Nikita O. Senior iOS developer



- 7+ years experience with iOS;
- Deep skills working with Swift and Objective C;
- Good skills working with Firebase;
- Experience working with Google services;
- Solid knowledge of SOLID and DRY;
- Good abilities working with fintech and banking projects;
- Experience in testing;
- Upper-Intermediate English.


 iOS developer, Alpha

1 year
Description: Application for insurance and provision of company services, connection with the web version, renewal of policies, purchase of new policies, creation, and registration of the euro protocol inside the application.
Responsibilities: New functional development, bug-fixing, refactoring.
Technologies: Swift, MVC+Flow, Legacy, Macaroni, KeychainSwift, RealmSwift, Code generation.

iOS developer, SchoolBoy

3 months
Description: Application for school and schoolchildren, tracking the timetable of lessons, systems of motivation and achievements, communication of teachers with students, collecting statistics and progress.
Responsibilities: New functional development, bug-fixing.
Technologies: Swift 5, MVC + Flow, Legacy, Macaroni, KeychainSwift, RealmSwift, SwiftHash.

iOS developer, Teamicate

1 year
Description: Time planner app with built-in calendar, appointment scheduling, inviting attendees, and synchronizing with other calendars in both directions (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Microsoft Calendar).
Responsibilities: Development from scratch.
Technologies: Swift 5, VIPER, Alamofire, KeychainSwift, Swinject, RealmSwift, SwiftHash, CalendarKit.

iOS developer, iBank2UaNew

1 year, 6 months
Description: Application for bank customers Functional:

  • Accounts view;
  • Recent transactions for the period;
  • Documents view and create;
  • Signature of documents;
  • Map with banks;
  • push setting;
  • letters view and create - data encryption - private key generation - a digital signature - offline mode - theme mode.

Responsibilities: Development from scratch.
Technologies: Swift4, VIPER, Alamofire, KeychainSwift, iCarousel, CCTextFieldEffects, RealmSwift, SwiftHash, Parchment, Codable, PinCodeTextField.

iOS developer, ChatMe

4 months

Description: A dating app like Tinder.
Responsibilities: Redesign and addition of functionality.
Technologies: Swift 3, MVC, Alamofire, Cocoa Pods, SwiftyJSON.

iOS developer, MedMe

4 months
Description: Messenger to communicate with a doctor. The application is developed on the iPhone, using a standard map showing all pharmacies within walking distance from the user, chat with available doctors, photo transfer, payment for the services of the application, create and change user data, change password, etc., adaptive layout.
Responsibilities: Development from scratch.
Technologies: Swift 3, MVC, Alamofire, Cocoa Pods, SDWebImage, Validation, SwiftyJSON, Socket IO, Stripe API.

iOS developer, DreamLand

2 months
Description: The application plays sounds embedded in the application and record music. The application is developed on the iPhone, it has a standard three categories of sounds, each of which is 4 and a unique sound. Each sound is linked to 2 additional sounds and if you wish you can play them separately, as implemented by a timer, after which the audio playback stops playback and is sold at a minimized application.
Responsibilities: Development from scratch.
Technologies: Designed and developed whole solutions, and unit tests, build reusable code for future use Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability, and collaborate with other team members and stakeholders.

iOS developer, Gruser

4 months
Description: Application for ordering a cargo truck, tracking cargo on the map, payment, and configuration of the order, saving templates, and building routes.
Responsibilities: New functional development, bug-fixing.
Technologies: Objective-C, MVP, Google Maps, Google Place, AFNetworking, Storyboards.


4 months
Description: Application for Germany region for flood warning, the application receives a notification when a critical change in the level of the sensors, saving the statistics of the levels, and a map that display of the location of the sensors.
Responsibilities: New functional development, bug-fixing.
Technologies: Objective-C, MVC, Alamofire, Cocoa Pods, SwiftyJSON.

iOS developer, Olympic

4 months
Description: Application for presenting goods from different stores, adding new units, or purchasing goods. Communication was conducted through a very extensive database, there was an offline mode. The application copied the database from the backend, and after that changes were made and new ones were pulled together, after that synchronization took place, large amounts of data passed through the database, and a migration mechanism was implemented.
Responsibilities: New functional development, bug-fixing.
Technologies: Swift 2, MVVM, CoreData, AFNetworking, NSCashe.

iOS developer, LookAround

4 months
Description: Functionality:

  • Sorting of users by age and gender;
  • Map showing all users of the application;
  • Public chat and the ability to create private chat with each contact in the application;
  • The ability to lock the user and hide your location on the map. 

The application was also realized on the AppleWatch with the possibility to see recent messages and send messages from a list of templates to the chat. The application supports 4 languages.
Responsibilities: Development from scratch. Designed and developed whole solutions, and unit tests, build reusable code for future use, optimize the application for maximum speed and scalability, and collaborate with other team members and stakeholders.
Technologies: Swift1, MVP, CoreData, SocketIO, Cocoa Pods, MapKit, WatchKit, KVO.

iOS developer, MeetMe

4 months
Description: Applications for serving the establishment The application was sewn into devices and tablets for guests. There were such roles as the administrator, the bartender, the waiter, and the guest. Through the application, all orders were executed and processed, accounting was kept, etc. There was an adaptive layout, so a universal format for a tablet and a phone was needed
Responsibilities: Development from scratch. Designed and developed whole solutions, and unit tests, built reusable code for future use, optimized the application for maximum speed and scalability, and collaborated with other team members and stakeholders.
Technologies: Swift1, MVP, CoreData, SocketIO, Cocoa Pods, MapKit, WatchKit, KVO.