
Sitecore Developer with ASP.NET MVC Pattern Salary in 2024

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Median Salary Expectations:

How statistics are calculated

We count how many offers each candidate received and for what salary. For example, if a Sitecore with ASP.NET MVC Pattern with a salary of $4,500 received 10 offers, then we would count him 10 times. If there were no offers, then he would not get into the statistics either.

The graph column is the total number of offers. This is not the number of vacancies, but an indicator of the level of demand. The more offers there are, the more companies try to hire such a specialist. 5k+ includes candidates with salaries >= $5,000 and < $5,500.

Median Salary Expectation – the weighted average of the market offer in the selected specialization, that is, the most frequent job offers for the selected specialization received by candidates. We do not count accepted or rejected offers.

Where is ASP.NET MVC Pattern used?

E-commerce Extravaganza

  • Gather 'round shopaholics! ASP.NET MVC is the digital tailor stitching together seamless online shops, handling hordes of products without breaking a virtual sweat.

Corporate Juggernaut Web Systems

  • In the steel jungle of corporate giants, ASP.NET MVC swings from database vines, managing content like a well-oiled Tarzan in a suit.

Dynamic Dossier Dashboards

  • Pull up a chair, detectives, because ASP.NET MVC is whipping up dashboards faster than you can say 'whodunit,' turning data sleuthing into a piece of cake.

The Social Safari Network

  • Welcome to the social jungle! ASP.NET MVC is the king of coding, roaring through friend requests and likes like a lion at a gazelle buffet.

ASP.NET MVC Pattern Alternatives

Spring MVC

Spring MVC is a Java-based framework for building web applications following the Model-View-Controller design pattern. It's part of the larger Spring Framework.

public class ExampleController {
public String greet() {
return "Hello World!";

  • Robust transaction management.

  • Comprehensive security features.

  • Strong ecosystem and community support.

  • Steeper learning curve for beginners.

  • Configuration can be complex.

  • Memory consumption can be higher.


Express.js is a fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js, designed for building web applications and APIs.

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!'));

  • Fast and minimalist.

  • Great for building RESTful APIs.

  • Huge number of available middleware.

  • Callback hell due to async nature.

  • Potential performance issues with heavy computation.

  • Less opinionated, which can lead to maintenance problems.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, often known as Rails, is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License.

class GreeterController < ApplicationController
def hello
render text: "Hello, world!"

  • Convention over configuration speeds up development.

  • Active Record simplifies database interactions.

  • Strong focus on testing and quality.

  • Can feel bloated for small projects.

  • Performance can lag behind smaller frameworks.

  • Requires understanding of its conventions.

Quick Facts about ASP.NET MVC Pattern

MVC Magic Unleashed by Microsoft

Picture this: it's 2007, flip phones are still cool, and Microsoft decides to drop the mic with ASP.NET MVC. They aimed to separate the models, views, and controllers faster than you can say "Bob's your uncle," stirring up the dev world by slicing that web application pie into organized, manageable pieces. Controller classes picked up those HTTP requests like hot potatoes and tossed 'em over to views and models. It was like watching a culinary artiste at work!

Version Carousel

Buckle up for a wild ride on the version merry-go-round! ASP.NET MVC had more versions than you could count on two hands. It kicked off with version 1.0, which plopped into the world in 2009, and Microsoft kept serving up the updates hot and fresh until hitting version 5.2.7. It was like watching a software version conga line, with features shimmying in that made developers' knees weak!

// A snippet of vintage ASP.NET MVC controller action
public ActionResult PartyLikeIts2009()
ViewBag.ReleaseYear = "2009 – the MVC saga begins!";
return View();

Open-Source Extravaganza

In a twist that rocked the nerd cosmos, Microsoft went rogue and flipped the script by making ASP.NET MVC open-source in 2012. Coders worldwide dropped their joysticks, spilling Mountain Dew in shock as they realized they could poke around the guts of ASP.NET MVC! You could practically hear the collective gasp, followed by the furious clickety-clack of keyboards as devs dove into the code.

What is the difference between Junior, Middle, Senior and Expert ASP.NET MVC Pattern developer?

Seniority NameYears of ExperienceAverage Salary (USD/year)Responsibilities & Activities
Junior Developer0-2 years$50,000 - $70,000

  • Assist in simple bug fixes.

  • Learn codebase and improve coding skills.

  • Write basic code under supervision.

  • Contribute to team meetings.

Middle Developer2-5 years$70,000 - $90,000

  • Implement new features as per specifications.

