Eugene K. .NET Software Engineer

Full Stack Web (6.5 yr.)


- Experienced software engineer with 6 years of experience in full-stack development, specializing in creating qualitative web applications.
- Utilizing diverse technologies, including C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET WebAPI, React, Redux, React Native, and various Azure services, showcasing a strong technical skill set.
- Has 2+ years of experience working on high-load projects like complex public transport monitoring and scheduling system and graduate helper start-up
- Has experience in successfully transitioning from Node.js to .NET and working with different microservices written in PHP and other languages.
- Familiar with cloud technologies such as Azure DevOps, Azure Functions, AWS Lambda, AWS S3, and Firebase.
- Experienced in database management systems, including MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Azure Cosmos DB, and AWS DynamoDB.
- Knowledgeable in DevOps practices using Docker and Kubernetes.
- Upper-Intermediate English

Work Experience


02.2023 – 11.2023

Description: The system provides real-time information about public transport movement. The system provided operators with full control over public transport in real-time and static data for all consumers. The system has a web and mobile application integrated with public transport stop information tables. Users are able to plan their journey using various types of public transport

The architecture of the system is optimized for high-load scenarios, ensuring robust performance even during peak usage periods with several thousands of simultaneous requests. Microservices contribute to the scalability of the system, Azure App Services and Azure Key Vault are leveraged to efficiently manage high volumes of data and user requests. Docker and K8s were used to perform automated scaling and load balancing to endure high loads. CDN was used to reduce response latency by performing static content caching, smart routing, and horizontal scalability.

The system undergoes rigorous testing using tools like Apache JMeter to simulate high-load conditions and ensure its resilience under heavy traffic, especially during peak load (e.g., in the morning when thousands of people go to work and in the evening when people go back home, on the weekends when people plan their journeys using public transport and sharing).


  • Full-stack development;
  • New features development;
  • Creating front-end/mobile components;
  • New features implementation in the mobile application; 
  • Supporting and bug fixing to reduce possible risks of unpredicted code behavior;
  • Responsive UI development; 
  • Load testing to make sure that the application faces all the customer requirements for application’s stability and durability; 
  • Code refactoring;
  • Taking part in development estimates, sprint planning, backlog refinement, and daily meetings in Scrum workflow; 
  • Unit, integration, and E2E testing; 
  • Code review;

Technologies: C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET WebAPI, REST API, React, Redux, React Native, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Axios, Azure DevOps, Azure App Services, Azure Key Vault, Azure App Insights, Microservices, Node.js, Firebase, Apache JMeter, Postman, Git, BitBucket



06.2021 – 02.2023

Description: System for builders, customers, and suppliers with financial and loan services. The project provides functionality to manage customers, send invoices, and take loans. Also, service providers have the ability to generate a lot of reports


  • Full-stack development;
  • Rewriting microservices from Node.js to .NET;
  • Microservices development from scratch;
  • Creating front-end components;
  • Taking part in development estimates, sprint planning, backlog refinement, and daily meetings in Scrum workflow;
  • Database management: design, migrations, query time optimizations;
  • Unit, integration, and load testing; 
  • Code review; 
  • Creation of documentation for developed services;

Technologies: C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET Web API, Microservices, Fluent Validation, Node.js, JWT, Serverless Framework, AutoMapper, xUnit, Moq, Shouldly, Git, GitLab, AWS Lambda, AWS PostgreSQL, AWS Step Functions, AWS DynamoDB, AWS SQS, Docker, Kubernetes, HTML, CSS, React, Redux, JavaScript, TypeScript, Material UI



01.2021 – 06.2021

Description: The main goal of the project was to ease the insurance process for businesses with step by step creation of applications for customers’ businesses online. My team's goal was to implement proof of concept (PoC), where the idea was to create a system for a definite insurance agent to approve or refuse an application request bound to him. He could send the requests into the archive to finish them in the future if such a need is met


  • Front-end development;
  • Integration with back-end API;
  • Development of the responsive UI;
  • Supporting and bug fixing to reduce possible risks of unpredicted code behavior;
  • Daily meetings, backlog refinement, sprint planning, and task estimation in Scrum workflow; 
  • Reviewing PRs;

