Anton Z. Java Software Engineer

Back-End Web


- More than 8 years of experience in developing applications using Java
- Excellent knowledge of OOP, Good knowledge of Microservices
- Certificated Java and AWS Expert
- Upper-Intermediate English
- Available ASAP (Has planned vacation on 23.12.2022 - 7.01.2023)


Java Engineer, SRE Agent

Feb 2022 - Nov 2022

Description: The project is a dedicated Java agent that is attached implicitly or on-demand to the numerous apps in the customer's internal cloud. The agent is doing source code instrumentations. Work comprises the development and maintaining the agent along with the data pipeline and storage infrastructure.


  • Developing the source code instrumentation Java agent;
  • improving data collectors and storage infrastructure;
  • troubleshooting agent's interoperability with different technologies;
  • building data topology maps.

Technologies: Kotlin, Ktor, Koin, Byte Buddy, Gradle, Jenkins, GCP BigQuery


Java Engineer, Kafka Connect as a Service

Jun 2021 - Feb 2022

Description: This is a managed service that facilitates the configuration and deployment of Kafka Connect connectors to the customer's internal cloud. The service is targeted for the internal teams to leverage the other managed services, such as Managed Kafka and Kubernetes.


  • Developing the framework for easy deployment of Kafka Connect connectors;
  • developing the satellite API to manage the deployed connectors;
  • documenting the solution/API/best practices;
  • supporting the onboarding of new customers;
  • all-around troubleshooting including on-call rotation.

Technologies: Kafka, Kafka Connect, Spring (MVC/Boot), GCP (GCS, BigQuery), Docker, Kubernetes


Java Engineer, Enterprise Integration Platform

Aug 2020 - Jun 2021

Description: Integration Platform is a set of independent services that act as an intermediate layer between various components of the customer architecture. Each service was developed and deployed independently to the OpenShift container platform (later Kubernetes). Some of the services expose their APIs via self-hosted WSO2 API Gateway. Services may connect such systems as Kafka, Salesforce, or a database.


  • Creating and maintaining the services to connect different components;
  • writing unit and integration tests with mocking;
  • writing Jenkins pipelines for deploying the services and APIs;
  • migrating from Openshift to AWS EKS;
  • writing Confluence documentation.

Technologies: Java 8/11, Spring Framework, Apache Camel, JUnit, Maven, Jenkins, WSO2, Openshift, Kubernetes


Java Engineer, TUI

Description: TUI is the world’s leading tourism group. TUI application allows customers to select, book and manage various tour packages operated by multiple providers. The part of the application that is being developed is dedicated to Terms and Conditions automated management: managing and applying different fees on booking amendment or cancellation events. The application is to be used by travel agents and consists of a convenient UI and cloud-based backend for Terms and Conditions setting and use.


  • Development of AWS Lambda functions that operate on AWS infrastructure and deliver business logic. 
  • Development of UI/UX solution (frontend) with Vue.js framework.
  • Writing unit tests.
  • Deployment of the multiple services to AWS via Terraform.
  • Brainstorming user stories, splitting tasks into subtasks, discussing UI/UX enhancements, etc.

Technologies: Java11, Maven, Gradle, Guice, AWS (Lambda, SQS, SNS, VPC, DynamoDB), Vue.js, Typescript, Terraform, Gitlab CI/CD, Microservices


Java Engineer, LinkFact

Description: The application aims to consolidate information in the form of graphs (or, in other words, maps), in which each node corresponds to a unit of information. It has elements of a social network, but an interaction between users is built around the contents of the graphs. The application allows storing the uploaded documents on Graphs and referencing any public resource on the web. The site is intended both for personal use (by creating private graphs) and for the collective exchange of information (public graphs). Users are any people who want to organize information or knowledge base and share it with others.


  • Supporting multiple feature-oriented microservices.
  • Creating and developing new microservices with JHipster.
  • Ongoing server-side quality control by means of the unit and integration testing.
  • Designing REST API tailored to Angular-based front end.
  • Communication with customers and technical business analyses.
  • Database/Elasticsearch development and optimization.

Technologies: Java 11, Microservices, JHipster, Spring 5 Stack, Hibernate, Spring Cloud (Zuul, Hystrix, Feign), Kafka, Elasticsearch, Gradle, Liquibase, Docker, Angular.


Java Engineer, AIMS

Description: It is an Integrated Manufacturing System that serves as a web portal for employees and administrators who can inspect, record, and get insights out of production-related information. The system incorporates the data from SAP Netweaver (ERP) and Process Control Systems (IoT-like controllers) installed directly in manufacturing facilities. Web interfaces provide tools to observe the different process indicators and compute reports, which demonstrate their advantage in future planning.


  • extending the existing features to support new physical facilities;
  • fixing bugs on the backend and front end;
  • setting up an automatic build;
  • facilitating the routine database interaction with stored procedures;
  • meetings with business users.

Technologies: Java 8, Spring (IoC, MVC, JDBC), Jetty, MS SQL Server, Kerberos, Maven, Docker-Compose, SAP Java, ExtJS.


Java Engineer, Brokerage

Description: A powerful highload tool that gives brokers from trading agencies the ability to trade equities on private exchanges as well as on integrated public exchanges. The system manages clients’ assets and “opens the door” for them to open trading sessions. The application supports three levels of access with base features for simple users and strong capabilities of management for empowered brokers.


  • developing new features and bug fixing;
  • writing Unit tests;
  • integration with public exchanges;
  • complicated user flow implementation;
  • participating in meetings with clients.

Technologies: Java 11, Spring stack + Microservices, PostgreSQL, Redis, Rabbit MQ, TCP, WebSocket, Maven, JMeter, Docker, Google Cloud


Java Engineer, NDA

Description: It is an online system that creates an overview of your company's overall quality management, including your documents, employee skills, equipment, the status of tasks, suppliers, etc.

With it is easy to observe and comply with statutory inspections, keep employees up to date, and manage the company's trends and processes.

The application has powerful access control capabilities and provides some insight into resource usage statistics. It also facilitates internal process management as well as individual asset evaluation.


  • developing new features;
  • writing Unit tests;
  • participating in brainstorms;
  • bug fixing.

Technologies: Java 8, Spring stack, PostgreSQL, Hibernate, Amazon S3, Flyway, QueryDSL, Maven, React JS


Java Engineer, Schema Compare Framework

Description: The aim of the project is to provide a tool for comparing two databases (or schemas). The result of the framework algorithm is a set of DDL statements to be applied to the target database to make its structure identical to the source. The tool is able to work with Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.


  • Developing the algorithm to discover and eliminate mismatches between two schemas.;
  • Developing the multithreaded and efficient testing system;
  • Integrating the framework with existing database migration application;
  • Bug fixing and code modularity and cleanliness improvements.

Technologies: Java 8, JDBC, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JavaFX, Mockito, JUnit


Java Engineer, Migration cost estimation framework

Description: The aim of the project is to provide a web application that discovers information about the client's on-premises infrastructure and estimates the costs of moving it to the client. The details of infrastructure parts are collected by means of a variety of services.


  • Developing and improving REST API as an entry point to the framework;
  • Establishing communication with external estimation service;
  • Collaborating with frontend developers to improve API and resolve connectivity issues;
  • Designing unit and integration tests that cover API and business logic parts;
  • Bug fixing and code modularity and cleanliness improvements.

Technologies: Java 8, Spring Framework, Spring MVC/Data/Security/Boot/Test, REST, JUnit, Mockito, IzPack, Maven


The Kharkiv National University Of Radioelectronics, Master of Computer Science

2010 - 2015