Alexander T. Unity 3D Engineer
PATRIOT Power Generator: MixedReality application for Hololens [Unity3D C# developer, 2D|3D Artist] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtjLSrU34kk
[NDA]: Cross-platform inspection tool for airfield (web, mobile, hololens) [Unity3D C# developer, 2D|3D Artist]
[NDA]: Cross-platform 2.5D platformer game with on-chain business logic (web, mobile, standalone) [Unity3D C# developer, 2D|3D Artist]
Zibra.Ai (https://zibra.ai/) [Interactive demo for promotion]
Rapid Medical Parts (http://rapidmedicalparts.com/) [3D visualisation]
3D Catalog | CARDO Software (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cardosoftware.catalog3d) [Art Director, Lead Unity3D C# developer, 2D|3D artist]
VR games prototypes (https://youtu.be/tYf0ac2n_SY , https://youtu.be/5gTJ4Lt0ORI) [Unity3D C# developer]
AR TREK (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ar-trek/id1437096399): Open dev. platform for Indoor Navigation in augmented reality (https://youtu.be/v-34aAVSi04)
Cosmos Invictus (https://store.steampowered.com/app/682620/Cosmos_Invictus/): UI/VFX art and programming
ARMix (http://nullreal.com/armix/): AR/VR app with 6DOF, instant loading your own models via direct URL and walk around in AR or VR for free (https://youtu.be/YCni4rfBuSA)
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/armix/id1291721288 [Unity3D generalist]
dcConstructions | dcTOUCH: Smart-City - augmented reality software with position tracking ( http://dctouch.ru/smart-city , https://youtu.be/L-GE6TTCkn8 )
W[F]R : VR-Cinema promo app for simultaneously video playback on 10 GearVR [Unity3D C# developer, 2D|3D Artist]
FootBall / Soccer promo app: interactive fun app for RosSeti (http://www.rosseti.ru/)
https://youtu.be/M64JLxLQX3s for SPIEF'17 (St.Petersburg International Economic Forum) June 1,2,3 2017 (http://www.forumspb.com/en/2017) [Unity3D C# developer, 2D|3D Artist]
NCAR.com: multimedia car catalogue [Unity3D C# developer, 2D|3D Artist]
Sidereum LTD: AR game (no more info because NDA) [Art Director, Lead Unity3D C# developer , Lead 2D|3D artist]
Tango Matrix Scanner: augmented reality software combines a cutting edge technology by Google and real image through the camera of your smartphone to get a Matrix-style view of your room https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nullreal.tangomatrixscanner [Art Director, Unity3D C# developer, 2D artist]
Life Hutch VR (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1089330/Life_Hutch_VR/) for Patrick Donoghue : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15IzlcFQ0Y0 (2003), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uts_2yhFx3Q (2005) [Unity3D C# developer, 2D|3D Artist]
3DLook, LLC (http://3dlook.me): A cutting edge technology that estimates your body measurements through the camera of your smartphone and lets you try on costumes https://itunes.apple.com/app/3dlook-3d-model-your-body/id1157531374
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/3dlook-personal-outfit-guide/id1224533573 [Unity3D C# developer , 3D artist]
ILLUSIO, Inc. (http://www.illusioimaging.com): augmented reality software combines a fluid and lifelike 3D virtual image and our surgeon’s actual patient to transform an iPad into a virtual mirror.
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/illusio/id1068593819 [Unity3D C# developer]
Sidereum LTD: project Null Real [Art Director, Lead Unity3D C# developer , Lead 2D|3D artist]
( Port to OculusGo : https://youtu.be/qwuQ9y7ia2M )
stfalcon.com: project “City-Runner” [Unity3D C# developer]
Ciklum: project “Contiki VR demo” [Lead Unity3D C# developer , Lead 2D artist]
RiverSoft: project “Money-Pursuit” [Unity3D JavaScript | C# developer , Lead 2D|3D artist]
( https://youtu.be/Jn5cziuL2eE )
Ukrainian chamber of Commerce and Industry: project “Industrial Park "Centralny" [Lead Unity3D JavaScript | C# developer , Lead 2D|3D artist] ( https://youtu.be/-srejgiNJho )
Underscor³e: project “Santa’s Salvation [Senior Unity3D JavaScript , Lead 2D|3D artist]
RiverSoft: project “Fireball” [Unity3D JavaScript | C# developer , 3D artist]
( https://youtu.be/X6uisgTAHoQ )
