Sergii iOS Developer



- Experienced iOS developer with 7+ years of commercial experience in IT;
- Proficient in Swift and Objective-C programming languages;
- Strong knowledge of object-oriented programming (OOP) and design patterns;
- Skilled in using iOS technologies such as UIKit, SwiftUI, Xcode, Core Data, Core Animation, and more;
- Familiar with various architecture patterns like Clean-Swift, MVC, MVP, MVP-C, MVVM+C;
- Experienced in working with REST APIs using URLSession and Alamofire;
- Proficient in using Git and SVN for source control;
- Familiar with agile development methodologies like SCRUM and Kanban;
- Strong attention to detail and ability to work in a team environment;
- Excellent communication skills and ability to work under pressure;
- Fluent in spoken and written English at an upper-intermediate level.

Work Experience

iOS Developer, NDA

Duration: Feb 2023 - Sep 2023
Summary: An insurance app for clients insured under health insurance contracts. Users can make an audio or/video appointment with a doctor, and conduct an online consultation. Also, users can find information about insurance contracts, policies, insurance events, records for consultations at the clinic, an archive of all events, as well as chat and video chat as part of online consultations.

Responsibilities: Develop new features, bug fixing, and support.
Technologies: Swift, MVP+Coordinator, Alamofire, FirebaseMessaging, MessageKit, GoogleMaps.

iOS Developer, NDA

Duration: Oct 2022 - Jan 2023
Summary: The app where the user shows their feelings instead of chatting and messaging. You can kiss and hug someone, you haven't seen for so long or met recently. it’s a new way to be closer from a distance. This app makes ordinary things a more important part of life

Responsibilities: Develop architecture, implement new functionality, improve performance, code review, and bug fixing.
Technologies: SwiftUI, Combine, Lottie, Alamofire, Firebase, Amplitude, Adjust.

iOS Developer, NDA

Duration: Apr 2022 - Sep 2022
Summary: The App is a digital dashboard. It has messaging, mapping, and visualization features, all in a bid to connect a community of people.

Responsibilities: Develop functionality, support, and bug fixing.
Technologies: Swift, Combine, MVVM + C, Bluetooth, Apollo, GraphQL, Realm.

iOS Developer, NDA

Duration: Nov 2021 - Feb 2022
Summary: Is a free and convenient way to manage your communications services. Check balances and balances by package, see detailed costs, change rates, connect services, and more.

Responsibilities: Develop architecture and functionality in the Core team. Transferring from Objective-C to Swift.
Technologies: Objective-C, Swift, Foundation, CoreData, SDWebImage, SocketRocket, Lottie, Shimmer, YYModel, GoogleMaps, UnitTest, CI.

Lead iOS Developer, NDA

Duration: Jul 2021 - Nov 2021
Summary: An application where an investor can invest in projects of idols in return to receive unique offers, goods, or return on investment with interest.
Responsibilities: Develop project from scratch, set architecture MVC+MVVM, XIBs, set git flow, code review, investigate a technical solution, project estimation, split project for team into 4 developers, develop screens.
Technologies: Swift, MVC+MVVM, Networking (Alamofire), UI (Hib), Swift Package Manager, SwiftGen, SwiftLint.

iOS Developer, NDA

Duration: May 2021 - Jul 2021
Summary: Application for health insurance. The process for authorization in the system and the composition of your insurance contracts, cancellation or payment of payment under the contract, and communication with those. Support and doctors online via text or video chats. It is also possible to follow the progress in the execution of the contract and compile a history of insurance stories.

Responsibilities: Develop functionality, support, and bug fixing.
Technologies: Swift, MVP + C, Networking (Alamofire), UI (Storyboard), MatrixSDK (using for one-to-one connection): MessageKit (interface), WebRTC (Audio/Video call).

iOS Developer, NDA

Duration: Feb 2021 - Apr 2021
Summary: Harbor is the safety and emergency app that does all the thinking for users - making it the simplest way to keep users' homes and families safe. Join countless families who are using Harbor to quickly and easily prepare for all of life’s emergencies. Help to learn how to prepare for every disaster scenario. Harbor compiled the most useful info from readiness experts and then made it easy to read and fun to learn for everyone.

Responsibilities: Support, bug fixing, and develop new features.
Technologies: RxSwift, RxCocoa Alamofire, DI (Swinject), Realm, Firebase, Google, Lottie-ios, R.swift, SwiftLint.

iOS Developer, Studio Rapid

Duration: Dec 2020 - Jan 2021
Summary: Create industrial-grade applications with a simple intuitive interface – and do it faster than with any other platform. In less than a day, you can have a complete native app on your phone.

