
Serhii Software Engineer / Team Lead / Architect

Back-End Web, Full Stack Web, Solutions Architect


- 22+ years experience in the IT industry as a back-end engineer;
- 22 years of experience working with Java;
- 10 years of experience working with Python;
- 5 years of experience working with Microsoft Azure;
- 7 years of experience working with React;
- Deep skills working as a full-stack developer;
- Strong experience working with Oracle Database;
- 2+ years of experience working with Zeebe;
- Good skills with Camunda;
- Good skills with Scala;
- Experience working with JavaScript;
- Deep abilities working with Angular;
- Experience working with RabbitMQ;
- 2 years of experience working in a multinational financial services company;
- Good knowledge of working with Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle Database, SQL, MongoDB;
- Deep skill working with AWS (ElasticSearch, EC2, Lambda, S3, EKS);
- Good abilities with Google Cloud Platform (GCP);
- Proficient in using Docker, Kubernetes, and Kafka;
- Fluent in English, Intermediate German, and Intermediate French.


Senior Developer, Origin Media, USA

January 2022 – February 2023

Description: I worked as a contractor for Origin Media. My work involved coding on the
backend, fixing bugs, and working on the new features. I was participating in
the initial design, implementation, and deployment of features and bug fixes. Also, I
was creating CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins and Terraform.
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Kafka, RESTful Web Services, React,
Camunda, Google Web Toolkit, JUnit, TDD, Google Cloud, CyberArk, SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PL/SQL, MongoDB, Unix, Windows, Git, Maven, Docker, RabbitMQ.

Senior Developer, Allianz(Austria)

January 2020 – December 2021

Description: I worked as a contractor for Allianz. My work involved coding on the backend, fixing bugs, and working on new features. I also participated in the new feature specification. Took part in the whole development lifecycle, from specification to deployment.
Technologies: Azure, Kubernetes, Kafka, AWS, Ansible, Spring Boot, Microservices, RESTful Web Services, Java, React, JavaFX, JUnit, TDD, SAML, MySQL, MongoDB, Unix, Windows, Git, Maven, Docker.

Lead Java/Integration, Developer/Architect (Sweden)

September 2018 – December 2019

Description: I worked as a contractor for Veolia Nordics. My work involved working on the integration platform, where I needed to do integrations with different layers within the organization and also lead the development team.
Technologies: AWS, EKS, ELK, Helm, Elastic Search, EC2, Lambda, S3, Spring Boot, Microservices, Spring Cloud, Mule, Mulesoft Anypoint Studio, API-Led Connectivity, Drools, RESTful Web Services, GraphQL, Java, Scala, Angular, React, Mule, HTML5, CSS, Kafka, Spark, Jasper Reports, COBOL, JUnit, TDD, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PL/SQL, MongoDB, Unix, Windows, Git, Maven, Gradle, Docker, LDAP.

Senior Developer/Architect, ManaHealth (USA)

June 2016 – September 2018

Description: I worked as a contractor for Mana Health. My work involved working on a medical-related platform created from scratch. I was working on the backend and the frontend
Technologies: AWS, EC2, Elastic Search, S3, Lambda, Spring Boot, Microservices, Play Framework, RESTful Web Services, GraphQL, Java, Scala, Camel, Mule, Mulesoft Anypoint Studio, Angular, React, HTML5, CSS, Mirth, Drools, Kafka, Spark, Machine Learning, JUnit, TDD, SAML, MySQL, Cassandra, Unix, Windows, Git, SBT, Docker, Kubernetes, LDAP.

Senior Fullstack Developer, Adnovate (Netherlands)

April 2014 – June 2016

Description: I worked as a contractor for Adnovate. My work involved working on the pilot project for the new Adnovate e-commerce platform, which is created from scratch. My project was created from an existing platform. I was working both on the client and the server.
Technologies: AWS, EC2, Elastic Search, Spring, RESTful Web Services, Spring Security (OAuth2), Java, Scala, COBOL, Python, Mule, AngularJS, ReactJS, JQuery, JSON, Swing, JUnit, TDD, MySQL, Oracle, Unix, Windows, Git, Docker.

