Vanuni Middle React.js Developer

Front-End Web


- 3+ years of professional Frontend React.js developer.
- Intermediate English
- Available ASAP


Middle React developer - West-concept company
11.2021 – 01.2022
Responsibility: System for automation for a company that is engaged in the creation of nuclear power plants in the CIS
Worked in a team, my responsibilities included developing the architecture and interface, optimizing the project and fixing bugs
Technologies: React-Redux TypeScript / Huks, Redux-Toolkit, esLint, RTK-query, Lodash, UseForm, Moment.js, Yup validation, Axios, , Lazy- Loading, Scss,@fluent-react, office-ui-fabric-react, react-virtualized.
The project is written on the basis of Microsoft SharePoint, the pages use tables that have the ability to filter by dates, by texts, there is sorting by each field, by clicking on the calendar, when you click on the calendar, work hours are visible, you can create a task, edit and then whether, windows for column customization, width customization, sequencing and rendering. There is a section for saving the presentation of tables, there are many functionalities, for a meeting, for signing, there are sections for risks, purchases where complex tables are used and with big data that require optimization. There is a section for drawing projects, and their detailed pages. Detail pages have sections for raster vendors, purchases.

Middle React developer - mebot24 company (Company website / Offline HR system)
02.2021 – 11.2021
Responsibility: Worked in a team, my responsibilities included the development of architecture and interface, project optimization and bug fixes, code review of junior employees.
Technologies: React-Redux TypeScript / Huks, esLint, Lodash, UseForm, Moment.js, Yup validation, Rest api Axios, Redux-Toolkit, RTK-query, Lazy-Loading, Scss.
Company site: The site consists of 2 parts, the first part is companies and vacancies, their detailed pages, pagination, where forms are used to add and edit a company, pages are designed for big data, optimization and memorization of components is in progress, Lazy-Loading is used,
for editing, there is a resume page where users, candidates, resumes and detailed pages with descriptions are drawn, there are profiles, an interview schedule where there are calendars, validation forms and then, there is a detailed page about the vacancy ... page for HR to add testing questions, files, test task, forms of various types, there is a section for the task of passing stages, for testing employees, hikes are used to strengthen the use of drag and drop, for the second part.
The second part is an autonomous HR system that tests employees, there are 4 stages of testing, the first stage of the summary, where forms are drawn that the user must fill out and answer questions, forms with validation are used, after which there are test questions that the user answers with using various forms, checkboxes and text output, then comes a test task, over which you will be given time to complete. Upon successful completion of the test task, after there is an interview stage, questions on audio and video interviews. User answers questions with waving video and audio. When passing through all stages, HR-s will receive a list of candidates, their results of passing will be outlined in the pages of the site.

React developer - mebot24 company (Dashboard CRM system)
09.2020 – 02.2021
Responsibility: I created a project and worked alone in the project, my duties included the development of architecture and interface, project optimization and bug fixes
Technologies: React-Redux TypeScript / Huks, esLint, React-Saga, React-Form, Yup validation, Rest api Axios, Apex-Bootstrap, Immer, Moment.js, Scss.
CRM system for monitoring employees, tracking the results of work by tasks, by labor costs, actual, there is a section for employees, where there is a monthly report page, page. working hours, where there is a report on hours, a report on working hours, tasks without evaluation, call statistics, tasks in detail and whether, various types of tables and graphics from bootstrap are used, there is a section for HR CRM report, a section for marketing where drawing and filtering by tasks., Operative report where you can see the employee started the working day / started in overflow or completed, and filtering by sections, by departments, there is a page for adding a goal, where validation is used, forms of approval, adding and sending.

Junior React developer - mebot24 company (Clothing store website)
02.2020 – 08.2020
Responsibility: Worked in a team, my duties included interface development, project optimization, bug fixes
Technologies: React-Redux, TypeScript / Huks / React-Saga, react-day-picker, swiper , Formik, Rest api, tyled-Component, Axios , Webpack, Moment.js, esLint.
the main page displays discounted products, newcomers section, and popular products. There is a search by name, detailed pages of goods and a selection by size, color, etc.,
and for different categories that have their own subsection, there is authorization, separate pages are added for authorized users, from which you can add, edit or delete products, basket and favorites for authorized users a payment system, each page has places for feedback, evaluation and sharing on social networks, different types of filters are used in the project, by colors, prices, category, size.

Junior React developer - mebot24 company (Travel portal)
07.2019 – 02.2020
Responsibility: Worked in a team, my duties included interface development
Technologies: React-Redux Huks , React_Thunk, react-day-picker, swiper, (Lafleat - yandex map), Formik, Rest api, Scss.
At the entrance, a slider is shown, an overview of cities according to detailed pictures, descriptions and a calendar of events, which can be switched and allows you to see upcoming events, and goes to their detailed pages, where there is a detailed description of all objects related to this, audio recording, video recording, and then whether, there is a page for routes, objects, tours, excursions, where forms are used to filter them by different filters, for example, location prices or by objects, their detailed pages using different maps that make it possible to determine routes and find an object or cities, there are routes, there is a personal account for authorized crawling, the ability to add and remove routes, there is authorization, there are quests, after passing we get rewards.