Oleg S. Senior C++ Developer

Back-End Web


• Having huge experience (14+ years) in back-end development on C/С++/Erlang/Elixir has shown himself as aim-oriented developer with analytical skills.
• Using his experience he can not only to develop new features and functionality, but also make clear hidden multiconnection in any code that is based on the scope of Erlang/Elixir/C/Js.
• Has a huge experience in parser development of custom xml coding.
• English Upper-intermediate.
• Available Full-time.
• Ready to start ASAP.
• No scheduled vacations within next 3 months.


Software Engineer (BPMN based docflow system)

1 year

Responsibilities: Developing BPMN based docflow system using Erlang\Elixir, implementing SEV protocol.

Programming languages, tools and technologies: Erlang, Elixir, n2o, BPE, KVS.

Software Engineer (Network Inspector)

2 years

Responsibilities: Build utility for analysis of networks (networks represented by graphs).

Programming languages, tools and technologies: Erlang, OTP.

Software developer, University of Bielefeld.

3 years

Description: ADAMAAS project, CITEC (this project gain award of the German government as one of 100 best among about 1500 similar projects in the area).

Responsibilities: Project gain award of the German government as one of 100 best among about 1500 similar projects in the area.

Programming languages, tools and technologies: C++, Qt, Android.

Software Engineer, Bielefeld University.

2 years

Description: Member of the Neurocognition and Action-Biomechanics Group at the Faculty of Psychology and Sport Sciences at Bielefeld University, Germany. Programmer at the Excellence Cluster “Cognitive Interaction Technology” (CITEC).

Responsibilities:  Implementing a hierarchical clustering method for measuring mental representation structures in long-term memory and on complex movement studies in classical ballet and golf.

Programming languages, tools and technologies: C, C++, QT, LISP, Python.

Software developer, Different freelance projects.

2 years

Programming languages, tools and technologies: C, C++, QT.

University of Madeira.

4 years

Description: Research assistant in the research programs of CCM (Centro de Ciencias Matematicas), University of Madeira, and of the NEMO project.

Responsibilities:  Implementing and testing communication models and algorithms for numerical computations, visual data representation and data processing.

Programming languages, tools and technologies: Qt, Python.

Teacher, NaUKMA.

3 years

Description: Web application to manage departments, projects and assigned tasks within the firm.

Responsibilities: Faculty of Informatics in NaUKMA (duties: course design, lections and practical classes).

Programming languages, tools and technologies: PROLOG and LISP.


Master’s Degree, National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy
Program “Intellectual systems of control”

  • Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python (MITx – 6.00.1x)
  • Introduction to Mobile Application Development using Android (HKUSTx – COMP107x) • Computer Graphics (UC San DiegoX – CSE167x)
  • Vocal Recording Technology (BerkleeX – BMPR365x)
  • Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics (ColumbiaX – DS101X)
  • Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics (ColumbiaX – DS102X)
  • Enabling Technologies for Data Science and Analytics: The Internet of Things (ColumbiaX – DS103x)
  • Cybersecurity Fundamentals (RITx - CYBER501x)