Dmytro G. iOS Engineer
- 11+ years of commercial experience in IT
- Experience in developing applications using Swift, Objective-C
- Excellent knowledge in OOP
- Experience in using Design patterns
- Good logical thinking, self-learning, high level of responsibility
- Responsible, hard-working, result-oriented, creative and communicable, team player
- Good attention to details
- Intermediate English
- Availability starting from 20/07/2023
iOS Developer
November 2017 - Present
iOS Developer, Srost-Studio
January 2015 - October 2017
iOS Developer, Grid Dynamics International, Inc.
December 2013 - December 2014
iOS Developer, Sealpoint
January 2013 - December 2013
iOS Developer, Fgfactory
September 2011 - December 2012
IOS developer
Jan 2023 - Jul 2023
Description: The app that connects global shoppers with local personal shoppers.You can connect with local personal shoppers who have access to all the top brands and find the best deals.Also, can to shop for any brand you want from wherever you are.
- Refactoring, new feature implementation, bug fixing
Technologies: Alamofire, AWSS3, Firebase, Facebook, IGListKit, RxSwift, RxCocoa, Moya, SwiftGen, lottie-ios, Kingfisher, BarcodeScanner, SwipeCellKit
IOS developer
Sep 2022 - Dec 2022
Description: Wrapper over Google API to work with Google Vision & Google Cloud Storage.
- Development of the framework.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch. Implementing new features
Technologies: Swift-JWT, UlKit, Google Vision API, Google Cloud Storage API, Google Auth using JWT token
IOS developer
Jun 2022 - Sep 2022
Description: The Mobile Phone Application will provide users with a customized training plan based on an assessment of their ability to perform a range of movements that they are required to do as part of a screening process.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch.
- Implementing new features
Technologies: MVVM + Coordinators, Alamofire, Kingfisher, Combine, CombineCocoa, KeychainAccess, Firebase, SnapKit, RxSwift
IOS developer
Mar 2022 - May 2022
Description: With this app resource center team aims at providing the best-in-class medical education program to train European healthcare professionals - enabling superior patient outcomes through education. The user can participate in conferences using zoom.
- Creating new features, bug fixing, refactoring, redesign
Technologies: Combine, SwiftUI, CombineCocoa, Kingfisher, Moya, Firebase, SwiftyJSON, ZoomSDK, Push notifications
IOS developer
Oct 2021 - Feb 2022
Description: The app allows you to easily access the newest semiconductors and electronic components for your designs. Easily browse the newest products by date, category or manufacturer. Find products and view stock availability through a user-friendly search or built-in barcode scanner with the ability to build a shopping basket or project to checkout online.
- Creating new features, bug fixing, refactoring
Technologies: Alamofire, GoogleAnalytics, Kingfisher, PromiseKit, SnapKit
IOS developer
May 2021 - Sep 2021
Description: Proactively protection of your data and account credentials on mobile. This library enables leading consumer companies to prevent data compromise for mobile apps. It provides comprehensive visibility and advanced security against the spectrum of mobile risk.
- Bash scripts creation for Jenkins, bug fixing, writing tests, fixing tests
Technologies: A large number of self-written libraries
IOS developer
Jan 2021 - Apr 2021
Description: The app is on a mission to make a positive impact on people, teams, and workplace communities. By combining cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence with the powerful psychological phenomenon of this app, we help improve workplace performance, inspire social action, and have the ability to unlock human potential.
- App refactoring, bug fixing, implementation new features
Technologies: MVVM, Alamofire, FacebookSDK, Firebase, Kingfisher, SnapKit, SwiftLint, UIKit
IOS developer
Nov 2020 - Dec 2020
Description: The app analyses impact data for approximately 95% of the listed equity market and a comprehensive universe of exchange traded funds, actively managed funds and investment trusts to bring you personalised environmental metrics.
- App refactoring, bug fixing, implementation new features
Technologies: Redux, Moya, Amplitude, Kingfisher, Lottie, RxSwift, RxDataSources, Stripe, UIKit
IOS developer
Jul 2020 - Oct 2020
Description: Mobile banking app online that allows you to manage money without visiting the office. It is possible to make a credit card or credit online, pay for housing and utilities, make a transfer by phone number, card number or details. You can change the PIN code of the cards, re-issue and issue new cards. Also get a cashback for operations in the app.