Responsibilities: Support, bug fixing, and develop new features.
Technologies: AlamofireImage, Kingfisher, JSON, SwiftGen, Lottie-ios, SnapKit.

iOS Developer, SmartPlate

Duration: Nov 2020 - Nov 2020
Summary: Application to calculate calories via the device SmartPlate.
Responsibilities: Support, and bug fixing.
Technologies: SwiftyJSON, CoreBluetooth, AVFoundation, Measurement, Rxswift, SwiftLint.

Lead iOS Developer, Unity

Duration: May 2020 - Oct 2020
Summary: Rewards people for physical activity with points that could be converted into real goods contained in the shop or money. Walk, run, hike, or climb the stairs, every movement counts. For people who practice sports regularly or just want to start to be more active. Ufity motivates them to move more and instantly rewards users with points called the Fitys.

Responsibilities: Architecture, TasksManagement, GitManagement, Networking, GoogleAds, User interface, Clean Code Style.
Technologies: Swift, SwiftLint, Alamofire, HealthKit, CoreAnimation, CoreGraphics, PushNotifications, AdMob.

iOS Developer, NDA

Duration: Nov 2019 - Apr 2020
Summary: Client-Server application for car renting.
Responsibilities: Features development, issue investigation, debugging, bug fixing, performance optimization, UI development.
Technologies: Swift, VIPER architecture, Cocoa Touch, UIKit, Analytics, Alamofire, Firebase/Messaging, Firebase/DynamicLinks, Stripe.

iOS Developer, BrunOgBlid

Duration: Jul 2018 - Oct 2019
Summary: The app for getting tickets to Solarium Studio via the application. The main aim is to automate the process of getting vouchers for the procedure. Users just need to use the app, pay, and get a ticket.

Responsibilities: UI implementation, developing code in Objective-C, implementation of new features, bug fixes.
Technologies: REST, Firebase push notifications, Google map API, AutoLayout.

iOS Developer, NDA

Duration: Apr 2018 - Jun 2018
Summary: This is a “mental well-being fitness” app/platform that encourages both nonverbal and verbal means of expressing mood and the range of human emotion. It is a simple method of communicating what they feel, and why. This can be about an experience, a thought, a product, or anything at all. The primary goal is to allow users to identify their thoughts and feelings. The process encourages users to look inward and name the experience they are having.

Responsibilities: UI implementation, developing code in Swift, implementation of new features, bug fixes.
Technologies: Foundation, UIKit, Contacts, MessageUI, CoreLocation, Alamofire.

iOS Developer, My Live Sport TV

Duration: Nov 2017 - Mar 2018
Summary: MyLiveSport. TV shows all the TV channels which are broadcast live games of Football, Basketball, Handball, Ice Hockey, Cricket, Rugby, Volleyball, Boxing, Tennis, and Motor Sports including Formula 1, American Football (NFL), Baseball, and many more sports events.

Responsibilities: Database development, networking, user interface.
Technologies: Swift, SQLite.swift, Alamofire, SwiftyJSON, SDWebImage, Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK, SnapKit.

iOS Developer, NDA

Duration: Jun 2017 - Oct 2017
Summary: An application for those who need to send the goods by passing transport or become the carrier itself.


  • Calculation distance of dispatch; 
  • Calculation of shipping costs - dispatch schedule; 
  • Chat between the recipient and the sender.

Responsibilities: Networking, user interface
Technologies: Objective-C, AFNetworking, Mantle, SDWebImage, GoogleMaps.

iOS Developer, Quiz

Duration: Jan 2017 - May 2017
Summary: Game to test knowledge in different areas. The game allows you to play in two modes: for time and for life, also the results can be shared with friends in the game center.

Responsibilities: Networking, Database design and development, user interface.
Technologies: SQLite.swift, Alamofire, SwiftyJSON, Core Data, Game Center.

iOS Developer, Spring VK

Duration: Jun 2016 - Dec 2016
Summary: Website that allows empowered workflow for generating games. The A.I. enables quick creation and incorporation of all different game elements ranging from the creation of 3D models and their animation to story weaving and texturing. I have worked on the front-end part. 

Responsibilities: Networking, user interface.
Technologies: Objective-C, AFNetworking, SDWebImage, Autorisation, Auto Layout (including size classes).

iOS Developer, NDA

Duration: Feb 2016 - May 2016
Summary:  Control the Wi-Fi thermostat wherever the user is - in bed, in the car, or at the other end of the world. Use a daily schedule to save energy. Achieve impeccable indoor comfort with wide settings!


  • Control Wi-Fi thermostat; 
  • The implementation of heating according to the schedule;
  • Heating charts; 
  • Schedule the start of heating. 

Responsibilities: Networking, user interface, analytics.
Technologies: Objective-C, AFNetworking, GoogleSignIn, Firebase push notifications, FirebaseAnalytics, AutoLayout.


National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Master’s degree in Computer Engineering