Denys T. Senior iOS Software Developer

iOS (10.0 yr.), Mobile Apps (10.0 yr.)


- Software engineer with a decade of experience, skilled in a multitude of programming languages including Swift, Objective-C, and Java.
- Expert in developing for iOS with in-depth knowledge of frameworks such as UIKit, SwiftUI, CoreData, and an adept understanding of BLE technology.
- Led the maintenance and feature development of a well-known iOS VPN and Password Manager application, focusing on optimizing performance and implementing new features.
- Utilized MVC architecture alongside Objective-C and Swift to enhance the functionality of the VPN and Password Manager application.
- Played a key role in refactoring the VPN application codebase to improve efficiency and maintainability.
- Leveraged Alamofire for network management within the VPN application, ensuring reliable and secure connections.
- Collaborated closely with the development team to maintain the high quality of the VPN application's user experience and performance.
- Upper-Intermediate English

Work Experience

iOS Team Lead, Multifunctional application for taxi, goods and food delivery

Duration: March 2023 - now
Summary: Development and implementation of a multifunctional application for taxi, goods, and food delivery
Responsibilities: Technical solutions investigation, Project maintenance, Team communication, Demo conducting, Onboarding flow, Wallet widget, Ongoing widget, Push Notifications unification, DeepLinks unification, Rebranding
Technologies: Facebook SDK, iOS SDK, Crashlytics, Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, React, GSON, Koin, Timber, libphonenumber, DataBinding, MaterialUI, Jetpack DataStore, React Router, Glide, Retrofit 2, OkHttp, React testing library, Kotlin Coroutines Flow, Kotlin Coroutines, LiveData, Navigation Component, WebView, Swift, Kotlin, Swift Package Manager, Xcode, Firebase Analytics, GitHub Actions, Git, Firebase Messaging, XML, GitHub, MVVM, Modular Architecture, Redux-toolkit

iOS Team Lead, iOS client for company internal system

Duration: March 2022 - now
Summary: iOS client development for company's internal system for tracking employee absences and personal parameters
Responsibilities: Leading development process, Code review, Supervising tech solutions, Tasks prioritization
Technologies: iOS, MacOS, Swift, Swift Package Manager, AWS Cognito, iOS SDK, SwiftGen, SwiftUI, Combine, URLSession, Git

iOS Team Lead, App for managing LEGO blocks via BLE

Duration: April 2021 - December 2022
Summary: Leading the development of an app to manage LEGO blocks via Bluetooth, including redesigning and enhancing functionality
Responsibilities: Leading development process, Code review, Communication with customer, Supervising tech solutions
Technologies: MVC, Swift, UIKit, CoreBluetooth, GameController, Firebase Storage, Firebase

iOS Engineer, VPN and Password Manager application

Duration: March 2021 - June 2021
Summary: Maintenance and feature development for a known market iOS VPN and Password Manager application
Responsibilities: Project maintenance and refactoring, Designing and implementation of new features
Technologies: MVC, Objective-C, Swift, Alamofire, Realm, UIKit, Git

iOS Engineer, Perfumes app

Duration: February 2021 - March 2021
Summary: iOS development leadership for a redesigned app with NFC tag functionality for perfumes, ensuring tight deadlines were met
Responsibilities: Leading development process, Code review
Technologies: Swift, UIKit, CoreBluetooth, BLE, Git

iOS Team Lead, App for capturing athlete performance metrics

Duration: August 2020 - January 2022
Summary: iOS application development for capturing and saving athlete performance metrics during events
Responsibilities: Leading development process, Team composition, Supervising tech solutions, Communication with customer, Code review
Technologies: Swift, MVC+Coordinators, Alamofire, KeychainAccess, Firebase Remote Config, GitlabCI, UIKit, CoreData, Crashlytics, GitLab

iOS Team Lead, Real estate app

Duration: January 2020 - November 2020
Summary: iOS application development for a social real estate platform featuring chat functionality and property search and viewing
Responsibilities: Leading iOS development process, Project maintenance, Communication with customer, Demo conducting
Technologies: Swift, Alamofire, AppCenter CI, UIKit, MapBox, GetStream Chat SDK, StreamChat SDK, Crashlytics, Git, Google Analytics

iOS Engineer, App to collect measurements from systems

Duration: August 2019 - November 2019
Summary: Development of an app providing functionality for collecting manual measurements from systems in online and offline modes
Responsibilities: Development of features, Design architecture, Gathering requirements, Bugs fixing
Technologies: Clean Architecture, Swift, Alamofire, UIKit, CoreData, Git

iOS Engineer, Application for consultants of tobacco company

Duration: July 2019 - March 2020
Summary: Development lead for an application assisting consultants of a Ukrainian tobacco company
Responsibilities: Code review, Leading development process, Features decomposition, Preparing refactoring plan, Tasks prioritisation, Supervising tech solutions
Technologies: MVC, iOS, Swift, CocoaPods, Alamofire, Lottie, GitlabCI, UIKit, CoreData, XCTest, Git, Crashlytics, GoogleMaps, Firebase Messaging, GitLab, Google Analytics

iOS Engineer, SDK for Subscription & Membership Management Platform

Duration: May 2019 - June 2019
Summary: Development of new functionality and release of new SDK versions for an All-In-One Subscription & Membership Management Platform
Responsibilities: Development new functionality, Release new versions of SDK, Bugs fixing
Technologies: Swift, CocoaPods, Alamofire, KeychainAccess, In-App Purchase, Git

iOS Engineer, App to read ID cards

Duration: April 2019 - May 2019
Summary: App development to read and process data from ID cards, including reversing engineering SDK for handling closed data
Responsibilities: Reverse engineering SDK, Investigate and propose tech solution to develop required functionality
Technologies: Objective-C, Alamofire, UIKit, CoreBluetooth, Git

iOS Engineer, Application for influencers to connect, share insights and fuel innovation

Duration: January 2019 - March 2019
Summary: Contributed to the development of cross-platform application for influencers to share insights and connect
Responsibilities: Features development, Bugs fixing, Investigate and provide complex tech solutions
Technologies: Objective-C, Swift, Objective C++, Java, C++, XMPP


  • National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"
    Information system and networks Specialist's degree
    2007 - 2012