- App refactoring, bug fixing, writing documentation, implementation new features, writing tests
Technologies: MVVM, Alamofire, AFNetworking, Firebase, GoogleAnalytics, MCMSDK, SDWebImage, SocketRocket, UIKit, SnapKit, SwiftLint, SwiftyMocky, Nimble / Quick, Swinject, RxSwift, RxRelay, RxCocoa, RxTest, Kingfisher
IOS developer
May 2020 - Jul 2020
Description: Platform for virtual currency exchange at conferences using QR codes. Streamline sales, access inventory, and manage your wallet all in one app.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch. Implementing new features
Technologies: MVVM, Firebase, Kingfisher, UIKit, Firebase, Moya, GoogleMaps, GooglePlaces, RxSwift. RxCocoa, RxRelay, SnapKit, Push notifications
iOS developer, Hera
Dec 2019 - Apr 2020
Description: Social network for developers of the games. It contains ability to create posts, chats, groups, tournaments, organise meetings and plays, and to see those activities at the map.
- Refactoring, implementing new features, memory leaks finding and fixing
Technologies: Alamofire, DKImagePickerController, PureLayout, Reusable, KeychainSwift, SwiftyGif, XLPagerTabStrip, iCarousel, GoogleMaps, GooglePlaces, RxSwift, RxCocoa, RxDataSources, RxFlow, Action, RxBlocking, RxAlamofire, RxKeyboard, NSObject+Rx, RxCoreLocation
iOS developer, Flipside
Jul 2019 - Dec 2019
Description: Wavework is a helper app for a hockey team fans (clients) and team representatives (admins). The app allows client to see the team's game schedule, get notified about the latest news, take part in polling and request some specific benefits, chat with admins, etc.
Admin version of the app allows user to manage clients, their requests and observe team's schedule.
iOS app is built with MVP architecture and swift 4, and uses Firebase Realtime Database as an online data storage.
- Development of the project architecture.
- App development. In-depth work with Firebase
Technologies: Foundation, UIKit, Firebase
IOS developer
Apr 2019 - Jul 2019
Description: Experience award-winning journalism from the leading business and financial newspaper in Germany. Whether smartphone or tablet, the app provides you with in-depth analyzes, market-moving news, exciting interviews, strong opinions and outstanding infographics.
The app provides feeds with the news divided into categories. There are free and paid news with preview available for everyone but actual articles available only for those users, who paid for access. The app also has offline mode (users can download the articles and read them without internet connection). Users receive push notifications about breaking news.
- Refactoring, implementing new features, memory leaks finding and fixing
Technologies: Swift, UIKit, PushNotifications, REST Libraries: RealmSwift, IGListKit, Alamofire
iOS developer, ZGO DO
Nov 2018 - Mar 2019
Description: The application allows to add events for meetings and subscribe to events.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch. Implementing new features, uploaded to app store, refactoring
Technologies: UIKit, Alamofire, Google Maps and geocoding APIs
HyperKey keyboard
Jul 2018 - Nov 2018
Description: The application allows to add custom keyboard to your iPhone or iPad. Synced with DropBox, GoogleDrive, Facebook, Instagram and other services. Use can create their personal set of GIF expressions to share with friends, use thousands of GIFs from social celebrities and people around the world. It works with any messaging app.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch. Integration with popular services
Technologies: UIKit, AFNetworking, Google Maps and geocoding APIs, Facebook SDK
iOS developer, FoodTruck
Nov 2017 - Jun 2018
Description: The application allows to find Food Trucks on map, shows the distance from user to the truck, user can add truck, see truck details, add truck to favorites.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch. Architecture implementation. Bug fixing
Project link:
Technologies: UIKit, AFNetworking, Google Maps and geocoding APIs, Facebook SDK
iOS developer,
Feb 2017 - Oct 2017
Description: Get information on any real estate, land units, building or apartment, find current or former address, browse various State Land service of their existing cards, as well as your orders, and to contact customer advice center.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch. ArcGIS maps integration.
