Alexander S Front-end developer

Front-End Web


- 8+ years of commercial experience in IT
- Experience in developing web applications using Vue.JS (Vuex, Vuetify)
- Intermediate English
- Good logical thinking, high level of responsibility. Communicative, responsible, hardworking, result-oriented, and team player
- Available ASAP

Indrivo DDWC Position - Senior Front-end developer

June 2021 – March 2022

Description: National Management System on Disability

Responsibilities: Development project, team leading

Technologies: Vue, Vuex, Vuetify, ES6, i18n,axios, scss, webpack, REST API.


VCV Position - Senior Front-end developer

December 2020 – February 2022

Description: Online Recruitment Automation Software

Responsibilities: Creation, support and development core of project

Technologies: Vue, Vuex, Vuetify, ES6, i18n, janus, axios, scss, webpack, REST API.


Introduct Cryptowallet Position - Front-end developer

May 2019 - November 2020

Description: Cryptocurrency service

Responsibilities: Creation and development project from scratch

Technologies: Git, bootstrap, Vue, Vuex, ES6, i18n, axios, scss, ExpressJS, webpack, wordpress, REST API.


Smile Walibi Position - Front-end developer

April 2019 - November 2019

Description: Amusement park

Responsibilities: Support, new subsites creation

Technologies: jQuery, git, bootstrap, scss.


Sitegenration Position - Front-end developer

November 2016 - April 2019

Description: Generator online stores with a ready base of suppliers.

Responsibilities:  Frontend development

Technologies: Git, laravel, knockoutJS, scss, jQuery, bootstrap, gulp, BEM methodology.


CRELCOM Active citizen, Exarch, Your rest Position - Front-end developer

November 2016 - March 2018

Description: I got acquainted with KnockoutJS. "Active citizen" service - it is analogue of a similar Moscow project. It was made for the administration of the city of Simferopol. In addition, I was developing the next stillborn project called Exarch.

Responsibilities: Frontend development

Technologies: Smarty, svn, jQuery, scss, knockoutJS, git.


Crimeatechnology. DIALOG, Memory book, RKDOO 1.0 - Front-end developer

August 2014 - November 2016

Description: Dialog - it`s electronic document flow system for Crimean goverment.

Book of memory - digitized archive of data about Crimean veterans of the Second World War.

RKDOO - it`s Electronic queue in preschool Heroically refactor half of the frontend of the electronic document flow system on BEM stack.


- Frontend development from scratch

- Code review

- feature estimations and risk assessment

- task distribution

- Refactoring / reengineering

Technologies: jQuery, wow.js, animate.css, bootstrap, git, i-bem.js, BEM methodology, jQuery, Git, scss, gulp, esling, jslint.


Sheer marketing group - Web developer

February 2014 - August 2014

Description: Got acquainted with Wordpress, made a lot of sites at Wordpress. Also, landing pages.

Technologies: Wordpress, jQuery