
Project Manager Developer with Atlassian Trello Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Project Manager developer with Atlassian Trello with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Atlassian Trello used?

Project Planning Shenanigans

  • Imagine a sandbox where project blueprints come to tango – that's Trello for roadmap design, organizing your quests with cards faster than you can say "agile".

Bug Squash Party

  • Trello turns bug tracking into an exterminator’s soiree, letting teams pin the creepy crawlies on boards and swat them in real-time. Kaboom!

The Feature Buffet

  • Feast your eyes on the features smorgasbord where developers pick 'n mix tasks like candies, making each sprint a gastronomic funday.

Collaboration Brew

  • Whip up a concoction of ideas, blend tasks and mix in comments; Trello is the cauldron where the magic of team huddle brews to perfection.

Atlassian Trello Alternatives


Project management tool for team collaboration and organization, allowing task assignments and timelines. Example: used for tracking software development milestones.

  • Intuitive interface

  • Robust timeline features

  • Comprehensive reporting

  • No native mind-mapping tools

  • Can become expensive for larger teams

  • May have a steeper learning curve than Trello

A flexible platform that scales with your team, for managing tasks, projects, and workflow with custom boards. Example: Workflow automation for bug tracking.

// Comparison to Trello code:
// Trello: Simply create a card for a task.
// Customize columns for task details like status, owner, priority.

  • Highly customizable

  • Integration with numerous tools

  • Visual progress tracking

  • Can be overwhelming with options

  • Pricing may be high for small teams

  • Setup requires more effort


Designed for agile software development, features include issue tracking, sprint planning, and detailed reports. Example: Agile methodologies application.

// Comparison to Trello code:
// Trello: Basic checklist on a card.
// Jira: Detailed sub-tasks with time tracking, and sprint assignments.

  • Powerful for software development

  • Extensive integration capabilities

  • Agile and Scrum support

  • Can be complex for non-developers

  • Interface not as intuitive as Trello

  • Can be slow with large backlogs

Quick Facts about Atlassian Trello

Birth of The Sticky-Note Bonanza

In the bustling world of tech where cats rule the internet and rubber ducks fix coding problems, Trello emerged in 2011 as a collaborative tool that transforms our love for sticky-notes into digital gold. Created by Fog Creek Software, it skyrocketed to fame by allowing us to virtually slap our to-dos, may-dos, and probably-shouldn't-have-dones onto boards for the world, or at least the team, to see.

The Marvel of the Kanban Crusade

Donning its cape from the land of productivity, Trello introduced the masses to the Kanban method without making them read a single Toyota manufacturing handbook. By simulating Kanban boards with lists and cards, teams could visualize their project sagas as clearly as a freshly cleaned whiteboard—minus the squeaky marker sounds.

When Trello Found Its Other Puzzle Piece

In a move as smooth as a well-oiled skateboard, Atlassian, the big kahuna behind JIRA, decided Trello was too cool for school and acquired it in 2017. They bundled its simplicity with their suite of software, giving rise to a new era of 'can do' attitudes, spawning projects faster than popping bubble wrap at a stress-relief seminar.

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Atlassian Trello developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & ActivitiesQuality

  • Follow basic Trello board management

  • Complete simple plugin integrations

  • Maintain clear documentation

Close supervision needed

  • Design and coordinate Trello workflows

  • Develop custom Power-Ups

  • Conduct basic Trello training sessions for teams

Consistent quality with periodic oversight

  • Optimize Trello for scalability

  • Implement advanced integration with other Atlassian tools

  • Lead Trello best-practices

High quality and autonomous
Expert/Team Lead10+120,000+

  • Strategize organizational Trello usage

  • Oversee complex Trello integration projects

  • Mentor Trello developers and teams

Expert level, leading others

Top 10 Atlassian Trello Related Tech

  1. JavaScript

    Behold the almighty JavaScript, the pulsating heart of many a Trello Power-Up. This versatile language is to web development what cheese is to pizza – crucial! With JS, you can animate cards, juggle API requests, and basically make Trello dance to your tune. Dive into its depths and emerge as a Trello-wizard!