Technologies: C#, .NET Core, MS SQL Server, ASP.NET WebAPI, REST API, Swagger, Auth0, Postman, Git, GitHub, React, Styled Components, Redux, JavaScript, Typescript, Axios, Okta, Azure Key Vault



02.2020 – 01.2021

Description: A start-up project aimed at school graduates who have not decided on their future profession to help choose a university. Help in the search for tutors, courses, online courses, webinars, and video lessons related to admission to a university

For handling high loads (tens of thousands and up to one hundred thousand, especially 2-3 months before school exams and right after them) there were used multiple approaches were: microservices architecture for ease of scalability, Azure Web App, Azure functions for automatic scaling depending on the load, Cosmos DB and Apache Cassandra for horizontal scalability and efficient data distribution across multiple nodes for handling large volumes of concurrent requests, CQRS for optimized read and write operations, Apache JMeter for load testing.


  • Full-stack development;
  • RESTful API Development;
  • Participating in processes tuned on the project; 
  • Reviewing PRs to meet required code quality and readability;
  • Setup CI/CD pipelines;
  • Performance analysis & improvements to reduce the application’s processing time;
  • Adding login functionality via Okta;
  • Unit and integration testing; 
  • Load testing to make sure that application faces all the customer requirements for application’s stability;
  • Integration of Twilio service for notifications; Working according to Scrum methodology;

Technologies: C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebAPI, REST API, Swagger, Entity Framework, PHP, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, MediatR, CQRS, FluentValidation, Okta, Microservices, Git, GitHub, Azure Web App, Azure DevOps, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Functions, Apache Cassandra, React, JavaScript, TypeScript, Redux, WebRTC, Twilio, Serilog, Apache JMeter, xUnit, Moq, Shouldly



04.2018 – 02.2020

Description: Module for big systems, which can emulate a factory. Calculations a lot of data related to turnover, profit and losses, and other economic indicators. Helps to cut down business expenses and creates forecasts for possible factory loads for each quarter


  • Full-stack development;
  • Creating front-end components;
  • Calculations of economic indicators; 
  • RESTful API Development;
  • Supporting and bug fixing to reduce possible risks of unpredicted code behavior;
  • Unit and integration testing to make sure that application modules and logic work as expected in any scenarios;
  • Setup CI/CD pipelines;
  • Adding login functionality via Auth0;
  • Refactoring code;
  • Cross-review;
  • Working according to Scrum methodology;
  • Integration of the Datadog for cloud systems analysis

Technologies: C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebAPI, REST API, Swagger, Entity Framework, Auth0, MS SQL Server, MongoDB, MediatR, CQRS, RabbitMQ, Serilog, Git, GitLab, HTML, CSS, React, Redux, JavaScript, TypeScript, Styled Components, Datadog, Microsoft Orleans, AWS Lambda, AWS S3, AWS Secrets Manager, Docker, Kubernetes, xUnit, Moq



03.2017 – 04.2018

Description: Solution for warehouses and industrial facilities. Developing algorithms for vehicles for moving in the warehouse and other buildings. It makes it possible for workers to track down vehicle locations and send requests for loading or unloading these vehicles. Also workers could set their own routes for vehicles


  • Full-stack development;
  • Developing new features;
  • Supporting and bug fixing to reduce possible risks of unpredicted code behavior;
  • Communicating with other team members and teams;
  • Refactoring code to reduce the amount of legacy code and improve application stability and readability;
  • Setup CI/CD pipelines;
  • Adding login functionality via Auth0;
  • Unit and integration testing to make sure that application modules and logic work as expected in any scenarios;
  • Load testing to make sure that the application faces all the customer requirements for application’s stability;
  • Cross-review;

Technologies: C#, .NET Framework, ASP.NET WebAPI, REST API, Swagger, ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, Auth0, MVC, Microsoft SQL Server, MassTransit, RabbitMQ, MQTT, Apache JMeter, Razor Pages, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, Docker, Kubernetes, NUnit, Moq


  • Computer Science and Software Engineering