Martin C. Expert Rust/Solidity Smart Contract Blockchain Developer
-As a senior Programmer and Blockchain developer, with over 6 years of development, I am an expert in NFT Website, NFT Art Generation, and NFT Marketplace, Solidity, Web3, EVM based network chains, Custom smart contracts, ERC20/721, ERC1155, NFTs, IDO's, Bridges Block explorers, UI Web3 Dapps Integration, IPFS.
- Smart Contract Development (Solidity/ Rust/ Anchor Framework/ Cosmwasm)
- Cardano smart contract by utilizing CosmWasm smart contract by utilizing Rust CosmWasm.
- Solanasmartcontractimprovement(Unittest,Solana-program-library,Solana-web3,Raydiumtradeandorca)by utilizing Rust and Anchor system.
- Polkadot Relay Chain using Substrate in Rust programming.
- Smart contract advancement in networks (Ethereum, BSC, Matic/Polygon) by utilizing Solidity.
- Uniswap V2, V3, Curve (Yearn, Convex), Sushiswap, Quickswap, etc.
- Written smart contracts for ERC20, ERC223, ERC721, ERC1155, ICOs, airdrop, Vesting, MultiSig, Wallet, etc
- DeFi, Dex protocols
- Front-end development with Smart contract integration by utilizing Web3, truffle. React (Redux/Thunk/Saga), Typescript, Node js.
- NFT minting website andNFT marketplace development(Create a listing by admin, flat&Crypto payment,Bundle Sale/ Bulk Transfers, Drop)
NFT Game Marketplace Web Developer, TokenMinds
07/2021-02/2022 Singapore
- Nft marketplace web frontend code in React js, Javascript, Node js
- Created NFT marketplace smart contract with ERC721 and ERC 1155 in Solidity
- Royalty functionality on sell time
- NFT mint function and sell custom token
- Trust and Metamask wallet integration
- Admin panel for managing NFT related all work
- Artwork and Metadata generation from layer images.
- NFT minting website integration in Web3 js
- Testnet, Devnet, Mainnet to Ethereum or Polygon network
Web3 Engineer, Smart Contract, PRIVI, Full Time Contract
05/2020 - 03/2021 Germany
- NFT token development by using ERC-721 | ERC-1155 token
- NFT token presale website development based on React.js and Web3.
- Manage the thousands of NFT assets by using IPFS and AWS s3.
- Developed small NFT marketplace provides powerful filtering.
- Deployed on the web3 and maintain smart contract andwebsite.
- Developed whole Defi website and smart contract (Defi protocol: 0X)
- Smart Contract development by using Rust on Solana network
- Implement NFT staking pool on the Defi website.
- Migrate the smart contract from Ethereum to Polygon.
Full Stack Web Developer,, Full Time
- Worked on React JS Virtual Dom and React views, rendering using components which contains additional components called custom HTML tags .
- Developed an application to onboard New ERP Customers.
- Used React JS for templating for faster compilation and developing reusable components .
- Used React-Autocomplete for creating google maps location search on the webpage.
- Used Angular 2 as the development framework to build a single-page application.
- Created various Angular 2 components, DOM, expressions, templates, data binding, etc.
- Worked on enhancing CMS Application
- Deployed the application on Pivot cloud foundry using .net build packs.
- Developed the CI/CD pipeline using team city and octopus.
- Developed the micro services for e-commerce application using ASP.Net core.
- Unit testing the code using MOQ and N unit testing framework.
- Used Dell BOOMI, an inbound connector to retrieve data from one source.
- Experienced in working with Tools like SOUP UI, Web API, WCF, Fiddler, Postman, and Web test page.
- Worked on Setup environments in Cloud in Dell BOOMI and Created Custom Mapping in Dell BOOMI for B2B PO’s.
Smart Contract & Defi Protocol Engineer, CoinFantasy
06/2019 - 05/2020
- Built the OptyFi Protocol
- Built the DeFi adapter like the bridge that allows our vaults to invest in a protocol for executing's network of strategies.
- All EVM compatible blockchain networks (Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Avalanche, Xdai, Fantom,etc)
- Solidity, Rust, Cosmos/cosmwasm, Terra
- Uniswap V2, V3, Curve (Yearn, Convex), Sushiswap, Quickswap, etc.
- Openzeppline, Upgradable proxy smart contracts
- Solidity, Hardhat, Truffle, Web3 library for smart contract development, unit-test, deployment and verification, Dapp development
- Written smart contracts for ERC20, ERC223, ERC721, ICOs, airdrop, Vesting, MultiSig, Wallet, etc
- DeFi, Dex protocols
Frontend & AWS Backend developer, Dev.Pro
09/2018 - 05/2019
- WorkedwithReact|Typescript|RoR.BuildingnewfeaturesandrefactoringlegacycodeforAutomatingfieldinspectionmanagement app.
- Hooks, Context API's
- Redux, webpack, Material UI, Bootstrap 4, Single Pageapplications
- Redux and Saga integration
- JavaScript, Typescript, React.js, Redux.js, HTML, CSS, scss, styled-components, Webpack
- Material UI, Chakra UI, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap
- Data Visualisation in any library of your choice. (D3.js, Google Charts, HighCharts, Charts etc)
- Writed AWS Lambda functions and integrate with AWS other services like AWS S3, DynamoDB, API Gateway, SQS, SNS, SES, Cognito, RDS and Alexa.
- Migrated existing MEAN stack(MongoDB, Express Js, Angular, Node Js) applications to serverless architecture.
- Debug and fix issues in your AWS Lambdafunctions.
Frontend Engineer, Tarmac.IO
09/2017 - 03/2018
- WorkingwithReact|Typescript|RoR.BuildingnewfeaturesandrefactoringlegacycodeforAutomatingfieldinspectionmanagement app.
- Hooks, Context API's
- Redux, webpack, Material UI, Bootstrap 4, Single Pageapplications
- Redux and Saga integration
- JavaScript, Typescript, React.js, Redux.js, HTML, CSS, scss, styled-components, Webpack
- Material UI, Chakra UI, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap
- Data Visualisation in any library of your choice. (D3.js, Google Charts, HighCharts, Charts etc)
NFT Marketplace, Solidity, Web3 Developer
01/2021 - 03/2022 Freelancer
With 6+ years of experience in Metaverse NFTs game project, NFT Website, NFT Art Generation, and NFT Marketplace, Solidity, Web3, EVMbasednetwork chains, CustomSmartcontracts, ERC20/721, ERC115, NFTs ,ICO's, IDO's,BridgesBlockexplorers,UIWeb3Dapps Integration, IPFS.
Here are the tokens I deployed.
Here is my NFT Staking projects.
Crytocurrency NFT BlockchainDeveloper
04/2018 - 11/2019 Freelancer
- Smart contract development in networks (Ethereum, BSC, Matic/Polygon, Cardano) by using Solidity
- Front-end development interactive with smart contract by using Web3, truffle, React(Redux / Thunk / Saga), Angular, and Vue
- NFT minting website and NFT marketplace development (Create a listing by admin, flat & Crypto payment, Bundle Sale/ Bulk Transfers, Drop)
NFT Marketplaces:
Bachelor of Computer Science (BCompSc), Computer engineering
Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos
04/2008 - 10/2012