  • Refactor existing code to improve quality.

  • Participate in code reviews.

  • Resolve moderate bugs and issues.

Senior Developer5-8 years$90,000 - $120,000

  • Design and architect complex software solutions.

  • Lead development initiatives and provide mentorship.

  • Optimize application for scalability and performance.

  • Handle critical system issues and downtimes.

Expert/Team Lead8+ years$120,000 - $150,000+

  • Oversee the technical direction of projects.

  • Coordinate cross-team initiatives and collaboration.

  • Develop strategic planning for project execution.

  • Conduct interviews and performance reviews.

Top 10 ASP.NET MVC Pattern Related Tech

  1. C# Sharp as a Razor

    Marvel at the might of C#, the backbone, the hero every ASP.NET MVC framework needs but doesn’t deserve. With the power to slash through complexity with the grace of a razor, C# is your Excalibur for concocting robust web applications. Get ready for battle with a mastery of object-orientation, LINQ queries that dance through data, and async-await that'll have your tasks lining up like good little soldiers.

  2. .NET Framework, the Legendary Phoenix

    Ah, the mighty .NET Framework, older than the stars and just as bright! Though some may whisper of its end, it merely transforms and rises anew with .NET Core’s cross-platform wizardry. Bask in its libraries, as vast as galaxies, and the ASP.NET MVC framework that lets you craft web applications so dynamic, they might as well be alive!

  3. Entity Framework, your ORM Familiar

    Conjure database magic with Entity Framework, the Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) sidekick every sorcerer wants. This cunning familiar turns gnarly SQL into elegant, manageable C# classes. It's like playing fetch with your database: “Go EF, fetch me that data. Good boy!” Watch it track changes with the stealth of a ninja and migrate schemas like a time-traveler switching dimensions.

    // Example of using Entity Framework to query a database
    using (var context = new MyDbContext())
    var wizards = context.Wizards.ToList();

  4. ASP.NET MVC, Your Web Conductor

    Command the web like a maestro with ASP.NET MVC, orchestrating HTTP requests and responses with the precision of a laser-guided missile. This MVC knight separates concerns so cleanly; you could eat off them. Behold the Views, as razor-sharp as they are razor-written, Controllers that direct traffic like a traffic cop on energy drinks, and Models that are more reliable than your morning coffee.

  5. Visual Studio, the Developer's Throneroom

    All hail Visual Studio, the fortified castle from which you’ll rain down code upon thine enemies. Revel in its majestic Intellisense, debugging like a clairvoyant, and plug-in enchantments that’ll give your ASP.NET MVC app the firepower of a hundred dragons. If coding is a kingdom, Visual Studio is where your throne lies.

  6. Git, the Time-Traveling Scroll Keeper

    With Git, the keeper of your code's chronicles, you can weave through the timelines of your software with ease. Commit thy code into the annals of history, branch out like a mythical tree of possibilities, and merge like a blacksmith forging a mighty sword. Fear not the mistakes of the past; Git has your back, just like a loyal time-traveling sidekick.

  7. JavaScript/jQuery, Your Potion of Interactivity

    Script wizardry with JavaScript, the potion that breathes life into your web pages. Here, you'll wield the alchemy of interactivity, casting enchantments like AJAX to summon content without a page refresh. And behold jQuery, your trusty spellbook, simplifying the incantations needed to manipulate the DOM in ways more mysterious and wondrous than a magician’s hat full of rabbits.

  8. Bootstrap, the Tailor of Responsive Web Design

    Encounter Bootstrap, the tailor swift of CSS frameworks, stitching together responsive design as if it were a suit for the Met Gala. Instantly shape your apps to fit any device, from the dragon-sized desktops to the pixie-sized phones. With a flick of a class here and a component there, you create pageantry that would make the fashion gods weep.

  9. RESTful Services, the Whisperers of the Web

    Command the whispers of the web with RESTful services, where HTTP verbs are a love language. Speak GET to receive, POST to create, PUT to update, and DELETE to...well, obliterate. Like silent assassins handling your data, these services work in shadows, a flux of JSON and XML, maintaining the statelessness of the internet with the elegance of a ballet dancer in zero-g.

  10. SQL Server, the Keeper of the Vaults

    Venture into the depths of SQL Server, the impenetrable vault where your precious data nuggets are hoarded. With T-SQL as your lockpick, query the depths to retrieve your ingots of information, sculpt the architecture with SSMS, and enforce law and order with ACID compliance. It’s the Smaug of databases—mighty, fearsome, and surprisingly good at managing financial transactions.

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