Sciapan R Scala and Java Software Engineer

Back-End Web


- 5+ years of experience in IT
- Upper-intermediate English
- Available ASAP


Under NDA (business domain tourism)

October 2021 – present
Description: Project for a large international tour operator. The part of the project we are working on is an implemented serverless event handling system.
Responsibilities: back-end development
Technologies: Java, Spring, AWS Lambda, API Service in Java Spring Boot, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, ReactJS, CI/CD, Kafka

Shipping and Logistics platform

February 2021 – August 2021
Description: A professional social network for supply chain teams. It allows supply chain teams to collaborate with customers, suppliers and carriers, and provides them with a sophisticated slot booking system, instant messaging and real time visibility into shipment fulfillment.
Responsibilities: Back-end development, code review
Technologies: Scala 2.13, Akka, Play Framework, Deadbolt, PostgreSQL, Slick DB, Docker, Angular 7, WebSocket, AWS EC2, AWS S3, AWS RDS, AWS Lambda

Industrial air compressor network monitoring tool

Description: A cloud solution for monitoring various physical parameters of working industrial air compressors. Allows to create dashboards with visual representations of aggregated measurements, notify users when measurement data is out of user-defined bounds, provision configuration to individual devices. Users can generate reports based on the user-defined time ranges of the collected measurement data.
Responsibilities: Back-end development, code refactoring, SQL optimization, code review.
Technologies: Scala 2.13, Akka, Play Framework, Deadbolt, PostgreSQL, Slick DB, Docker, Angular 7, WebSocket, AWS EC2, AWS S3, AWS RDS, AWS SES, Amazon Kinesis, AWS Lambda

JSON document storage and management server

August 2016 – January 2021
Description: A service for versioned storage, querying and migration of JSON documents. Allows to store JSON Schema-validated versioned JSON documents, register and execute inter-version migration scripts in JavaScript or Groovy.
Responsibilities: API design, implementation, maintenance, integration with other solutions.
Technologies: Java 11, Groovy, WildFly, JAX-RS, JPA/Hibernate, JSON Schema, JSON Patch, Java Scripting Engine

Data Source Proxy

Description: A minimalist service used to proxy a paid external data source by reimplementing its WSDL service description. Scheduled original dataset fetches, notifications about changes in the dataset.
Responsibilities: Back-end development, maintenance
Technologies: Java 7, Java SAX, Java STAX, EJB, WebServices, SOAP/MTOM

Lightweight middleware for DMZ installations

Description: A robust minimalist middleware solution, build HTTP(S) facades for JDBC- and FTP-servers via simple to use REST API.
Responsibilities: Development, maintenance.
Technologies: Java 8, Java IO, Undertow, Jackson, H2, Hibernate, JDBC, HTTP, FTP, AMQP

Cloud Middleware Solution

Description: Feature-rich middleware solution (B2B) that allows users to connect various endpoints (HTTP(S), FTP(S), JMS, JDBC etc), as well as to flexibly filter, verify, route and transform messages using a simple tunnel-based metaphor. It has built-in support for WUS and ebMS exchange standards and elements of AS4 protocol. It provides a convenient way to manage certificates for accessing secured endpoints.
Responsibilities: REST resources development, code refactoring; design and implementation of a novel streamlined configuration management subsystem
Technologies: Java 11, Groovy 2, WildFly 10+, Java EE 7, EJB, CDI, JPA, MBeans, JMS (ActiveMQ Classic), Hibernate, JDBC, HTTP (Apache), FTP (Apache), AMQP (Qpid Proton), FreeMarker, XSLT, XPath, WUS, ebMS, AS4, Angular

JAX-RS-based REST API library

Description: REST API library developed for internal use to allow implementation of GraphQL-like features (entity projection, filtering, linking) in a uniform way.
Responsibilities: Major architecture changes, development, maintenance, integration with other solutions
Technologies: Java 11, CDI, JPA/Hibernate, JPQL, Java Reflection

Event Routing Service

Description: This service is a cloud component that allows dispatching arbitrary messages based on user-defined metadata in a “publish-subscribe” pattern. Subscriptions are expressed using a custom flexible dynamically typed expression language and can include filters based on large predefined datasets and geographic positions. It offers an "at-least-once" dispatch guarantee.
Responsibilities: Design and back-end implementation from scratch.
Technologies: Java 11, Groovy 2, WildFly 10+, KeyCloak, Java EE 7, JAX-RS, EJB, CDI, JDBC, JPA/Hibernate, JMS (ActiveMQ Classic), Redis, Lua, JParsec, GeoJSON, JSON Schema, Angular, OpenAPI


Belarusian National Technical University. Faculty of Information Technology and Robotics, Software engineer.

2014 – 2018

Front-end development (Angular, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB), Itransition


Functional programming course Scala Bootcamp, Evolution Gaming