
Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) with Kibana Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) developer with Kibana with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Trending Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) tech & tools in 2024

Where is Kibana used?

Kibana Utilization Cases

Peeking Into Patterns with Kibana "Sherlock"

  • Kibana magnifies the tiny trails left by users, revealing paths through data forests. It's like Sherlock with a software license.

Taming the Elastic Stack Jungle

  • As a lion commands the savannah, Kibana tames wild Elastic Stack data. Watch it roar through logs and metrics!

Visualizing Victory

  • It turns dreary data into vibrant visualizations, crafting charts more colorful than a painter's palette in spring.

The Dashboard DJ

  • Blasting beats of business intelligence, Kibana mixes real-time dashboards like a DJ spinning vinyl at the data disco.

Kibana Alternatives


Open-source analytics and monitoring solution often used for time-series data. Integrates with various data sources such as Graphite, Prometheus, and InfluxDB.

// Example of setting up a Grafana dashboard
- name: 'Production Overview'
org_id: 1
folder: 'Production'
type: 'file'
path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/production.json

  • Rich visualization options.

  • Multi-data source support.

  • Complex alerting system.

  • Can be complex to set up.

  • Steep learning curve for querying.

  • Limited ad hoc reporting.


Software for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data, via a web-style interface. Primarily used for log and events management.

// Example of a Splunk search query
index=main error 5* | stats count by host

  • Powerful search language.

  • Comprehensive data processing.

  • Built-in user management.

  • High cost for extensive log data.

  • Complex setup and maintenance.

  • Potential performance issues at scale.

Elasticsearch + Logstash + Beats (ELK Stack)

A suite of tools: Elasticsearch search and analytics engine, Logstash data processing pipeline, and Beats lightweight shippers for data.

// Filebeat configuration example to ship logs
- type: log
enabled: true
- /var/log/*.log
hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

  • Interoperable stack components.

  • Real-time data processing.

  • Scalable search capabilities.

  • Requires coordination of multiple tools.

  • Resource-intensive architecture.

  • Steep learning curve for optimizing.

Quick Facts about Kibana

Birth of a Dashboard Dynamo: Kibana

Way back in 2013, when people still occasionally got lost using paper maps, Rashid Khan decided life could be easier and thus, Kibana was born. Initially a mere sidekick to Elasticsearch, Kibana quickly grew to become the visual heartbeat of the Elastic Stack, letting users create graphs easier than a toddler with a crayon.

The Version Evolution: Kibana's Milestones

Imagine going from drawing stick figures to painting the Mona Lisa. That's a bit like Kibana's journey from its version 1.0 release to its current state. Major milestones include 4.x introducing Dashboard-only mode, making everything a lot neater, and version 6.x, where it integrated with X-Pack, putting on its superhero cape with security and monitoring features.

Timeslicing through Data: Time Lion

Once upon a timeline, in 2017, Kibana introduced Time Lion, a flexible and robust tool for time series data—an innovation as exciting as finding out your coffee has the power to reheat itself every morning. Users could slice, dice, and visualize data over time without breaking a sweat. It was like giving data analysts a time machine, but with charts.

// Sample Kibana Timelion expression to calculate the moving average:
.es(index="your-data-*", metric="avg:price").movingaverage(window=10)

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert Kibana developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & ActivitiesQuality-wise
Junior0-250,000 - 70,000

  • Basic dashboard creation in Kibana

  • Data visualization with standard Kibana controls

  • Learning and implementing best practices

  • Following guidance from senior team members

Close monitoring needed, may require revisions
Middle2-570,000 - 90,000

  • Customization of Kibana dashboards

  • Performance tuning of Kibana instances

  • Development of Kibana plugins

  • Peer code reviews

Moderate supervision, understands best practices
Senior5-1090,000 - 130,000

  • Strategizing log management solutions

  • Leading Kibana deployment projects

  • Optimizing data processing pipelines

  • Mentoring junior developers

High-quality self-sufficient work, minimal oversight
Expert/Team Lead10+130,000 - 160,000+

