The project's main goal was to develop landing pages with various offers and features, animations, exclusive blocks on the pages, and more. Also, various services were implemented to track users, such as TikTok API, GTM, and others. Landing page builders for influencers with various templates, dynamic fields, and more have been implemented.

Responsibilities: Participation in refinement and design sessions; Refactor the existing UI based on new business requirements; Implementation of third-party services, such as TikTok and GTM; Maintain and develop features of existing REST API; Identify problem areas and bring relevant changes; Analyzing data to identify possible improvements in efficiency or performance; Creating scenarios for application testing using Selenium; Following of CQRS and Event Sourcing principles; Code review; Maintaining existing software applications by fixing bugs, updating design elements, or adding new features.

Technologies: PHP / JavaScript,TypeScript, Laravel, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Node.js, React, Selenium, HTML / CSS, jQuery, SASS, Tailwind CSS, REST API, AWS (S3, SES, SQS, EC2), Docker / Docker, Compose, Third-party APIs(TikTok, GTM) Git / GitLab

Software Engineer, CORPORATE WEBSITE

Duration: 08.2020 – 10.2021
Summary: developed a website that presented the latest news, real estate for sale, property and all other information about the company. Implemented design, adaptation for different devices, and admin panel with the ability to edit all content in the site's different languages. Connected all kinds of metrics and analytics. Implemented a parser for the latest news from social networks.

Responsibilities: Front-end development; Back-end development; Working in the full cycle process of the development from scratch to delivery to

the client; Create database architecture with its complete maintenance; Develop UI based on Figma layouts; SEO optimization; Utilized Tampermonkey and Greasyfork to automate repetitive web tasks; Search engine optimization; Writing detailed and understandable documentation for the project; Control deployment processes; Sustaining current software applications through bug resolution, design enhancements, or the integration of fresh functionalities.

Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Redis, ElasticSearch, Vue.js, Ajax, Bootstrap 4, HTML/CSS, SASS, jQuery, PHPUnit, Docker, Docker Compose, Git/ BitBucket


Duration: 10.2019 – 08.2020
Summary: Develop a telegram bot for playing a coin (heads or tails).
Using the Web3 concepts, an API was implemented to work with a telegram bot that accepts a bet in Ton via TonKeeper wallet, checks its status, and, if everything is successful, checks the user's winnings and if the user chooses to transfer the winnings to the user's wallet.

Responsibilities: Back-end development; Participating in the complete development lifecycle, spanning from initial creation to client delivery; Creating database architecture with further improvement; Developing gRPC APIs, including defining services and messages in .proto files; Implementation of third-party services, such as TonKeeper; Integration with Top Keeper wallet: transactions, transaction status verification; Development of smart contracts for Ton using Solidity; Writing unit tests; Crafting extensive and reader-friendly documentation for the project; Preserving ongoing software applications through bug rectification, design refinement, or the inclusion of novel features.

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, MariaDB, Redis, Composer, Solidity, Nginx, PHPUnit, gRPC, Protobuf, Third-party APIs (TonKeeper), Git

Software Engineer, WEBSITE FOR A COIN GAME

Duration: 12.2018 – 10.2019

Develop a website for playing a coin using Phantom wallet for the Solana network. Leveraging Web3.js, a website was implemented where the user connects to his Phantom browser extension, after which he can start the game - choose heads or tails, a bet. After that, the backend determines whether the user won or lost. If he won - returns the winnings to the user's wallet. Live statistics were implemented, where information about users and their games is displayed.

Responsibilities: Front-end development; Back-end development;Project architecture development. Engaging in the end-to-end development process, covering everything from inception to client handover; Development of database architecture with further improvement; Building REST API; Designing the UI by following the Figma layout guidelines; Implementation of third-party services; Dockerization and writing docker-compose files; Writing unit tests; Creating clear and thorough project documentation; Ensuring the upkeep of established software applications through bug fixing, design updates, or the incorporation of additional features.

Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, MariaDB, Vue.js, HTML/CSS, SASS, Ajax, Bootstrap 4, Docker, Nginx, Web3.js, REST API, PHPUnit, Composer, Git/GitHub, Third-party APIs (Phantom Wallet)


Duration: 03.2018 – 12.2018
Summary: develop a platform where potential customers, in a simple and convenient way, can get acquainted with the range of goods the brand sells and purchases.

Implemented multi-language localization, which affects the displayed goods, their prices and delivery, and the online payment system. Integrated AmoCRM, CDEK, metrics, and pixels. The delivery cost calculation has been implemented depending on the warehouse where the goods are located, as well as the total weight of the goods added to the order. Flexible system of discounts for goods, delivery. Implemented optimization of uploaded images using TinyPNG.

Responsibilities: Project architecture development; Participating in every stage of the

development process, encompassing the journey from inception to client delivery;  Design of UI/UX; Designing a database structure and continually refining it; Database optimization to increase performance; Developing RESTful API; Dockerization and writing docker-compose files; Implementation of payment system using Stripe API;  Enhancing and maintaining the current REST API by adding new features and improvements; Continuously supporting existing software applications by addressing bugs, enhancing design elements, or introducing new features.

Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Laravel, MySQL, React, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap 4, jQuery, Docker, REST API, PHPUnit, Composer, Git, Nginx, Git / GitHub, Third-party APIs (Stripe)


Duration: 09.2016 – 02.2018
Summary: develop a business card website, where the user can find the equipment he is interested in, select the necessary repair service in a convenient form and leave a call back.
Implemented the ability to add, remove and change repairable equipment and unique possible breakdowns for each of them. A system for determining the required repair time, the necessary spare parts and cost calculation has been implemented. Integrated metrics and pixels.

Responsibilities: Front-end development; Back-end development; Taking part in sessions for refining and designing; Database optimization; Rewrite existing queries to increase performance; SEO optimization; Implementing server-side logic using JSON-RPC and creating client requests; Search engine optimization; Writing unit tests; Generating detailed and easily understandable project documentation; Managing and preserving existing software applications through bug fixes, design element updates, or the introduction of new features.

Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Laravel, PostgreSQL, React, HTML/CSS, SASS, JSON-RPC, jQuery, PHPUnit, Composer, Docker, Nginx, Git


  • Computer Science and Software Engineering