Yehor R. Frontend Software Engineer

Front-End Web, Full Stack Web


- 2 years of commercial experience, early projects since 2017
- Has good knowledge of JavaScript, working with arrays, working with elements, sorting and data algorithms. Good understanding of HTML and CSS.
- Familiar with methodologies, principles, paradigms, and patterns in software development.
- Vuex for state management and Styled Components for styling.
- Rest APIs (Google, NovaPoshta) and Git for version control.
- Tailwind, Figma, and Webpack for UI
- Experienced in using Google Firebase, Cloud Firestore and Authentication.

Work Experience

JavaScript Front-end Engineer

03.2021 - 10.2023
Summary: Responsive websites from scratch and raise them into modern user-friendly web experiences.

  • Directory for sharing food location experience close to you similar to TrustPilot, TraiAdvisor, Yelp, YellowPages 
  • Landing pages and online stores for various industries including retail, insurance, cloudbudget, energy.
  • Various widgets and components such as photo galeries, sound bars, 

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue JS, Vue Router, Vuex, Styled Components, Rest API, Git, Patient, Tailwind, Figma, Webpack, Vuetify, SCSS

Frontend Developer, Vanilla JS Game

Summary: Vanilla JS game with timer and randomly generating squares (random place, size, color)
Technologies: Vanilla JS

Frontend Developer, Foodie Friend

Summary: An app that helps you find nearby establishments

Technologies: Vue, Vuetify, Vuex, Google API, Firestore Hosting, Firestore DB, Node js, Express, REST

Frontend Developer, Solaris

Summary: Front-End internet shop

Technologies: Vue, Vuex, CSS, NovaPoshta API, Google auth

Internal Projects

Photo Gallery

Summary: Amazing photo gallery

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS

Sound Bar 

Summary: Interactive sound bar

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS

Insurance company landing 

Summary: Adaptive insurance company landing (Figma)

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Figma

Cloudbudget platform landing

Summary: Adaptive Cloudbudget platform lending (Figma)

Technologies:  HTML, JS, Tailwind, Figma

Reels downloader

Summary: Node js REST API + web UI (Vue js) Reels downloader

Technologies:  Vue, Node js, Express, InstaSpider library, REST

Frontend Developer, Vue JS Blog

Summary: Vue JS Blog with possibility to add article, choose, and delete (single and miltiply) article.
Technologies: Vue JS

Vue3 Project

Summary: Stack of technologies: Vue3, Vuetify, vue-router, vuex, Google Places Api, Firebase, Node js, Express
Technologies: Vue3, Vuetify, vue-router, vuex, Google Places Api, Firebase, Node js, Express

Education & Trainings

  • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities
    University of Alfred Nobel
    09.2020 - present time
  • PHP website development (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript) course
    IT school LevelUP
    09.2016 - 04.2017
  • Website Promotion (Google Adsense, SMM) course
    IT school LevelUP
    09.2017 - 01.2018
  • The Complete Course of Modern Web Development (Javascript)
    WebForMyself, Vladlen Minin
    01.2022 - 03.2022