Tatiana D. Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Web


- Experience in developing web applications using JavaScript (Node.js, React.js).
- Solid understanding and knowledge of object-oriented approach, software engineering principles, and concepts.
- Knowledge in development of design and development of relational databases, creation stored procedures and triggers.
- Good logical thinking and team player.
- Communicative, responsible, hardworking, result-oriented.
- Upper-Intermediate English.
- Availability starting from ASAP

Work Experience

Full-stack development

Duration: November 2022 - Present
Summary: The application is a social network a bit like Instagram and implements a microservice architecture.
Responsibilities: 1. Creating RESTful api 2. Development of microservice architecture 3. Configuration of using DynamoDB and PostgreSQL services 4. Deploying with serverless 5. Creating front-end
Technologies: JavaScript, Typescript, React.js, Redux, Node.js, NestJS, PostgreSQL DB, Prisma ORM, Rest API, Serverless, AWS DynamoD, AWS Lambda, AWS S3 Bucket, AWS API Gateway, HTML5, CSS3, Less/Scss, Next.js, Express.js, GraphQL, WebSocket, Docker, Kubernetes, Jest, OOP, SOLID, MongoDB, MySQL, Sequelize, TypeORM, AWS EC2

Full-stack development, Volunteer Hub

Duration: July 2022 - November 2022
Summary: KraudDonate is a volunteer project to optimize fundraising and help volunteers find and deliver necessary things to people who need them. It also helps to minimize the risk of money fraud by verifying volunteers and make people sure that their money will be spent as intended.
Responsibilities: 1. Creating RESTful api 2. Developing the structure of database 3. Deployment and creating K8s configs 4. Development of client logic and improvement of user experience 5. Development and optimization of the service for the administrator 6. Creating front-end for main service and chat 7. Writing unit and integration tests
Technologies: JavaScript, Typescript, Node.js, NestJS, PostgreSQL DB, Prisma ORM, Rest API, AWS S3 Bucket, AWS EC2 Instance, Html, CSS, SCSS, React, React Context, Kubernetes, WebSocket

Full-stack development

Duration: August 2021 - July 2022
Summary: Chat service for gaming platform.
Responsibilities: 1. Creating main chat functionality 2. Optimizing sharing information processes 3. Deployment and configuring Kubernetes 4. Writing unit and integration tests 5. Creating front-end
Technologies: Typescript, WebSocket, Redis, PostgreSQL, Prisma ORM, AWS S3 Bucket, Docker, Kubernetes, React.js, Mobx

Back-end development

Duration: December 2020 - August 2021
Summary: Project is a web-site for foodmakers where they can sell their food and of course others can buy it.
Responsibilities: 1. Creating RESTful api 2. Implementation authorization flow 3. Deployment 4. Writing unit and integration tests
Technologies: Typescript, Node.js, Nest.js, WebSocket, MySQL, Prisma ORM, Rest API, AWS EC2, AWS S3 Bucket, AWS API Gateway, Docker, Kubernetes


Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University