Oleksandr V Python Developer/Data Engineer

Database Development


- 15+ years experience as Python Developer/Data Engineer.
- Has experience with SQL and data modeling skills. Also, with migration from one data warehousing solution to another. Solid experience designing and implementing a complex data warehouse or database schema. And has implemented an ETL pipeline using dbt, and AWS.
- Upper-Intermediate English.
- Start ASAP



Python Developer – Under NDA

2021 -2022


Dyson marketing coverage tool.


Parsing sales reports, competitor analysis, and compute analysis and prediction using GPU (numba).

Technologies: Python 3.9, FastAPI, OpenPyXL, GCP(BigQuery), numba, Selenium, AWS, dbt, SQL.



Python Team Lead/DATA SCIENTIST – Under NDA

2015 - 2021


Drone mapping software based on photogrammetry, meshing and ortho projection algorithms (for emergency services).


● Implementing and optimizing mapping 2D and 3D algorithms (point clouds and textured meshes) for processing really big data.

● Implementing accessing geo data via the web interface.



Devices for recognition of driver's license plates (IoT for police).


● Solution based on ARM which works with the video stream (mjpeg) from the camera (recognize the type of vehicle (mobilenetv2) with driver license plate (openalpr). Storing data (SQLite) and synchronization across all devices into a central database (MySQL) for finding duplicate numbers.



Segmentation of satellite and drone data for disaster detection.



CCTV cameras (neural networks and video streams).

Technologies: Python 3.9, FastAPI, OpenPyXL, GCP(BigQuery), AWS, numba, SQL, Selenium.



Business Analysis – PRIVATBANK

2010 - 2015


● Privat24 for business.

● Software for surveillance video cameras, decoding/encoding video streams, neural

networks/computer vision algorithms for detection of unwanted persons (visitors in

masks, etc), strange behavior (ghts, etc.), determining the length of queues in


● Implementing banking risk prevention algorithms.

● User interface/experience mockuping.

Technologies:  Python 2.7, PHP, OpenCV, Adobe CS, Cuda/OpenCl, MySQL