  • Overall system architecture design

  • Defining project roadmaps and milestones

  • Client interaction and requirements gathering

  • Team management and leadership responsibilities

Exceptional quality, strategic thinker, leadership capability

Top 10 Kibana Related Tech

  1. Elasticsearch Query DSL

    Picture yourself whispering sweet nothings into the ear of a search engine, and it gets you exactly what you want – that's the beauty of Elasticsearch's Query Domain Specific Language. It's the bread and butter for data retrieval in Kibana. Sure, you can start with a simple "Hello, World!" but soon you'll be scripting poetic Boolean queries like a data bard. Feel the power, embrace the syntax!
    "query": {
    "match": {
    "message": "Search me, maybe?"

  2. JavaScript and Node.js

    The dynamic duo for Kibana plugin development! JavaScript is like the Swiss Army knife in the coder's toolkit – good for both quick fixes and crafting masterpieces. Combine it with Node.js, and you've got the environment to build the server-side of plugins that’ll make Kibana dance to your tune. So, grab your coding cape; it's time to go full superhero mode.
    const Kibana = require('kibana');

    name: 'dancePlugin',
    init(server, options) {
    console.log('Let\'s make Kibana boogie!');

  3. React

    The magic paintbrush for your Kibana plugins! React is the go-to for crafting gorgeous user interfaces that users want to bring home to meet their parents. Its component-based architecture is like LEGO for adults, letting you build snazzy features that feel as good as popping bubble wrap.
    import React from 'react';

    const SuperButton = () => (


    export default SuperButton;

  4. RESTful API Integration

    The RESTaurant where Kibana likes to dine! RESTful APIs serve up the delicious data dishes Kibana craves. Knowing how to talk REST is like being fluent in 'data-deliciousness', enabling Kibana to digest information from various back-ends, just like a gastronaut exploring the universe of flavors!
    GET /api/delicious_data/nom_nom
    "query": {
    "match_all": {}

  5. Elastic Stack (ELK)

    ELK is not just a majestic animal; it's a trinity of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana! Working with the Elastic Stack is like being part of a superhero team where everyone has cool data powers. Each plays a unique role in gathering (Logstash), storing (Elasticsearch), and visualizing (Kibana) the data. It's the Avengers of search & analytics!

  6. Logstash for Data Ingestion

    Logstash is like a data-processing chef that preps your ingredients (logs, streams, you name it) to perfection before Kibana serves them up. Get the seasoning right with filters, and watch as your data comes to life, ready to be devoured by hungry analysts!
    input {
    file {
    path => "/var/log/apache2/access.log"

    filter {
    grok {
    match => { "message" => "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}" }

    output {
    elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
    index => "access_logs"

  7. Linux/Unix Environment

    Ah, the old-school charm of Linux/Unix – it's the sturdy workbench where all Kibana crafting happens. Knowing your way around this environment is like having a black belt in data dojo; you can navigate, manipulate, and orchestrate the components needed to make Kibana hum.

  8. Git and Version Control

    Forget "Ctrl+Z," Git is your time machine in the codingverse! This tool is like a safety net for when you walk the tightrope of code changes. It's the difference between "Oops, I did it again!" and "Aha! Just as I planned!” for managing your Kibana work wonders.

  9. Containerization with Docker

    Docker – it's like Tupperware for your applications, only cooler and less about last night's leftovers. Containerizing with Docker keeps your Kibana setup as portable and consistent as a hipster's vinyl collection. Spin up a Kibana instance like a DJ drops a beat!
    docker run --name my-kibana -e ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=http://my-elasticsearch:9200 -p 5601:5601 -d kibana:7.12.0

  10. Visualization Techniques

    The art and science behind those dashboards! Knowing how to present your data with Kibana’s visualization tools is like being a data artist and scientist rolled into one. It’s not just about pretty charts; it's turning numbers into stories that captivate and inform.

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