
Qays A. Senior Flutter + Android Engineer

Full Stack Web


- 5+ years of experience in the IT industry
- Code in multiple languages, with interest in Flutter/Dart, JavaScript/TypeScript/React/NodeJS and Ruby
- Worked with Flutter since the initial release date
- Fluent English
- Fluent Arabic
- Available ASAP


Full Stack Developer, SuliBB, Webapp 

July 2020 - PRESENT
Description: A Fintech lifestyle startup. It aims to save people time and help them find their self-care needs.
- Introducing the first MVP in 3 weeks.
- Guiding user interface designs, user experience development and user research.
- Setting up two separate environments to allow fast and easy testing during the dev stage and a more secure environment for production.
- Utilizing Flutter SDK to build web, Android and iOS apps using the same codebase.
- Developing an automatic reservation system to manage to book for salons and beauty providers.
- Introducing S3 to improve the assets loading and lower the load on the server.

Flutter TechLead and Backend Consultant, Vols

December 2020 - July 2021 

Description: An e-commerce business forced on solving the delivery logistic system in Iraq and the Middle East with the aim of building a future for the SMEs to have easier logistics and warehouse management.
Building a design system and communicating the requirements between the design team and development team.
- Helping with implementing Pimcore as product information management and building and designing RESTFUL API that is required for the projects.
- Design the system and architecture for building and scaling the front end projects (POS, Client, Business) and make sure most of the shared logic and elements are abstracted to minimize the required time for development.


Project Manager & Technical Consultant, Fixed, UAE

November 2020 - PRESENT
Description: A one-stop platform for all your car needs to be forced on customer satisfaction and cheap prices.
- Taking the business requirement and working with the designers to build the perfect solution.
- Onboarding 3 Android developers into Flutter and helping them with understanding the framework, and best practices and getting them up to speed in 20 days.
- Setting weekly meetings with developers helping them with
debugging and managing the project lifecycle.


Full Stack Consultant, Sihatkom Company

April 2020 - July 2021
Description:I helped the company during the development of their solution and guided them through the best practices and right implementations of the different aspects of their frontend (Flutter and React) as well as the backend (nodejs).
- Helping them with implementing the server API with their frontend app and guiding them with the best practice.
- Helping with testing and improving the backend and adapting it to the needs of the frontend.
- Helping with utilizing AWS services and deploying the backend on AWS.
- Improving use acquisition and conversion rate by implementing Firebase dynamic links.


CTO, Medchar

June 2019 - July 2020
Description: A Fintech Medical platform startup. We aim to connect the doctors with the
patients with ease and solve the problem of keeping medical records for the
Introducing the first MVP in 2 weeks.
- Developing the user interface and user experience and testing the designs with users.
- Developing an automatic reservation system to manage doctor appointments with protection against the double booking.
- Developing a secure health records history to keep track of patients' records and to help doctors with future diagnosing.
- Developing a permission-based access system to improve sharing of medical records with family and doctors.
- Developing a real-time chatting system to answer patients' questions and concerns and to help the doctors stay in touch with their patients.

Co-founder and CTO, Hasara LLC,

March 2019 - January 2021
Description: A real-estate startup that solves the problems of finding the right property by improving the user experience and providing a one-stop shop for people’s needs.
Developing the idea. Improving user experience by developing 3 MVPs over 3 months and testing them with users.
- Utilizing Plus code to locate nearby listings.
- Building a timebase caching to decrease database billing by 10 folds.
- Setting development and production environments and putting the guidelines for scaling and improving the development cycle.


Android, Firebase Developer and UX Designer, ParkemJo

July 2019 - February 2020
Description: ParkemJo, a Fintech startup. That aims to solve the problem of not finding a parking spot in crowded places in Amman.
Implementing material design guidelines.
- Building an automation reservation system making sure the solution has as minimum as possible human interaction and protecting against double-booking utilizing the real-time abilities of Firestore.
- Building reports and analytics for gauge owners and optimizing it for scaling and price.
- Implementing a coupon system for special discounts based on user properties and events.


Co-founder, Android and Firebase Developer, Bkra

May 2018 - July 2019
Description: I was working on developing Bkra, an e-commerce and logistic startup.
Working from home I developed an Android counterpart to the company’s
current iOS-based app.
- Improving user experience and user interface.
- Improving database design and allowing to add of product variants.

Android Developer, Freelance


Description: Developing device for special data-driven labs experiment.

Developer, Freelance


Description: Developing small applications for experiments simulations and specialized thermodynamic problem-solving.

Volunteer Experience

Adventures in 2d Games — Open Source Contributor

Description: It is a 2d game built with flutter using flame (a 2d flutter game engine) forced on teaching players the Dart programming language.
Designing red fire package, a package that helps with implementing firebase service in a flutter app with few lines of code.

Young Tech Leader of the Middle East — Mentor

July 2021 - PRESENT
Description: I was mentoring 6 young tech leaders in their journey to get into human-centred Design where they started ideating, researching, making surveys and building a solution than getting feedback and iteration on their solution. He was conducting two meetings each week to catch up with the mentees, answering their questions and guiding them through their journey.

Google Developer Groups Erbil, Iraq — Co-Organizer

October 2020 - PRESENT
Description: Google Developer Groups (GDGs) are for developers who are interested in
Google's developer technology.
● Co-organizing DevFest 2020.
● Increased social media activities by 300% since joining.
● Planning for future events and setting a road map for the next stage.


Flatiron School, USA — Frontend Web Development Bootcamp
April 2020 - August 2020
It was in collaboration with Re: Coded in Iraq. I participated as a student but
was more like a teacher for my other colleagues. Throw out the Bootcamp. I
was helping other students with understanding and debugging their work
and guiding them to use best practices.
- A competitive, intensive 5-month Bootcamp focused on HTML, CSS, Javascript and React.
- Building 6 concept projects along with the Bootcamp.
- Forcing on soft skills, teamwork, collaborations and agile environments.

Orange Corner, Iraq — Business Incubator
January 2020 - August 2020
A startup incubator that helps talented entrepreneurs in building their
business plans and taking an idea and turning it into a business.

51 Labs, Iraq — Tech Incubator
September 2019 - December 2019
A startup incubator that helps talented entrepreneurs in building their
business plans and taking an idea and turning it into a business.

University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq — BSc Mechanical Engineering
2012 - 2017


Innovation Hackathon by ImpactHub Istanbul
Sep 2020
Online International Flutter Hackathon
Volunteer Online startup Bootcamp at 51Labs
July 2020
Volunteer Hackasuly
Iraq Innovation Hackathon
April 2019
Nov 2017

Professional side activities 

Australian Flutter Community, Member

2020 - Today

Description: In the Australian Flutter Community we have many open source projects there and we plan them and talk about approaching them the easier way and helping other people with their Flutter related problems.