
Salesforce Developer with Heroku Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Salesforce developer with Heroku with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is Heroku used?

Launching Your App Without the IT Crowd

  • Tired of server whispers? Slap your app onto Heroku and it's party time—no server setup, no sweaty basement network configurations. Just pure code celebration.

The Experiment Lab for Code Alchemists

  • Whether you're cooking up a new app stew or adding secret spices to existing recipes, Heroku is your personal test kitchen, minus the risk of burning your eyebrows.

Scaling Mountains Like a Digital Sherpa

  • Got a crowd of users? Heroku's like an elevator in Mount Everest. The more hikers, the more it lifts, with as much effort as clicking a button. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Bot Haven: Automate Like a Boss

  • If your daily tasks are multiplying like rabbits, let Heroku house your bots. They'll take the load off faster than you can say 'Skynet is nigh'.

Heroku Alternatives

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Platform as a Service providing scalable infrastructures. Simplifies deploying apps in the AWS cloud.

eb init
eb create dev-env
eb open

  • Integrated with AWS services

  • Auto-scaling support

  • Requires AWS expertise

Google App Engine

Google's PaaS for building scalable web applications and mobile backends.

gcloud app deploy
gcloud app browse

  • Fully managed environment

  • Seamless integration with Google’s services

  • May be costly for high-traffic apps

DigitalOcean App Platform

A platform that automates deployment on cloud infrastructure.

doctl apps create .do/deploy.template.yaml

  • Simple to setup and manage

  • Flat pricing model

  • Limited integration with third-party services

Quick Facts about Heroku

Birth of the Cloud Samurai: Heroku Origin Story

In the tech dojo of 2007, San Francisco, a trio of coding ninjas, Adam Wiggins, James Lindenbaum, and Orion Henry, forged a platform in the cloud furnace that would let mere mortals deploy apps with the ease of throwing shurikens. They called their creation Heroku – a portmanteau of "hero" and "haiku". Who knew deploying apps could be as poetic as Japanese literature?

Git Push, Hello World: The Heroku Deployment Saga

Behold the sorcery of Heroku! With a simple incantation,

git push heroku master
, developers could send their earthly code to the heavenly realms of the Heroku platform, transforming it into live applications. It's as if Gandalf himself gave your code a staff and a mission: to venture forth and be epic!

Enter the Dyno: Heroku's Shape-shifting Creature

In Heroku's mystical land, 'Dyno' isn't just a cute dinosaur – it's the backbone of its ecosystem. These aren't your garden-variety brass automata, but smart containers that can swell in numbers and shrink with chameleon-like ease, powering applications to scale faster than a speeding bullet – or at least a really quick skateboard.

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Heroku developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior0-2$50,000 - $70,000

  • Maintaining existing Heroku applications

  • Assisting in minor feature developments

  • Learning best practices in code deployment and management

Middle2-5$70,000 - $100,000

  • Developing new application features

  • Automation of deployment processes

  • Monitoring application performance

Senior5+$100,000 - $130,000

  • Architecting scalable Heroku applications

  • Leading cross-functional project teams

  • Optimizing application for cost and performance

Expert/Team Lead8+$130,000 - $160,000+

  • Setting strategic direction for application development

  • Mentoring developers and setting technical standards

  • Overseeing multiple projects and ensuring best practices

Top 10 Heroku Related Tech

  1. Git with a side of Version Control Salsa

    Git commands the dance floor when it comes to version control in Heroku development. Imagine it's like choreographing an intricate tango, where every step and spin is a code change or update that Git helps track, ensuring no developer steps on anyone's toes. It's the spicy baseline for all things deployment and collaboration, allowing devs to push and pull without pulling their hair out.

  2. Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI): The Developer's Swiss Army Knife

    The Heroku CLI is your trusty sidekick, always ready for action. Forget digging through menus; whack open your terminal, and let your fingers do the ninja typing. It's the swiss army knife that sees software developers through deployments, log tailing, and add-on management all from the comfort of their command line bungalow.

    heroku create
    git push heroku main
    heroku logs --tail

  3. Node.js: JavaScript's More Talented Sibling

    Node.js takes JavaScript, usually spotted at the front of the house charming your browsers, and puts it to work in the server-room coal mines. With Node.js and Heroku, building scalable applications is as breezy as a day at the beach — except you're not at the beach, you're deploying real-time awesomeness with non-blocking I/O magic.

  4. Python slithering through Cloud Infrastructure

    Picking up Python for Heroku is like adopting a highly intelligent pet snake; it can get into every nook and cranny of your project. Whether it's web-slinging with Django or bottle-feeding your API with Flask, Python's versatility in the cloud is as famous as its propensity to squeeze the life out of data processing tasks.

  5. Ruby on Rails: The Gem of Web Application Frameworks

    Rails and Heroku are like peanut butter and jelly; they stick together in the most delightful way. Built for developer happiness, Rails serves up a dazzling array of gems that glitter in the Heroku ecosystem. It's the "build a blog in 15 minutes" kind of magic that keeps devs gleefully coding way past bedtime.

  6. PostgreSQL: The Elephant in the Room Full of Data

    PostgreSQL on Heroku doesn't just store data — it hoards it like a mammoth in your database living room. With its ACID compliance and full-text search capabilities, it's the big, friendly giant that takes data management to new, relational heights, trampling performance issues underfoot with robust scalability.

  7. Redis: When You Need Data Faster than a Caffeinated Squirrel

    If your app needs to remember things faster than you forgot where you left your keys, Redis on Heroku is the way to go. It's an in-memory data structure store, sharp as a tack, offering lightning-fast data retrieval for when your app's got the need — the need for speed.

    heroku addons:create heroku-redis

  8. Webpack: The Code Conductor

    Webpack takes your tangled mess of JavaScript, CSS, and assets and conducts it into a harmonious symphony of files, optimizing faster than you can say "bundle". It's the meticulous maestro that, with the stroke of its baton, gets your code ready to strut its stuff on the Heroku stage.

  9. Docker: Shipping Containers For Your Code

    With Docker, you pack your application into neat little containers, making it as portable as your lunch. Put those containers on the Heroku ship, and watch as it sets sail for the clouds. It ensures your app runs the same, whether on your dingy basement server or Heroku's shiny platform in the sky.

    heroku container:push web

  10. New Relic: The App Whisperer

    New Relic on Heroku eavesdrops on your apps like a nosy neighbor, keeping tabs on their performance and dishing out the dirt. It carefully monitors your web dynos and spillS the beans when something's amiss, letting you play the hero who gets everything back on track. Performance insights have never been so gossipy.

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