Polina Web3 Software Engineer

Back-End Web (5.0 yr.), Front-End Web (5.0 yr.), Telegram Bots and Mini-Apps


-Software Engineer with 5 years of professional experience, working across eCommerce & retail, Marketplace, Healthcare, Entertainment, Education, and Blockchain, Game domains.
-Proficiency in PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, React
- Knowledge of Vanilla JS, Native PHP, PHP-Selenium
- Experience working with Web3 marketplaces, nodes, on-chain, and off-chain transactions
- Knowledge of Web3, understanding of Abi, Smart Contracts; Tampermonkey, Greasyfork
- Knowledge Css3, Bootstrap 4; RPC; GitHub; MySQL
- Has a successful track record of developing applications from scratch and optimizing existing systems, evidenced by projects such as a Learning Platform, Event Manager, and a Website for a Coin Game
- Computer Science and Software Engineering Foundation

Work Experience

Software Engineer, LEARNING PLATFORM

Duration: 03.2023 – 01.2024
Summary: Development of a web application for educational training where students can take the test, and after that, the coach will assign them training materials. There is also a wide range of functionality for creating training materials, including articles, modules divided into lessons, and interactive elements.

Responsibilities: Developed application from scratch; participated in full cycle development; team communication and code optimization, testing processes; ensured technical feasibility of UI/UX designs; implemented queries to the database and transferred it to Eloquent ORM style; designed the application's UI to provide a better look and feel on different devices; developed unit tests to cover the new implement features and business logic; application optimization; technical documentation; code quality maintenance.

Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Laravel, Filament, MySQL, Vue.js, Inertia.js, Tailwind CSS, HTML/CSS, Docker / Docker Compose, PHPUnit, AWS (S3, SES, EC2, RDS), Git / BitBucket

Software Engineer, EVENT MANAGER

Duration: 08.2020 – 03.2023
Summary: The project offers solutions for event management. Manage your event online – it’s fast and easy – for events both live and online. The project creates an event page that is easy to update and suits your brand perfectly. Send, automate, and schedule messages directly from the app. Choose from versatile payment options and invoicing. Also, international payment methods.

Responsibilities: Front-end and back-end development; site version updates; front-end redesign; make responsive and user-friendly UI; Figma layouts implementation; responsive UI components design; PIM system integration; REST API maintenance; unit tests; database optimization; Dockerization and writing docker-compose files; bug fixing and feature update.

Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, MySQL, React, Bootstrap, HTML / CSS, REST, AJAX, jQuery, PHPUnit, Docker / Docker Compose, Nginx, Git / GitLab

Software Engineer, WEBSITE FOR A COIN GAME

Duration: 10.2019 – 08.2020
Summary: develop a website for playing a coin using Phantom wallet for the Ethereum network. Leveraging Web3.js, a website was implemented where the user connects to his Phantom browser extension, after which he can start the game - choose heads or tails, a bet. After that, the smart contracts determine whether the user won or lost, according to Oracle information. If he wins - he returns the winnings to the user's wallet. Live statistics were implemented, displaying information about users and their games.

Responsibilities: Smart contract development with Chainlink; end-to-end project architecture development; database architecture; building RESTful API; UI design following Figma; third-party services integration; Docker; unit tests for smart contracts; project documentation; software upkeep.

Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, MariaDB, Vue.js, HTML / CSS, SASS, Bootstrap 4, REST, Docker / Docker Compose, Nginx, Web3.js, PHPUnit, Thirdweb, Hardhat, Openzeppelin, Chainlink, Phantom Wallet


Duration: 12.2018 – 10.2019
Summary: develop a telegram bot for playing a coin (heads or tails).
Using the Web3 concepts, an API was implemented to work with a telegram bot that accepts a bet in Ton via TonKeeper wallet, checks its status, and, if everything is successful, checks the user's winnings and if the user chooses to transfer the winnings to the user's wallet.

Responsibilities: Back-end development; complete development lifecycle participation, spanning from initial creation to client delivery; database architecture; gRPC API development including defining services and messages in .proto files; Implementation of third-party services, such as TonKeeper;  Integration with Top Keeper wallet: transactions, transaction status verification; Development of smart contracts;  Writing unit tests; Crafting extensive and reader-friendly documentation for the project; Preserving ongoing software applications through bug rectification, design refinement, or the inclusion of novel features.

Technologies: PHP, Laravel, MariaDB, Redis, Composer, Solidity, Nginx, PHPUnit, gRPC, Protobuf, Git / GitHub


  • Computer Science and Software Engineering