
Agile Leader Developer with Scrum Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Agile Leader developer with Scrum with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Scrum used?

Space Squads Launching Code Rockets

  • When NASA engineers need a break from stargazing, they whip out Scrum to streamline their cosmic software shenanigans—one small commit for a dev, one giant deploy for devkind!

The Epic Quest of Banking Knights

  • Daring questers at banks joust with interest rates using Scrum—a knightly framework to guard the realm of finance from the dragons of inefficiency and late software deliveries.

The Frenzied Forges of Game-Smiths

  • In the mystical lands of video game development, developer mages conjure up pixel-perfect spells within iterative sprints, making sure the gamers’ grails are bug-free and timely.

The Agile Artisans of E-Shop Enclaves

  • E-commerce crafters peddle their digital wares using Scrum, artfully dodging market mayhem and weaving through customer feedback like nimble online ninjas.

Scrum Alternatives


Kanban is a visual workflow management method that aims to maximize efficiency by limiting work in progress. It uses cards to represent tasks and lanes on a board to indicate stages of the process.

// No direct code sample, as Kanban is a conceptual framework.

  • Enhances focus on continuous delivery

  • Promotes transparency with visual cues

  • Adaptive to changes without disrupting workflow

  • Can lead to task buildup if not managed properly

  • Requires disciplined WIP limits

  • May not be ideal for complex projects with interdependent tasks

Lean Software Development

Lean focuses on creating value for the end-user by eliminating wastage and optimizing processes. Its principles are derived from lean manufacturing practices.

// No direct code sample, as Lean is a methodology, not a coding structure.

  • Minimizes waste, maximizes customer value

  • Empowers team and encourages decision-making

  • Enhances process and product quality through feedback

  • Requires cultural shift for full adoption

  • Risk of overlooking documentation and design

  • Not prescriptive; teams must define their own processes

Extreme Programming (XP)

XP is an agile software development framework that emphasizes customer satisfaction. It advocates for frequent releases, pair programming, and a test-first approach.

// Extreme Programming encourages frequent code refactoring for improvement.
refactorCode(baseCode); // A hypothetical function call for refactoring

  • Improves software quality and responsiveness to changing customer requirements

  • Stresses on communication and team collaboration

  • Promotes technical best practices like TDD and CI

  • Can be intensive for developers, leading to burnout

  • Requires close customer involvement, which might not be always feasible

  • Pair programming can be inefficient in some cases

Quick Facts about Scrum

Scrum Chronicles: The Birth of a Game Changer

Picture this - it's 1995, your flannel shirt's on, and Jeff Sutherland, along with Ken Schwaber, decides to rock the software world. They concocted a spicy new development recipe called 'Scrum,' inspired by a 1986 Harvard Business Review article comparing high-performing, cross-functional teams to rugby scrums. Seemingly overnight, coffee-fueled devs were passing project tasks like hot potatoes, faster than you can say "rapid iteration."

Scrum's Evolution Saga

From its radical beginnings, Scrum continued to morph and evolve like a Pokémon. Each tweak and twist aimed at perfecting the art of agile software development. By 2010, the method had shattered the confines of the tech world, sprinting into sectors as wild as education and marketing — basically, anywhere teams needed to pivot faster than a pirouetting ballerina.

The Scrum Guide's Oasis

Imagine a sacred scroll for Scrum enthusiasts: The Scrum Guide, conjured by its original creators. Its verses have been chanted annually, offering wisdom and updates to the faithful. The guide started as a 13-page tome in 2010, but by 2020, it trimmed down to a lean mean 13 pages. This holy text makes minimalist poets weep, as it distills the essence of Scrum into fewer words than your grandma's grocery list. And just like your favorite software, it's free – a veritable open-source scripture!

// Fictitious Scrum code snippet for comic relief (NOT real code)
team.sprint(planning => {
while(coffee.cup != empty) {
review(); // Reflect on life choices
retrospect(); // Contemplate the meaning of code

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Scrum developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities

  • Assist in backlog refinement.

  • Develop simple features under supervision.

  • Write unit tests for own code.

  • Participate in daily stand-ups.


  • Independently handle moderate complexity tasks.