Senior Web/J2EE Developer, De Persgroep (Belgium)

October 2013 – April 2014

Description: I worked as a contractor for De Persgroep. My work involved the analysis, design, and coding of services for e-commerce and publishing engines used by major news providers in Belgium and The Netherlands. I also did some Xtext work to create an auxiliary publishing language. The work includes analyzing, designing, and implementing new features and maintaining existing features using the J2EE stack and JavaScript.
Technologies: Spring, Spring MVC, JSP, JSF, JSTL, Tiles, RESTful Web Services, AngularJS, JQuery, JSON, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JUnit, TDD, SOA, JBoss Fuse ESB, Apache Camel, HornetQ JMS, Camel, MyBatis, JBoss Application Server, Oracle, SQL Server, Unix, Windows, Eclipse, Git, Maven, Jenkins.

Senior J2EE Developer (EJB, Web Services, Hibernate, JDBC), Fujitsu

October 2012 – September 2013

Description: I worked in the IT department of the Fujitsu office in Dublin. My work involved analyzing, designing, and coding the Quartet MVNO platform owned by Telefonica (O2). It also had an e-commerce platform that allowed customers to purchase mobile accounts and pay with their credit cards or PayPal. The work included analysis, design, and implementation of new features and maintenance of existing features of Fujitsu JEE and SOAP and REST Web Services Platforms.
Technologies: EJB, Groovy, SOAP Web Services, Spring Web Services, RESTful Web Services, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, JSON, XML, XSD, XPath, JDOM, JavaScript, JSP, Python, Hadoop, CORBA, Hibernate, JDBC, Spring JDBC, Struts, WebLogic Application Server, JBoss Application Server, Oracle, Unix, Windows, Eclipse, SVN, Ant, Maven, JUnit, Selenium.

Senior J2EE, Developer, Fidelity Investments

May 2012 – October 2012

Description: I worked in the IT department of the Fidelity Investments office in Dublin. I worked as a Tech Lead and my work involved analysis, design, and mentoring of other team members.
The work included implementing new features and maintaining existing features for XTRAC.
Technologies: J2EE, RESTful Web Services, Scala, myBatis, HTML5, CSS, XML, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, JAX-RS, Struts, myBatis, Spring, Drools, jBPM, MQ, Tomcat Application Server, Oracle, Unix, Windows,  Eclipse, SVN, Maven, JUnit, Jenkins.

Senior J2EE Developer (EJB, Web Services, Hibernate, JDBC), Fujitsu

November 2011 – May 2012

Description: I worked in the IT department of the Fujitsu office in Dublin. My work involved analyzing, designing, and coding the Quartet MVNO platform owned by Telefonica (O2). The work included analyzing, designing, and implementing new features and maintaining existing parts of Fujitsu JEE and the Web Services Platform. Also, I have implemented integration with the DATACASH payment gateway and PayPal.
Technologies: EJB, Groovy, Web Services, Spring Web Services, HTML5, CSS, JQuery, XML, XSD, XPath, JDOM, JavaScript, JSP, Python, CORBA, Hibernate, JDBC, Spring JDBC, WebLogic Application Server, BSCS CX, BSCS SX (LHS), DATACASH Payment Provider Integration, PayPal Express Checkout API, Oracle, Unix, Windows, Eclipse, SVN, Ant, Maven, JUnit, Selenium, Hudson.

Java/J2EE Developer (JBoss Seam, JCF, Hibernate), Paddy Power

November 2010 – November 2011

Description: I worked in the IT department in the Paddy Power office in Dublin. My work involved working in a SCRUM team. I developed new features and also supported existing features. We worked on a 24/7 high-availability trading application, and I have written new features for this application from scratch.
Technologies: JBoss Seam, JSF, Ajax, Python, SOA, XML, XSD, RelaxNG, DTD, JAXB, JMS, MQ, Hibernate, JBoss Application Server, Informix, Linux Ubuntu, Eclipse, SVN, Ant, Ivy, Maven, AsciiDoc, UML, StarUML, SCRUM, TDD, JUnit, Jenkins.

