
Manual QA / Tester Developer with TestRail Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Manual QA / Tester with TestRail with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Trending Manual QA / Tester tech & tools in 2024

Where is TestRail used?

Chronicling Bugs: The TestRail Chronicle

  • Imagine an ancient scroll for techies; TestRail's the modern parchment where devs jot every bug as a memoir for their future selves.

Tug-of-Test: The Feature Faceoff

  • TestRail's like a digital referee, overseeing epic battles between new code and old, deciding who wins the match of the update.

Analytics Alchemy

  • Turning raw numeric gibberish into gold, TestRail whispers sweet graphs and metrics, making sense of the chaos like a nerdy wizard.

Workflow Wizz!

  • Transforming clunky process monsters into sleek workflow unicorns, TestRail waves its wand to keep the software dev ballet en pointe.

TestRail Alternatives


A project management tool for developers, enabling issue tracking and agile project management.

  • Integrates with numerous development tools

  • Highly customizable workflows

  • Steep learning curve for beginners


A test management platform focused on streamlining QA processes with integrations like JIRA.

  • Real-time integration with JIRA

  • Actionable QA metrics & reporting

  • Can be costly for small teams


Test management solution that offers test planning, execution, and reporting within JIRA.

  • Seamless integration with JIRA

  • Supports automated and manual testing

  • Less robust at enterprise scale

Quick Facts about TestRail

The Inception of TestRail: A Whizz into Its Formation!

Imagine a world without order, swarming with buggy software - scary, isn't it? Well, 2009 waved its magic wand and poof, TestRail entered the realm, crafted by the sorcerers at Gurock Software. The brainchild of Tobias Gurock and Dennis Gurock, TestRail became the Gandalf for software testers, guiding them through the tumultuous landscapes of test management. Its agile-based approach became the gospel for testers seeking enlightenment in organization and efficiency.

The Evolution of TestRail: Witness the Metamorphosis!

TestRail didn't just stop at being the new kid on the block; oh no, it kept growing and buffing up like it was preparing for a software Olympiad. What started as a fresh-faced rookie soon morphed into a series of versions, each outdoing the other with cooler features. It started offering treasures like API expansion, Azure DevOps integration, and exploratory testing features. Every year, this chameleon unveiled new colors of innovation, leaving its users wide-eyed and grinning.

The Groundbreaking TestRail 6.0: A Leap into Futuristic Testing!

Buckle up, time travelers, because in 2019, TestRail teleported us into the future with its 6.0 update. It wasn't just an update; it was an uprising! The highlight was the shared test steps, slicing the redundancy dragon in half and giving birth to reusability. Imagine copying and pasting without actually doing it—mind-blowing, right? This feature not only curbed the menacing threat of duplicate efforts but also tickled the funny bone of efficiency with a feather.

// Example code snippet for using TestRail's API
// Imagine we're whipping up a batch of code cookies, here's the recipe:

// Ingredients: A TestRail case_id and your project authorization details (yummy!)
// Mix the following:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u "" \
-X GET ""

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert TestRail developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior0-240,000 - 60,000

  • Execute predefined test cases

  • Report bugs in the tracking system

  • Assist with the maintenance of TestRail suites and runs

  • Learn from mentors and training programs

Middle2-460,000 - 85,000

  • Design and implement test cases

  • Analyze test results for accuracy and compliance

  • Configure TestRail settings and manage permissions

  • Provide regular status updates to stakeholders

Senior4-6+85,000 - 120,000

  • Lead the development of testing frameworks

  • Integrate TestRail with continuous integration tools

  • Mentor junior staff and guide their training

  • Strategize test plans and innovate testing procedures

Expert/Team Lead7+120,000 - 160,000+

  • Oversee the complete test cycle of products

  • Architect TestRail integration with company systems

  • Shape company-wide testing strategies

  • Lead and make critical project decisions

Top 10 TestRail Related Tech

  1. JavaScript and Node.js

    Picture this: JavaScript, the duct tape of the interwebs! Essential for automation scripts when meddling with TestRail's API. Now, serve it with a side of Node.js, and voila! You're powering through back-end tasks as if you were slicing through a digital hot knife through butter. But beware, coding ninjas; without proper async control, you might end up in callback hell!

  2. Test Automation Frameworks (Selenium, Cypress)

    These frameworks strut into the QA room like they own the place—and rightly so! Think of Selenium as that versatile actor who can work with almost every scripting language, while Cypress is the cool new star that promises simplicity and speed in JavaScript testing. A TestRail devotee must dance with these frameworks for orchestrating automated symphonies of browser-clicking madness.

    // Example using Selenium and TestRail:
    const seleniumDriver = new AwesomeSeleniumDriver();
    reportToTestRail('Passed with flying colors');

  3. Continuous Integration Tools (Jenkins, CircleCI)

    Want to impress the DevOps crowd? Casually drop "CI/CD pipeline" into a conversation and watch their eyes light up! Tools like Jenkins or CircleCI are the puppet masters of the build-deploy-test show, allowing you to trigger a flurry of TestRail results with each commit. It's like a choreographed dance where the deployment tango meets the testing tap dance.

  4. RESTful APIs

    RESTful APIs are like the smooth-talking diplomats of the software world; they help different systems have civilized conversations. You'll be schmoozing with TestRail's API to create, update, and delete test cases faster than a coder on a caffeine buzz. It's REST management with a dash of HTTP charm!

    // Fetch a test case from TestRail's API:
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log('Look ma, I fetched a test case!', data));

  5. Git and Version Control

    Git is like the time-travelling Delorean for your source code, maintaining the sanity of devs who otherwise might drown in a sea of "Final_v2_reallyThisTime.js"! A TestRail enthusiast must tap into the power of branches, commits, and merges to keep their tests and automation scripts as orderly as a librarian's dream.

  6. Postman for API Testing

    Enter Postman—the mail carrier of API requests! TestRail relies on a robust API, and Postman's like your trusty sidekick to ensure your endpoints are spick and span before automating them. It serves as your RESTful dojo, where you master the martial arts of GETs and POSTs.

  7. SQL and Database Management

    Databases are like the broom closets of the software world—messy, but full of essential stuff. The TestRail guru will need some SQL spellcasting abilities to conjure up reports directly from the data source or to perform backend validations. Mastery of JOINs, WHEREs, and INSERTs is crucial lest one accidentally summons a Cartesian product demon!

  8. Bug Tracking Tools (JIRA, Bugzilla)

    A bug tracker is like a digital entomologist's net—essential for capturing those pesky software critters. Integrating TestRail with tools like JIRA allows you to log issues with the flick of a keyboard, bridging the gap between "it works on my machine" and "let's fix it for everyone."

  9. Agile Project Management Tools (Trello, Asana)

    Agile tools keep your team's work more organized than a color-coded sock drawer. Syncing tasks between these platforms and TestRail means you can track your testing sprints at the same pace as you yell "PASS" or "FAIL" at your screen—keeping everyone in the loop faster than a game of digital telephone.

  10. Performance Testing Tools (JMeter, LoadRunner)

    Want to watch your application sweat? Tools like JMeter and LoadRunner turn the heat up, simulating hordes of users stress-testing your app as if it's a digital Black Friday. Integrate their findings into TestRail to show the world that your app can handle the pressure like a cucumber in an icebox.

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