    // Example: Fetch Trello board data using JavaScript
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log('Board Data:', data));

  2. React

    React is the spellbook of choice for conjuring up dynamic user interfaces within Trello. Want to create a custom Power-Up that feels native to Trello's ecosystem? React is your trusty steed, galloping through the land of components with grace and efficiency.

    // Example: A simple React component for a Trello Power-Up
    const MyTrelloCard = ({ cardTitle }) => (


    {/* Imagine more magic here */}


  3. Node.js

    Node.js is the backstage crew of Trello integrations, powering the servers with its non-blocking, event-driven architecture. Whether it’s building web services to complement Trello or handling webhooks, Node's got your back, keeping the show running smoothly.

    // Example: Creating a webhook server with Node.js
    const http = require('http');

    http.createServer((req, res) => {
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    res.end('Hello Trello!');

  4. RESTful API

    If Trello was a kingdom, its API would be the network of messengers, dispatching information far and wide. RESTful APIs let you chat up Trello to create cards, update boards, or barge into it with webhooks – just remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

    // Example: Use RESTful principles to fetch Trello board information
    GET /1/boards/{boardId}

  5. Webhooks

    Webhooks are the magical pixies of the tech realm, whispering to your apps whenever something changes in Trello. Set one up and get real-time updates without repeatedly asking, "Are we there yet?" Patience is a virtue, but instant notifications are way cooler.

    // Example: Subscribe to a Trello board using a webhook
    POST /1/webhooks/
    Content-Type: application/json

    "description": "My first webhook",
    "callbackURL": "",

  6. OAuth

    OAuth is that bouncer at the club who checks your ID before you can bust moves with Trello's API. It's an open standard for access delegation, used to give your application the "VIP Pass" to access Trello on behalf of a user. Get it right, and you're in; mess it up, and you face the digital equivalent of "You shall not pass!"

    // Example: OAuth flow to authenticate with Trello
    // Step 1: Redirect the user to the Trello login screen
    window.location.href = `${apiKey}`;
    // Handle the rest of the flow as per OAuth 2.0 standards


    Browsing through Trello without HTML/CSS is like eating a sandwich without bread; it's messy and just feels wrong. HTML is the sandwich bread that holds your content, while CSS is all the fancy spreads and fillings that make it look and taste amazing. Style your Power-Ups for a delicious user experience!

    Click me!

  8. Webpack

    Consider Webpack the sous-chef in your software kitchen, expertly chopping and bundling your array of scripts, styles, and assets into a neat package ready for consumption. Because nobody likes to wait for a slow-loading Power-Up, a webpack configuration done right ensures a smooth, performant dining—I mean, browsing experience.

    // Example: Basic Webpack config for a Trello Power-Up
    const path = require('path');

    module.exports = {
    entry: './src/index.js',
    output: {
    filename: 'bundle.js',
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),

  9. Git

    Version control is the secret sauce of collaborative coding, and Git is basically the Sriracha of version control. Keep track of your changes, collaborate without clashes, and manage your Trello codebase like a maestro. Git let's you "commit" to your code literally and metaphorically!

    // Example: Basic git commands for Trello Power-Up development
    git clone
    git add .
    git commit -m "Add a mesmerizing Trello feature"
    git push origin main

  10. Atlassian SDK

    Calling all Trello gurus! The Atlassian SDK is like your Swiss Army knife for Trello development. Create custom add-ons, integrate seamlessly and make sure your powerhouse of a tool plays nice with the Trello ecosystem. Master the SDK, and you’re the hero Trello deserves and needs.

    // Placeholder for code example:
    // The Atlassian SDK typically involves command-line interactions and configurations.
    // No specific code example provided because it's more about command-line usage.

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