ALTernative.MS: project “Aspheron” [Lead Unity3D JavaScript , Lead 2D|3D artist]
Delrizia Investments LTD: project “NCAR.com & GT1.com” [Art Director, Lead Unity3D C# developer, 2D|3D artist]
ALTernative.MS: project “aRace” [Lead Unity3D JavaScript | C# developer , Lead 2|3D artist]
( https://youtu.be/viB6RTUw-XI )
Delrizia Investments LTD: project “JapCarFest” [Art Director, Lead Unity3D C# developer, 2D|3D artist]
Alesko: project “CustomGirl” [Lead Unity3D JavaScript | C# developer , Lead 2D|3D artist]
(https://youtu.be/1FB-8fT5_KI | https://youtu.be/GWC04FcXG1M)
Alesko: project “Hangar constructor” [Lead Unity3D JavaScript , Lead 2D|3D artist] (https://youtu.be/ANRHjG1L6kw)
Alesko: project “Besin 3D Constructor” [Lead Unity3D JavaScript]
Mirage LTD: project “Mirage 5D attraction” [Lead 2D|3D artist]
OGDS S.A.: project “Chick Fighter” [Junior Unity3D JavaScript developer]
UkrComCentr: software engineer consultant , lead 3D CAD modeler
DNS Company: Counter-Strike game level creator for championship
MegaDesign: Lead 2D|3D artist , Lead ObjectPascal developer
Abris: Lead 2D|3D artist
KGPU: project “Lab 3D constructor” [Lead ObjectPascal developer , Lead 2D|3D artist]
architectural and construction activity
https://youtu.be/zeM1FEUsMow | https://youtu.be/M64JLxLQX3s - Football / Soccer Kinect app
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nullreal.tangomatrixscanner - Matrix Scanner (AR)
https://itunes.apple.com/app/3dlook-3d-model-your-body/id1157531374?mt=8 - 3DLook (AR for iOS)
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/illusio/id1068593819?ls=1&mt=8 - ILLUSIO (plastic surgeons AR for iOS)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqYE9HTJqUtl1F4F8rCKThw - NullReal (Virtual Reality project)
http://alternative.ms/ - ALTernative Mighty Solutions ( https://youtu.be/5UppCqIgA4o | https://youtu.be/K-3-UGsBAok )
https://www.fl.ru/users/a-l-t/ - 2D|3D art portfolio (till 2010)
http://208294.ua.all.biz - Abris LTD
http://megadesign.com.ua - MegaDesign LTD
http://www.dns-shop.ru/ - DNS Company ( https://youtu.be/WtxHc3thR9Y | http://ngs24.ru/news/131845/view/ )
http://ukrcomcentr.com/ - UkrComCentr
http://underscor3e.com - Underscor³e ( https://youtu.be/u-zDuFsWwsI | https://youtu.be/0XnylMLLF1A )
http://5d-mirage.ru - Mirage LTD ( https://youtu.be/S69r0uzYGg4 | https://youtu.be/u7qmx_CpeTY )
https://ncar.com/ru/news/ - NCar.com ( https://youtu.be/XS_HDdpgrX4 | https://youtu.be/AcQM-2ySEts )
http://alesko.eu - ALESKO ( https://youtu.be/1FB-8fT5_KI | https://youtu.be/GWC04FcXG1M )
https://river-soft.net/ - RiverSoft ( https://youtu.be/_uEttT5sqF8 | https://youtu.be/X6uisgTAHoQ | https://youtu.be/Jn5cziuL2eE )
a small test how to recognize buildings in AR : https://youtu.be/DxHmEJlmt6Y
AR car demo : https://youtu.be/Yl85WN_AQUM
a small test of hand recognition in AR : https://youtu.be/H5OzjYWhENI
AR Interior test : https://youtu.be/c-8eD0lHpkU
Testing geo-placing 3d model : https://youtu.be/n-OdSpVB_5M
http://avrahackathon.ru/ - https://youtu.be/XBs2zJ_-cQY
Simple industrial robot - https://youtu.be/SOfwjRRS7yM
ARMix Indoor navigation created on http://hackathon.mvideo.ru/ : https://youtu.be/lJpDx4Um8S8
ARMix on M.Video https://habr.com/company/mvideo/blog/414643/
Cosmos Invictus (https://store.steampowered.com/app/682620/) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IIBuFWUSX4
Wordspace hints : https://youtu.be/gb1-slVek04
Legacy AirCraft turbine test on Unity 3.5.7 : https://youtu.be/-7GHkoPL00U
Null Real Generation 3 - Port for Oculus Go - Screencast : https://youtu.be/snu2Y0siIvk
Floating Boat Test (Unity 5) : https://youtu.be/WNxJmPl1TCg
Floating Boat Test (Unity 2018) : https://youtu.be/zH6WIrtAghg
MGame - InGame UI concept : https://youtu.be/aHBM8XsP-RU
MGame - MainMenu UI concept : https://youtu.be/CR6rzd5l05I
UI Test 2 for Brave Branding UA : https://youtu.be/TKTuDc8ezJY
Sci-Fi location test : https://youtu.be/FCemIP3AQKA
SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 – VR Theater Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap0O8tp8NYQ
Art in the Void - Short promo video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE43gVW5X8U