Vladislav Full Stack Developer

Front-End Web, Full Stack Web, Smart Contracts


- 6+ years experience as a Software Engineer;
- 2 years experience working with Go;
- Deep abilities working with Rust;
- Good knowledge of creating smart contracts;
- 4 years experience working with JavaScript, React, Next.js, Redux;
- Experience working with TypeScript;
- 3+ years of experience working with Node.js;
- Good skills working with NestJS;
- Experience working with Python, Swift, Kotlin, Flutter, Express;
- Experience working with AWS;
- Experience working with PostgreSQL, MongoDB;
- Good skills on team lead - led ~12 people;
- Took part in all aspects of product design and engineering, from marketing, and business investigation to the MVPs for start-ups, pitch decks, and mock-ups;
- Upper-Intermediate English.


NDA, Contractor

2023 — now, remote

  • Port web app (DeX) > Desktop (Mac, Linux, Windows);
  • Rebuild an iOS app -> Flutter;
  • BFF (processing data);
  • Authorization microservice;
  • Write-back Cache (Redis);
  • Facial recognition system (back-end, client).

Technologies: Tauri (Vue, Rust (multiwindow app)), gRPC (Tonic, Mongo), SwiftUI (near api swift), Swift, Kotlin, NodeJS, React.

NDA, Chief Operating Officer

 2016 — 2022, Kyiv

  • Prototyping, wireframing;
  • Designing and developing complex digital products;
  • User interviews;
  • Brand strategies;
  • Delivery management: estimation, planning, implementation, deployment, operation, monitoring;
  • Working closely with product owners and stakeholders;
  • Improving internal processes;
  • Food delivery created from scratch: design, mobile, server, sites (ninjawok.com.ua, ninjasushi.com.ua);
  • Business development, contracts, key partnership (bpa.com.ua, toremfinance.com, southart.com.ua, lituta.com.ua);
  • Modernized legacy system (energoatom.com.ua).

Technologies: ExpressJS (server), Vue / React / Vanilla JS (client), WordPress (constructor), Sketch (UI /UX), Tauri, Near (front, back).

NDA, Managing Partner

2023 - still closed alpha

  • Back-end: Go (Gin) -> Axum (Rust);
  • Storage: Postgres -> YDB -> Cockroach;
  • Desktop: Tauri (Rust + Svelte);
  • Design: Figma;
  • Blockchain: NEAR;
  • Architecture: SOA.

2event.com, Full Stack Developer

2019 — 2021, Lviv

  • Designed and developed a chat system (socket.io, NestJS);
  • Helped to hire (copywriter, iOS developer, and Vue developer);
  • More effective communication model;
  • Bootstrapped new APIs (Actix (actors in a distributed system), Gin (microservices, distributed
    transactions (Saga)));
  • Designed and developed [Sport management system, CRM, Event management system].

Technologies: UIKit / SwiftUI, RxSwift / Combine, Kingfisher, NestJS, NextJS, socket.io, Go (Gin), Mongo, Rust (Actix, Diesel).

Scala Management, Data Analysis

2016 — 2018, Kyiv

  • Hiring, building and leading start-up teams;
  • Designed, developed >10 information products;
  • Built data models to generate insights for marketing team;
  • Used scrapping and SQL to get insights for marketing initiatives.

Technologies: NumPy, Keras, Beautiful Soup, Django, Postgres, React, Redux.

Open-I / nimses.com, Full Stack Developer

2016 — 2017, Kyiv

  • Communicating with business owner, finding solutions and opportunities;
  • Designed, developed and brought MVP, to production;
  • 3mln. users for 2 month.

Technologies: Adobe XD, React Native -> UIKit, Alamofire, AWS SDK, Firebase.