  • Contribute to technical discussions.

  • Perform code reviews for juniors.

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams.


  • Lead complex feature development.

  • Mentor junior and middle developers.

  • Drive continuous improvement initiatives.

  • Facilitate Scrum events as needed.

Expert/Team Lead10+120,000+

  • Set strategic technical direction.

  • Oversee multiple Scrum teams.

  • Handle critical system-wide issues.

  • Act as the main liaison with stakeholders.

Top 10 Scrum Related Tech

  1. Agile Mindset with a Splash of CoffeeScript (Not the language!)

    Before we dive into gadgets and gizmos aplenty, let us first toast to the non-technical cornerstone of Scrum – an Agile mindset. It's about as essential as caffeine on a Monday morning; you can't truly do Scrum without it. It's adopting principles over processes, collaboration over contract negotiations, and embracing change over following a plan. Imagine sipping on a hot mug of flexibility, with a teaspoon of courage and a dash of focus. Delicious!

  2. Sticky Notes 2.0 AKA JIRA

    Ah, JIRA, the digital transformation of every wall ever graced with sticky notes in tech history. It keeps our tasks in neat, colorful lanes that would give Tetris a run for its money. Set up your backlogs, sprint boards, and burndown charts with a few clicks, and voila! You're the maestro of a symphony in progress.

    if (issue.moveToSprint) {
    console.log('Look Ma, no hands!');

  3. Confluence or 'The Library of Babel'

    Ever dreamed of a magical library that contains all the knowledge your team ever needed? Enter Confluence. A place where documents live in peace and harmony, and knowledge sharing is the law of the land. Scribes and wise ones (or, you know, developers and project managers) come hither to document their sage wisdom.

    documentation.create('Arcane Knowledge');

  4. Git - The Time Machine for Coders

    No, not a gizmo out of a sci-fi novel, but rather the version control system that makes devs feel like time travelers. Commit, branch, merge, and sometimes, gently weep. Git is the memory palace where all code versions frolic in harmony, waiting for their moment to shine.

    git commit -m "Fixed the thing that wasn't broken before I fixed it"

  5. Slack - The Hallway Chatter Simulator

    Remember when we used to talk in hallways and by water coolers? Slack is that, but with fewer opportunities to spill your drink. Channels for teams, direct messages for secret missions, and enough emojis to express the *entire* spectrum of human emotions.

    /slack @channel Good job on the deployment, folks! :tada:

  6. Trello - Post-its Gone Digital

    It's the digital equivalent of that satisfying feeling you get from physically dragging a sticky note across a board. Trello boards are like the fridge doors of the software world, everyone sees them, and they tell you what's fresh (To Do), what's cooking (Doing), and what's ready to eat (Done).

    card.moveToList('Done Cooking');

  7. Sprint Retrospectives with Retrium

    Where teams go to spill the tea after a sprint. It's like group therapy, but for your workflow, with activities that make constructive feedback as fun as game night. Who knew improving processes could give reality TV drama a run for its money?

    retrium.startRetro('Sprint 42 - The Answer to Life, Universe, and Deployments');

  8. CI/CD Pipelines: Jenkins/Travis CI - The Elves in Santa's Workshop

    Silently, they toil away, building and testing, tirelessly ensuring that code is always in a deployable state, like the unsung elves of Santa's workshop (if the elves were super into DevOps). A green build is the new 'nice' on Santa's list.

    pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
    stage ('Build') {
    steps {
    sh 'make all the things!'

  9. Zoom - The Window into Each Other's... Home Offices

    The gateway to every daily stand-up, client meeting, and the occasional virtual happy hour. It’s where you pray the Wi-Fi gods are kind and that your cat doesn't choose this exact moment to realize its dream of internet fame.

    zoomMeeting.start({topic: 'Daily Scrum'});

  10. Docker - Containerizing the Chaos

    In the world of software, 'container' doesn’t mean something you put leftovers in. Docker wrangles your application and all its dependencies into neat, manageable containers, like a Marie Kondo for your code. It sparks joy, and yes, it’s very tidy.

    docker run --name my-scrummy-app -d scrum-god/app:latest

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