Senior Software Engineer (OSGi, SOA), Ericsson, Athlone (Ireland)

November 2008 – November 2010

Description: I worked at Ericsson in the systems department. I created implementation proposals (IPs) based on input requirements. This involved liaising with people from different departments and from abroad. I also coded prototypes to support my IPs. I also supported design teams in the implementation. During my previous project within Ericsson, I was working as a Senior Software Engineer in the design team. We were writing a new platform for Ericsson OSS products based on OSGi. We were working with SCRUM and TDD approaches. My work included analysis, design, and implementation of new services.
Technologies: Java, RMI, JMS, OSGi, SOA, Eclipse RCP, Equinox, Spring Framework, Spring DM, UML, IBM Architect, Drools, jBPM, FIT Framework, JUnit, TDD, Versant, Windows, Linux, Unix, Solaris, Eclipse, ClearCase, Maven, Tycho, Hudson, SCRUM.

Senior Java/J2EE Developer (SOA, ESB), AIDOSS

May 2008 – November 2008

Description: AIDOSS is a German privately owned company with offices in Ukraine. I worked as a full-time contractor for the Deutsche Post project and as a member of the SCRUM team. We worked on open source SOA framework SOPERA (Swordfish). The work involved travels to Germany, design, and implementation, and close communication with the German team. Some tasks also included writing install scripts for Unix.
Technologies: Java, J2EE, J2EE Connector Architecture, SOA, ESB, JBI, OSGi, SOA, WebServices, ServiceMix, Spring Framework, Shell scripting, batch scripting, Windows, Linux, Unix, Solaris, JBoss, Tomcat, Eclipse, CVS, SVN, Ant, Maven, JProfiler, JMeter, SCRUM.

Senior Java, J2EE and Flex Developer (J2EE, Flex), Polycom (USA)

September 2007 – May/June 2008

Description: I worked at Polycom as a full-time contractor. I was a member of a SCRUM team. My work involved developing the JBoss Java-based video conferencing platform for Polycom, and also I designed and partially implemented Polycom’s GUI Flex framework. The work also involved a lot of communication and daily SCRUM meetings with the US team.
Technologies: Java, J2EE, JDBC, Flex, .NET, Swing,  SIP, H323, Windows, Linux, MySQL, Hibernate, JBoss, IBM Domino, Microsoft OCS, Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, UCMA API, AccuRev, Ant, UML, SCRUM.

Java, J2EE and Flex Developer (J2EE, Flex), BMC Software (USA)

June 2001 – September 2007

Description: BMC is a US-based company with a lot of offices throughout the world. During my time at BMC, I worked on 2 projects. The first project was to develop BMC Portal and portlets for main BMC products. This project also involved writing an installer based on BMC's proprietary installation framework Common Installer. I had to learn this installation framework in a short time. The second project was to develop a Flex GUI for the transaction management system. My work included writing a Flex-to-Java integration layer and also designing GUI Flex architecture using the Cairngorm framework. I have also participated in writing an AJAX version of the product prototype. In all the projects I had to closely communicate with the teams in the USA and India. I have participated in the entire project life-cycle from design to delivery.
Technologies: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Portlets, HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, ActionScript, Flex, Oracle, MySQL, SQL, Hibernate, JBoss, WebSphere, Vignette, Eclipse, xDoclet, CVS, Perforce, JIRA, Make, Ant, Maven, BMC, Common Installer.

Java/Web Developer (Java, JSP, JavaScript, HTML), Shield Enterprises (London)

April 1999 – June 2001

Description: I worked as a development team member in a start-up company that was developing an information web portal. My work included the design and coding of the web portal.
Technologies: Java, JSP, HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, Dreamweaver, CVS.


London Guildhall University, London, UK. First Class Honours BSc Degree in Computing and Information Systems.

Professional Courses

  • Advanced Java Topics;
  • Linux/Unix;
  • Advanced Flex;
  • Advanced Flash;
  • Java Remedy API Programming;
  • OO Analysis & Design using UML;
  • Advanced OSGi Topics with Peter Kriens
    Eclipse RCP.