Alex B. React Software Engineer

Front-End Web


- Frontend developer with 4+ years of experience
- Basic knowledge of Node.js on the back-end side
- Experience working in both large and smaller teams
- Has experience in technological solutions for improving business processes
- Intermediate English
- Available ASAP


Frontend developer

03.2022 - present

Description: Develop an education and advertising platform that allows users to choose and buy IT courses, seminars, and workshops, from worthwhile summits. Also, users could buy a ticket for future conferences.

I was responsible for the writing frontend part, maintaining, and debugging. 

Technologies: Back-end on NodeJS, Front-end on Next.js, and Prisma.


Frontend developer

04.2021 - 03.2022

Description: The project was created for recipients, donors, blood centers, medical institutions, and businesses. This is been made for reducing the average time for searching for donors from several days to several hours and the possibility of automated recruitment of potential blood donors through social networks and instant messengers using artificial intelligence algorithms and chatbots.

I've greatly improved the UI and usability. Fixed the logic of the components and added more clear filtering options for all users. And I introduced a system so that the donor could independently track the blood centers, depending on their location. 

Technologies: Back-end on NodeJS, and Front-end on React, Typescript, Redux, Redux saga, Jest.


Frontend developer

02.2020 - 04.2021

Description: I was part of a project team that developed a product for a business that wants to move quickly into online sales and communicate with the user in a new language of trust. The solution is suitable for the delivery of products and ready meals from restaurants, as well as other categories of goods and services in the retail sector. The product includes a web and mobile app, the operator's website, chat, and branding.

I worked on a web application, its visualization, and fixing bugs in the code for further trouble-free operation and easy use of any functions of this product. Expanded settings options for sellers and expanded filtering for faster and more accurate searches. 

Technologies: Backend on Node.js, frontend on React, Typescript, Redux, React Native, React testing library.


Frontend developer

01.2019 - 02.2020

Description: Worked on a DaaS project for major global accounting, tax, audit, and consulting companies, allowing them to work and establish processes in more than 120 countries.

My task was to develop a user interface and create a more usable system for working with a large flow of documents and tasks. I also fixed bugs in the code and eliminated a vulnerability in the logic that
could lead to further errors in the operation of this system.

Team: 5 front-end developers, 4 backend developers, 3 QA engineers, 1 designer, and 2 copywriters.

Technologies: Back-end on Java, Node.js., and front-end on React JS, Restful API, GraphQL


Frontend developer

03.2017 - 01.2019

Description: I was part of a team on the development of a web app for a large energy sales company that was engaged in the production of energy using solar panels of a unique type.

I worked on interactivity that allowed visitors to learn more about the uniqueness of this solar panel technology and its need to be scaled up for residential and business needs. I also implemented a user account for tracking debts and analytics of the energy consumption of individual clients. 

Technologies: Back-end on PHP and frontend on JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and Typescript.