- Development of the database architecture
Project link:
Technologies: ArcGIS, UIKit, TestFilght, AFNetworking, CoreData
iOS developer, iMojka
Jul 2016 - Jan 2017
Description: The application allows to make order for car cleaning, by user location. User can select a car for washing, which is created when user profile is created (user can add few cars), time, wash type and payment method.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch.
- OneClickPay lib integration
Technologies: UIKit, AFNetworking, CoreData, Google Maps and geocoding APIs, Push Notifications, OneClickPay (PrivatBank)
iOS developer, Bonus Hunter
Nov 2015 - Jun 2016
Description: The application allows to find bonuses in Russian cities on map and create a route to bonus or find bonuses in the list, which shows the distance from user to the bonus. User can add bonus, see bonus details, view comments, write comments, add bonus to favorites.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch.
- Architecture implementation, bug fixing, implementation new features
Technologies: UIKit, AFNetworking, Google Maps and geocoding APIs, Facebook SDK, VK API, QuartzCore, Odnoklassniki SDK
iOS developer, Audioguide Excurcia
May 2015 - Nov 2015
Description: An automatic GPS audio guide to European cities. The guide identifies your location and tells about the architectural monuments and just interesting places you can visit. All you need is to turn the guide on, put it in your pocket and go for a walk!
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch.
- OSM integration.
- Work with user location and developing excursion logic based on it
Technologies: UIKit, OSM (MapBox), AVFoundation, MKNetworkKit
iOS developer, Poznavajka
Jan 2015 - May 2015
Description: The application allows to train the child in two developing methods: Domans method and Classic. User can customize the training technology in several ways changing settings, adding or removing learning bases. User can see training statistics that is displayed on charts, with ability to post results.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch.
- Uploaded to app store, refactoring
Technologies: UIKit, In-App Purchase, AVFoundation, Social posting, SQLite
iOS developer, iPal: Your Best Virtual Friends
Jul 2014 - Dec 2014
Description:Application abilities:
- Creating friend’s appearance
- Making photo or choosing from your gallery for the background
- Saving photo with your virtual friend
- Sending you greetings daily and on special occasions
- Providing daily horoscope
- Giving wise advice
- Offering interesting facts
- Sharing jokes and funny stories
- Giving fortune cookie
- Playing Tic Tac Toe and Checkers anytime
- Giving you a call at your designated time
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch
Technologies: UIKit, AssetsLibrary, Local Notifications, CoreData, AVFoundation
iOS developer, Black Note
Dec 2013 - Jun 2014
Description: The application allows to create black note, where you can create revenge, with revenge types, time, etc. The application adds reminders to system calendar.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch.
- Implementing new features
Technologies: UIKit, EventKit, CoreData
iOS developer, Picture Hangman
Sep 2013 - Dec 2013
Description: Picture Hangman is a well-rounded game with a unique game play. It features a user-friendly interface, beautiful chalk drawn aesthetics, smooth game play, as well as a full in-game tutorial for new players and helpful playing tips too.
- Refactoring, implementing new features
Technologies: UIKit, In-App Purchase, GameKit, AVFoundation
iOS developer, Eskimo Village
Jan 2013 - Aug 2013
Description: You have to steal the baby Eskimos from the storks that are carrying them, by slicing the blankets in which the baby Eskimos are carried. Be careful, the baby Eskimos have to fall inside the igloos built by Nigaq. Avoid cutting the bombs and the dirty diapers!
Show your friends on Facebook and Twitter the most populated Eskimo Villages you created! Compete with your friends and try to build the village with the biggest Eskimo population!
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch.
- Cocos2d engine integration
Technologies: UIKit, Cocos2d, In-App Purchase
iOS developer, Mountain Rescue
Sep 2011 - Dec 2012
Description: The gist of the game is to save the little men on the map, playing against the computer or a real player.
- Fully created iOS-side application from scratch.
- Cocos2d engine integration.
- Work with isometric textures
Technologies: UIKit, Cosos2d, Isometric Maps, In-App Purchase
Master’s degree in System Programming, Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics
2005 - 2010,