Adrian B. Team Lead / Senior Java Developer

Full Stack Web


- 37+ years of experience in IT.
- Proficiency English


Senior Java Developer, Arnia Software Bucharest

March 2019 - Present

Senior Java developer, part of a 5 members agile international and distributed team of a French company.
May 2021 – July 2023
The team completed during these 2 years the following:

  • upgrade the Finance products used by about 250 company clients in 5 European countries to Java 11 and to RedHat Wildfly app server from RedHat Jboss
  • new QA oriented infra&tools daily used to confirm the quality of new hotfixes of the products thru: Gherkin integration tests, gradle plugins that automates product installation and integration tests
  • new Jenkins CI/CD that automates the weekly release process
  • new Octoperf performance monitoring infra and tests
  • new Ansible based automation to create Azure infra

My roles:

  • team lead as needed:
  • on risky POC’s and projects, based on Gradle,Jenkins,Octoperf, Ansible, bash (see above)
  • starting from collecting requirements, to make proposals and to make proposed systems work
  • working not only as developer but also as devops, system integrator, planner
  • each of the POC’s/projects took from 1-2 months to 3-4 months
  • each of these were followed by mentoring, coaching,management and planning, with at least 2 team mates, to spread the new infos and to extend the systems by team work
  • developer

Completed the Linux Foundation course (LFD259) Kubernetes for Developers
April 2021

March 2019 - March 2021
Senior Java Developer in healthcareplanning for a client located inthe Netherlands.I optimized the performance of the staff planning tool for this client as 140.000 active users from 180 companies access the application each month to check their schedule both on desktop browsers and mobile devices on this tool.
The team I waspart of uses Amazon Web Services as a hosting platform for this application.

  • In 2019the client hadabout 120 companies in its portfolio and for 9 months I was the only developer in charge with the back- enddevelopment for this project.
  • Agile, Java EE,Groovy,Camunda BPMN, reactive microserviceswith,Postgres,Mybatis, Guice, AWS EC2 Ubuntu, RDS, Lambda, Javers, Jackson, Git/Github, Docker, Circleci, Liquibase,Maven, Spring,Hazelcast,Redis,SamlSSO, Rest, IntelliJ,testingframeworks (JUnit, EasyMock,Mockito,Spock, Juckito)
  • On Camunda BPMN my responsibilities were on modelling and the process engine called from Java classes:
    - create new process models and the necessary Java classes (services, delegates, listeners) to interact with Camunda BPMN
    - create new templates for emails and notifications
    - update existing processes and java classes calling Camunda BPMN, according to new
    - find the cause of performance production issues and do the fixing
  • I ensured the app migration from Java 8to Java 11and to Groovy LTS, a key upgrade for the app performance.Some key figures of this project: upgrades for 50 mavendependencies, 14 maven plugins, the oldest being released back in 2011, with a medium plugin age of 4 years. Upgrades on other parts like CI, containerization,local environmentsfor developers,FEunit tests serenity.
  • I’m confident with working on Linux, both as anuser and as anadmin, since I have used it since the early days in my career inthe 1990's, using a few distros, but more recently I have been using Ubuntu and RHEL.

Senior Java developer, GoWild Gaming (Premium IT Technologies Bucharest)

2017January–March 2019

  • back-enddeveloper Java EE andGroovy
  • part-time operative support and system administrator
  • I had a key roleinmigratingtheplatform andits data from a third-partycompany. I personally improved the overall performance of the platform by integrating a variety of specific other gaming platforms
  • System integration skills. Examples I would mention here are Gitlab, Jenkins and Sonar: starting from the initial client proposal, to project, design, code implementationand to building and deploying the workflow.This clear path had meant usingmergerequestsfor codereviewsand jenkins pipelines,tools used by the back-endandfront-end teams of developers
  • Agile, Java, Groovy, Spring,Struts, Mysql, Maven, TDD: EasyMock & Mockito, Cypress, Jsp, Jquery, Jenkins,Rest web-service,Swagger,Apache httpand tomcat, LinuxUbuntuinAWScloud, IntelliJ

Senior Analyst Programmer, SC Selir SRL Galati

April 1998 - Dec. 2016

  • Development andmaintenanceof banking applications for the mother company based in Italy, Banca Sella Group.
  • Platforms I had used on this position in the company: Java EE,Ejb, Servlets,Jdbc,Web-services Jax-ws, Oracle,PL/SQL, Xml, Jaxb, JavaScript, Html, Svn, Maven, Ant, Junit, Microsoft Asp+Oracle, Java+SQL Server, Jsp, Tomcat, Linux/Unix
  • The first project correlated with a strategic moment for the Banca Sella Group. Back then, most of the IT used to be managed on the mainframe. For the change of year in 2000, the bank migrated all Cobol mainframe programs. The more technical solution for doing this change, using free and open source software and not the mainframe, was proposed by me within the company and was accepted. This migration took 18 months in total, and I’ve lead the team of 10 members for this project.
    The president of the Group’s Board of Management personally saluted our team for the results as the project was completed successfully 18 months after the project was approved by the Group, with no errors at all.

Analyst Programmer, Galati Shipyard

September 1989 – March 1998

  • first year worked at the Design & Technology Dept. for Hull as sysadmin
  • next years I was in charge of developing applications for production preparation, used by abt. 100 people everyday at the Technology (Work preparation) Dept.

Programmer, Curriculum Vitae

September 1986 – August 1989
At a company in Focsani. During the free time I was involved in the design ,development ,maintenance of an integrated financial and economic application , used for more than 10 years in commercial companies.


Physics Degree, Universityof Bucharest,Romania,Facultyof Physics and Technology– physics engineer, specializationin digitalandautomation systems.